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Everything posted by stolowski

  1. I had a CTD while still on the ground, when hovering over refuelling prompt; I think I might have opened CL650 pull-down menu at the same time, but not sure. Log attached, not sure if it's useful. Log.txt
  2. You need to select appropriate aircraft variant when choosing the aircraft in XP, there are 4 variants included in the SR22 package, choose one of the two with DFC90 in the name.
  3. Pointing this issue feels almost like nitpicking with this superb aircraft, but I'm sure you are aiming at perfection , so: the CLIMB and CRUISE checklists have duplicated entries (bottom half of each is a copy of previous items); I haven't checked other checklists. Excellent aircraft and worthy upgrade for the initial G1000 version!
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  4. stolowski


    No I didn't.
  5. I'd just like to emphasize that this was reproducible only when switching cloud types and hitting "Apply", and in OpenGL. I don't know if Vulkan was affected.
  6. Yes (it's in the title of my report), I purchased SMPv5 last Saturday, so after that version was released, and my download was 5.0.6 already.
  7. stolowski


    I'm sorry for the silly question, but... judging from SR20 changelog AviTab appears to be supported, but for the life of me, I cannot find a way to have it displayed in the cockpit (of course AviTab in a separate window works). Is there a clickspot anywhere to enable it in SR20? Thanks
  8. I'm experiencing a weird glitch whenever I switch between volumetric and old-style clouds in the cumulus settings menu: most clouds appear as black rectangles. I can reproduce it every time after reastarting XP and changing this cloud setting. The same issue was recored by Q8Pilot in his SMPv5 review here: https://youtu.be/coCjJadP774?t=1706 (at 28:25 and 32:34). X-Plane would also occasionally crash when turning volumetric on/off (followed by Apply), I think that CTD issue has a separate forum thread already. Attaching a screenshot as well as my XP graphics settings. I've 32GB RAM and NVidia GTX 1080 with 8GB VRAM (I thought I had Vulkan ON, but it appears it is with OpenGL, it didn't register switching to Vulkan due to a later crash when changing volumetric on/off). Attached Log.txt is from a session where black rectangles were visible after turning volumetric cumulus clouds off (no CTD this time). Log.txt
  9. WebFMC dev here. This is a single instance where we call XPLMDebugString() from a background thread during early startup. No other calls to XP API are made from threads ever. If this log access was ever an issue, I'm sure we would have known already after ~3 years of the plugin existence (plus, it would crash very early, even before aircraft is loaded). Anyway, since Laminar's guidance on threading-safety is pretty clear, I'll eliminate this case in the next update of WebFMC, to be on the safe side. Anyway, I'm glad the issue has apparently been resolved. And the cockpit with 2 FMC displays looks absolutely gorgeous
  10. Same problem. I picked stable Gizmo and running XP 11.41; also restarted X-Plane but that didn't help.
  11. Same here, Windows 10.
  12. stolowski


    @skiselkovI think no plugins, including TBM, should install global signal/error (SIGSEGV?) handlers and expect them to work in a reliable manner, it goes beyond any promises made by X-Plane SDK, and is generally true for any software where plugins (dynamic libraries) are used to extend base functionality. I think this crash report from clean XP installation proves it - it can very well be X-Plane itself resetting the handler for whatever reason. By the way, XP generates crash reports for Visual Studio in Output/crashreports directory, I wonder if they could be useful if TBM plugins were compiled with debug symbols?
  13. Restoring flights or saving/loading situations in X-Plane rarely works with 3rd party planes, if at all. Planes enhanced by plugins and having custom simulations of various systems (such as this one) have a lot of internal state that's simply not saved by X-Plane, so cannot be restored. For that reasons a few planes (A319 by ToLiss, A320 by FlightFactor) have custom Save/Load functionality that completely bypasses X-Plane's 'Resume...', and you access them via their own custom menus. So, in short, you shouldn't use Resume/Load/Save of XP with 3rd party planes, as bad things may happen.
  14. I don't know about this manual. What I meant is the PDF manual distributed by X-Aviation, with the model. You can find it in <X-PlaneDir>/Aircraft/X-Aviation/TBM900/Documents or something like that (not sure and don't have XP at hand to check).
  15. For 1 & 2 you check the manual distributed with the aircraft, it's explained there.
  16. I know developers have their hands full with more pressing issues right now, but would be great to make sure this report isn't pushed further down and get forgotten. Any confirmation these issues have been noted?
  17. Do you guys set your rudder trim for takeoff to counter the force of propeller? It's described in the pdf manual.
  18. I've provided complete Log.txt in my original crash report (quoted above). Unfortunately no stacktrace was generated on crash, only the metar error as last message in the log.
  19. Could be the same problem I reported a few moments earlier (NIGHT function probably unrelated) -
  20. I've configured access to autorouter.aero and opened a chart for EPBY (one of the STAR charts). Then pressed NIGHT mode for the chart and XP11 crashed. Attaching log file and metar.xml mentioned in the log. TBM v1.0.1. Log.txt metar.xml
  21. Is there a list of 3rd party designers who oficially confirmed support for TerraMaxx? I know of Zurich airport makers, are there any others?
  22. I'm slightly confused by this, I was under the impression that TerraMaxx works with default scenery out of the box, with no need for any tinkering, and only 3rd party airports that use non-default buildings or grass textures need to be customized? It all sounds very complicated...
  23. UrbanMaxx V3 for TerraMaxx - http://maxx-xp.com/urbanmaxx-v3-tm
  24. I guarantee you will not find green trees in the winter season in Europe . It's all boring and greyish in real life, so perhaps it's not a bad idea to have bare trees after all?
  25. I know it's probably crazy and will never happen, but... what if IXEG made a small portion of their code open-source? Just a portion that makes it possible for volunteers to enhance/modify select systems while keeping the rest closed/encrypted and under the control of their DRM? I'm sure it wouldn't take long before the missing functionality is completed in a form of a "mod" if only people are given the tools.
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