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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. ...or if that captain is already on the squad.
  2. This is a very loaded question. Skill, technical understanding, some pretty gross math and algorithms, 3D modeling, texturing...all of this comes together to play into it. The easiest way to answer 'What does it take?'... 5 years and a team of four dedicated artists.
  3. For the record I am a Mac user and hate the natural way Apple feels it should be. Because of this I tick that preference box off and go back to the old style. I can totally see your point. It's just hard to accept such change when you've been trained to think the opposite for so many years.
  4. I have not personally checked this one out for the moment, so can't say. My experience thus far has been airline operating manuals and the Mike Ray book.
  5. But on a Mac it's a "natural" feeling. There are no labels on a trackpad. Arrows labeled down and up would play tricks on my brain as well if they did opposite of what my brain is trained an arrow means. I expect a down arrow to mean it moves the page DOWN...lower. Towards the bottom of the screen. Same concept goes for up!
  6. Great book, and we highly recommend.
  7. The 737 code far outweighs it. By a lot.
  8. Yes, we have this covered and do find bugs by going about things in the non-conventional airliner pilot way.
  9. Sounds like an X-Plane weather re-load to me. Not a SkyMaxx Pro thing, but something to be solved by the new Real Weather Connector.
  10. @kielsf4 I don't think that's what Tom is referring to. There's no wonder about why people are/have asked. The recent closed thread about a release timeline shows perfectly what Tom means. People will receive an answer they may not like (as in, no release time to announce) and go nutty in following posts trying to tell how it should be. It's the sense of entitlement from that point forward where "bitching" comes in. In the end, IXEG and X-Aviation are in a business. Money comes from that, and that results in two things that should be obvious to folks that somehow isn't: 1. We want this out more than you guys do. 5 years is a long time of devotion, and we want to see the reward. 2. We owe it to our customers to put out a product that does not fail, and to earn thier trust by doing so. Exchanging money is a funny thing, and taking it for something not yet finished is really unacceptable. Rushing it out the door is going to do us more harm than good. From OUR side of the fence, it's frustrating to see folks react in the manner which some have. Definitely not all (or near it), but enough to flare some frustration.
  11. I'll let Frank respond for the most part, but given that graphics card my initial thoughts are this is an issue of drivers or simply being close to the brink of VRAM exhaustion.
  12. Wow, that's funky... What is the video card you have installed on this machine? Can you attach the log.txt file located in your X-Plane folder?
  13. With all due respect, we have been extremely communicative with everyone throughout these entire threads (over 1,800 posts worth). The fact you are honing in on something to do with a release date is sensibly shortsighted. It most certainly is in the context of how this thread was initiated. Having been in this market since 2008, and running a full fledged business in that time surrounding around the X-Plane market only, we're doing just fine and you're really not in a position to make such suggestions. This entire team has dedicated a rather insane amount of time attempting to bring a big product to market. Respect can go both ways, sir. I suggest you consider that when you interpret and write. You are getting offended over statements that don't align with what you want to hear. You want a release date, we don't have one to offer. Respect the answer and move along. This isn't a venue for you to prance in here pushing people around and playing "whoa is me" when you get responded to in kind. If you want to be treated with respect, then come in here and treat those you want respect FROM with respect. This topic has had its time, and there's really nothing more productive that can be said at this point besides a downward spiral. Topic closed.
  14. My response was in no way rude. You are interpreting it that way. It is your prerogative to not choose to purchase this product, and we respect your decision not to should you come to that conclusion over silly banter on when a release time will be had. Either way, enjoy your flights in X-Plane, no matter the aircraft you choose to do them in!
  15. Truthful response; poor only because you don't personally like the answer.
  16. Seems you're referencing a support ticket which was already closed and dealt with, which I think you replied to after the fact months later. Please submit a new ticket.
