Let me start of by saying I am immensely enjoying flying this beauty. Best add-on for XP yet, hands down. Hopefully the quirks I'm bringing out are not too nitpicky and I'm sure you have quick answers for most of the questions. And I apologize for the errors in my knowledge.
The CDU "guides" the pilot through various CDU pages. Following Mike Ray's book and various other Boeing simulations these pages should be IDENT - POS INIT - RTE 1 - PERF INIT - N1 LIMIT - TAKEOFF. The reality in the sim is somewhat different, taking us through IDENT - POS INIT - RTE - TAKEOFF, where we can take a step back to PERF INIT. Furthermore the steps are different moving back and forth. Is there something I'm missing, or will the CDU be modified later on?
I also don't get a PRE-FLIGHT COMPLETE message. Is this something that will be implemented in the future, possibly with the ability to update FMC position?
On my last flight I noticed unpressurised aircraft showing cabin pressure 0 at KPHX at 1100 something feet. Is this normal or is there a bug?
Trans altitude sometimes shows default value of 5000, sometimes 18000, both occurring in USA. Is it dependent on navdata? I am using navigraph.
Last, admittedly very picky request - would it be possible to also sync stby altimeter to last used value, as primary instruments remember your last flight. Might be a limitation but could make things that little bit more immersive. I apologize once more if these questions have been addressed or are simply a fruit of my ignorance. Congrats for superb work and THANK YOU!