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Everything posted by CDNCAVOK

  1. Hello, I am wondering why I can't simulate an engine failure by using X-Plane's Instructor Operating Station? I vaguely recall on the Livestream that question. Am I doing something wrong or is it because the TBM 900 requires it's own failure protocol which will be added to a later date? Thanks!
  2. The Hotstart TBM relies on the X-Plane G1000 and not the real life G1000. There are missing options in the X-Plane G1000 so reading that manual is your first stop. Did you check this out? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnOUxBdM2m4 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF-kBdBgoWU It may not contain all the information you are seeking.
  3. https://youtu.be/8J5dSxlzaSQ
  4. https://youtu.be/vtxPcykUUMY


    I see ty


    Hello, Hello in understanding where Terramax should sit in the scenery_packs.ini File? what category is it? L=======ibrary, Overlay Scenery?. Thank you! If it is a Library, does it have to sit on top of other Libraries or below them or there is no difference. Than you! How should be the priority in scenery_pack.ini? The order and thus the priority in the ‘scenery_packs.ini’ (you find it in ‘custom scenery’ folder) from top to bottom should be as follows (from local to global): 1. own and custom airports 2. original airports (Aerosoft…, Global Airports …) 3. additional regional sceneries (VFR-Addons like VFR-Objects, …) 4. additional continental w2xp sceneries (if installed) (for outside Europe e.g. VFR-Landmarks, VFR-Aerials, Forests…) 5. w2xp sceneries (if installed) (X-EUROPE, w2xp_America…) 6. libraries (OpenSceneryX, FF_Library…) 7. overlay photo sceneries (if installed, you don’t need it for X-EUROPE) (yOrtho4XP_Overlays if you are using Ortho4XP sceneries) 8. photo sceneries (if installed) (generated with G2XPL Ortho4XP…) 9. mesh files (if installed) (HD Scenery Mesh v4) Note that HD mesh files work only when there is no photo scenery active in this region, as photo sceneries have their own mesh, derived from standard x-plane dsf or from hd scenery mesh.
  7. Love it!
  8. Thanks! That would be the dream. Buy a TBM and do relief work with it:)
  9. I am an inactive pilot, but when I was flying (as per the video on my youtube channel) , I never have any problems, even close to maximum demonstrated crosswinds keeping whatever single engine prop bird lined up. The problem is that X-Plane exaggerates the forces such as torque, slipstream, crosswind, p-factor and those forces all change as you accelerate and your control inputs change instinctively as you look straight down the runway to keep the nose lined up. The changes are not linear so it is real tough to gauge in XP. Having said this, I have an old Saitek Aviator joystick with rudder twist which simply cannot cut the mustard! My takeoffs are horrible! Single engine planes oscillate left and right, I am looking forward for the VKB products to show up on Amazon.ca before buying the joystick and rudder pedals. Asides having good hardware, anticipating the changes in forces are the only way to try to stay lined up which is no easy task!
  10. This also happend to me when assigning the parking break to my pos 1 and Pos 2 knob on my old Saitek Aviator joystick which is seriously due to be retired! The switch is somehow defective causing the parking break alert in mid flight. I am waiting for Vkb to sell their joystick and pedals on Amazon.ca sice shipping is too expensive from the X-Plane.org store plus the exchange rate is killing me, and I do not trust USPS lol!
  11. http://forums.x-pilot.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=25131 Twice after about 30 mins of flight I get a CTD. The last one happend when popping out the PFD and resizing it. V 1.1 was stable but like others I unfortunately upgraded it. Log in the link above
  12. I second that when resizing the PFD and/or MFD Log.txt


    I am also getting a CTD with V1.1.1 but only when resizing the MFD or PFD. For some reason they no longer pop out zoomed in as before, instead they popup smaller than the initial size when inside the dash. Log.txt
  14. Cool, If I join can I also transfer my real world hours + my LFBT-EGPK leg since I jus flew it lol! https://youtu.be/8J5dSxlzaSQ
  15. You can use Sim Brief and/or the https://pohperformance.com/TBM/ to help you with all your TBM performance needs. It even gives you climb gradient information. I still use an E6B however to convert % Climb gradient to ft/nm and rate of climb ft/min like I do in the real world (not in a TBM)
  16. I kind of like Hot Shot lol! Goran here is a little tribute music video I made tonight for my first leg after picking up my TBM at Tarbes (LFBT-EGPK) https://youtu.be/8J5dSxlzaSQ
  17. https://youtu.be/8J5dSxlzaSQ My first leg with a brief music video. The EGPK to BIRK is boring so I will make a full video on the BIRK to BGSF. The Loc NDB approach is pretty challenging and loads of fun I get the approach plates from https://www.autorouter.aero/login
  18. Lol that is the controller and pedals I want to order, since it is impossible for me to t/o straight with my old Saitek Aviator Joystick with lousy rudder twist control!
  19. I also use Sim Brief along with TBM performance app, just make sure that when you add your TBM 900 Airframe that you tweak the Weight and balance BEW, Ramp weight etc. to reflect that of the HotStart TBM, same goes for the TBM Performance app. Also Sim Brief assumes a Cruise Climb of 170 knots to cruise altitude, not the best rate of climb of 124 knots
  20. Yes I wrote to the author after ironing some bugs. Just so you know the airport database comes from http://ourairports.com/ For instance the TBM performance app was recommending a landing on rwy 06 at BIRK which used to exist but is closed, so I went into the database and corrected it. I love this app/website
  21. Also do not start your engine with the exhaust covers! $600k in damages if you forget!
  22. Hello, I tried the attached procedure when starting the plane at BGSF at -20, and ITT blew past 850 and I immediately cu the fuel w/o damaging the engine. I am guessing this is not modelled since preheating the engine is not moddled, so I guess we start the engine normally?
  23. Hello Cameron, Why did you lock the first Terramax thread? We were all expecting for it to stay open until the problem showed "resolved". I also issued an official support ticket. Thank you
  24. Sweet! I still use an old Saitek AV8R-01! It Is just awful to try to control any single engine prop aircraft!
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