  17. Did you mean to title this Pilot Exam instead of Plot Exam?
  18. The perception of speed is simply a byproduct of billboards. That wasn't the intention Laminar had in mind. There's nothing wrong with thin clouds. It just gives a perception of more speed. We have no plans to make a bunch of changes here. Compared to the real world, we are close to on-point. I've had plenty of time in commercial airliners in the cockpit and do not find SkyMaxx Pro v3 far from reality in this regard. On the contrary, the video provided in a prior post is quite far from reality from anything I have ever experienced (and let me tell you, San Francisco is a pretty cloudy/foggy place on a regular basis in the real world).
  19. The 'Work in Progress' section is precisely for keeping you in the loop.
  20. It'll be released when it's ready. We won't be giving further release info for the time being. Considering this project is 5+ years, even 5 months is close when you take it into context.
  21. Given the angle of the sun is higher than the camera and it's evening, I believe the lighting from this angle to be quite accurate. The angle hit by the sun is and would be expected to be lighter.
  22. Frank took the following pictures to show off Real Weather Connector with version 3.1 of SkyMaxx Pro. We're really excited to get this out to you guys! Enjoy!
  23. Cameron

    X-Crafts Releases v1.1 Update for E175

    X-Crafts has released a big update for their Embraer 175 product. This brings the product up to version 1.1, and the changes in this update include: E175 v1.1 changelog:- Ground equipment and pushback options are now restored after landing (more details below)- The winglets can now be changed through a plugin menu- There are now 12 liveries included in the package and 21 additional liveries available here - total of 33 Liveries- More details and dirt added to all liveries included in the package - SASL updated to version 2.4 - Engine start sounds fixed- Cockpit windows are fixed (the glass of the windows wasn't moving)- New avionics sounds- New chrono clock- Reverse now works separately with hardware throttle- Clicking spots on the MFD are all bigger now - very easy to click on all the buttons- Vertical ILS diamonds fixed- CRS indicator in PFD is now working- GPU can now be turned on and off on the overhead panel- ATHR can only be engaged after takeoff- Cursor changed when changing the range in MAP Options menu. (TIP: You can also change the range directly from the range indicator in the map!)- windshield was shiny in the middle- VOR bearing pointer added to the NAV map- Alitalia livery has many added details- Flap sounds inside are too loud- Updated xfmc and xchecklist config files- Fans were rotating in the wrong direction- The lights on the new winglets also illuminate the surroundings now- Big misplaced nav lights on winglets corrected- Artifitial horizon was showing wrong values- N E S W highlighted on the FMS- The little black line on the EFIS horizon is gone FMS changes:1. Corrected ability to override warning that a flight plan .fms file exists when selecting a filename to use when saving the current route. 2. Corrected coding that does not properly detect and reject waypoint misplacement if the waypoint is an NDB, and a VOR with the same NAVID is found before the plugin finds the correct NDB waypoint. 3. Corrected display of the FLT PLAN page when no waypoints have been loaded. 4. Added ability to read tail.txt files, placed in livery folders, allowing the RADIO 1 page to display the actual tail number for the aircraft depicted in the livery. The maximum number of characters that can currently be displayed is eight (8). (Default is ERJ-175). More info regarding the plugin changes:1. Added X-Plane plugin menu item that will allow the user to select the type of winglets that are to be used. This persists from X-Plane session to session by use of config file. If the config file is not found at first, one is created and the default winglets are used. 2. Ground equipment and pushback options are now restored following a flight, subject to the following conditions: a. The aircraft has flown, detected by reaching an altitude AGL of at least 100 feet. b. Ground speed is zero. c. The parking brake has been set.
  24. They don't work if they're not complete. What is your point? The final say and bottom line here is we are going to be asking people for their money. In return we are going to offer them an experience worth their money. Selling people a half baked systems product is not acceptable and has been done too many times already in the marketplace. We get one shot at giving an initial impression and it won't be for you to decide the scope of version 1.0. Sorry, but that's just how it is. Being too anxious and jumpy to get a product out the door like you're going for is exactly what has diminished trust for some other developers in the market.
  25. It's not easy to understand what you're asking here, but I think you're asking if you will be able to select between EIS and rolling gauges? The answer to that would be 'yes'.
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