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Everything posted by captain_alligator

  1. It appears that Navigation & Radios >>> Autopilot >>> Autopilot take-off go-around seems to work fine for TOGA in this aircraft
  2. Imagine sitting in the real aircraft with a rectanglar cardboard frame the size of your monitor, at the distance your monitor is from your face right now. Now imagine how much would fit inside that rectangle. That's your realistic FOV, i.e. things appear at real size and real perspective. If you want the vision a real pilot has, you'll need a VR headset and even then I suspect even the best headset won't fully cover your peripheral vision.
  3. I am very glad you didn't , for the simple reason that if every developer did that, we would end up with a very bad situation for customers. My data+charts subscription to Navigraph is expensive enough already without having to fund an Aerosoft data subscription as well. I would also hate to see one of them having a monopoly as I don't think that would benefit anyone in the long run - higher prices, slower updates etc could easily be the result of not having competition in the market.
  4. I remember getting ready to board a flight, the staff announced that the plane (an A319) was so empty that some of the few passengers would have to be moved to balance it up! I don't think some of them were very happy as they had frequent flyer status with the airline and weren't used to sitting behind the wing with riffraff like me. My heart bled for them... serves them right for booking all the window seats in the first few rows!
  5. It helps if you install real world route information into PFPX - there are some available to download from forums and they have a tool to generate them from the real world information available from air traffic services like NATS - but it's a bit of a tedious job. If you let PFPX figure out the route it doesn't always do a great job.
  6. Sounds like it's finally XP11 upgrade time then. First of all though, I think it's RAM upgrade time for my PC because the 8Gb I have at the moment only just makes the minimum system requirements for XP11, and doesn't come close to the recommended system (16-24Gb or more)... So much for a "free upgrade", IXEG!!!
  7. This morning I looked into it and found XSB 1.3.3 is in beta release - so I installed it, did a flight and it ran perfectly. The new OBJ8 format CSLs look good and there was none of the usual diabolical frame rate drop when approaching an airport with several other aircraft on the ground. XSB is improving in leaps and bounds now.
  8. I have a notice on top of my monitor at work saying "DO NOT TOUCH MY SCREEN!" and still people insist on poking their grubby fingers into it Seriously, it's good to see some action from IXEG again, the v1.1 for XP10 is a useful update and the XP11 version looks great. Can't wait for it because that'll be the excuse I need to go and buy 32Gb of fast RAM and a copy of XP11...
  9. I wish someone would release a generic pushback tool based on the FlyJSim "ghost plane" idea. It's absolute genius - it lets you see where the plane will end up after the pushback, and it lets you experience the push-back from the flight deck (more importantly, it lets you start the engines during the pushback). If it was too difficult to draw a silhouette of the actual plane, then a simple arrow showing the position and direction of the nose wheel would still do the job.
  10. I suspect you might be right, especially as PMDG have said not to expect their 747 V3 in X-Plane in the forseeable future. It clears the way for someone else to put serious resource into developing a 744 for X-Plane. Please, IXEG, get there before anyone else does...
  11. There is a facility in X-Plane to fix problems with navaids, but like most things in X-Plane 10 the user interface is not exactly user friendly. Location --> Local Map Check the "Edit" checkbox in the top right of the screen Select the offending ILS (remember the localiser is located at the far end of the runway as you approach to land) and use the controls in the bottom left of the screen to nudge the position and/or the direction of the localiser. It helps if you respawn the aircraft on the runway concerned, as X-Plane will then place the aircraft exactly on the centreline of the runway. Then you can zoom in and nudge the controls to bring the localiser centre line into alignment with the aircraft silhouette. IIRC, you don't need to hit any button to confirm - the changes are live immediately in the simulator as soon as you exit the local map screen. However, X-Plane will ask whether or not you want to save the updated data when you exit the sim - so you can feel free to experiment with this, and you can always abandon your edits if you make a complete hash of it. Also please be aware a few airports have offset localisers - please check the approach chart before editing! LOWI is a good example, the initial approach from the east tracks the localiser on 255 degrees, but the runway itself is at 258 degrees. Whilst it is easy to fix the alignment of a normal localiser using the actual runway as your reference, an offset localiser is more difficult to fix (and more difficult to see any problem in the first place). Here is a video of someone editing the LOWI localiser (although he actually calls it the glideslope, which doesn't exactly instil confidence). I am fairy sure he is doing something badly wrong here, which is why I put the video at the end of my post. The charts I have for LOWI say you should track this localiser inbound at 255 degrees, but here it seems the localiser is set to 256.89 degrees in X-Plane. However, rather than adjusting the localiser heading to 255 (which may not be correct but would at least have had some logic to it), he instead moves the position of the localiser south until the centre line crosses the centre of the threshold of RWY26. Sorted! Anyway, with that disclaimer out of the way, here's the video... at least it does demonstrate how easy it is to edit navaids...
  12. Another related question for IXEG - have you considered how individual users will migrate from XP10 to XP11? I mean, in terms of activating the 737 in XP11 if the same serial number was already activated in XP10 on the same machine.
  13. At LEBL they use the parallel runway (07L/25R) for landings and occasionally a few takeoffs. That one, 07R/25L, is usually just for takeoffs. But then, of course, you shot that video on a day when there was a NOTAM saying 07L/25R was closed for repairs!. I'll get my anorak... Actually I'm not a total anorak, I go there quite a lot with work, so I've learned the way the airport operates. My flight back is usually delayed so when I'm not getting drunk on Voll Damm beer I do sometimes watch what's going on outside. But you can only watch so many A320's arrive before you lose the will to live and head for the bar, again.
  14. Two flights in a row, I have found VNAV trying to maintain airspeed in KTS near the top of climb, which it can't do - the set speed is higher than the barber pole and it ends up stuck one or two thousand feet below cruise altitude, trying and failing to gain speed. I actually only noticed it because I'd stopped climbing. On the second occasion, it definately had switched to Mach (0.73 I think) during the climb, then at some point close to TOC it had reverted back to KTS. To fix the problem during flight, I selected LVL CHG, switch to Mach, dialled it down to something sensible, then re-engaged VNAV. Screenshots and log files attached. GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
  15. Let's hope 1.08 is on the way within a day or two and that it'll be able to hotfix a broken installation of 1.07, i.e. without a full reinstallation of the aircraft.
  16. Probably copying bad habits from videos on Youtube!
  17. Hi there, I found a weird bug today when cruising in speed control mode at M0.74 (I didn't have VNAV because I hadn't punched in the STAR at this point). I opened up the preferences window, adjusted the sound volume, and closed the menu again. A short while later I got the stall warning, the MCP speed had changed itself to 01. This was reproducible - every time I opened the preferences window the MCP speed changed to 01 and I had to drag the setting back up to 74
  18. For me, this setting doesn't work any more in the latest Nvidia drivers. I set it to 1/2 refresh rate and I'm seeing 40fps at times. Also, some stutters especially over dense urban areas like central London, which suggests the threaded optimisation setting (off) is also being ignored. It doesn't matter whether I set it as an application-specific setting for X-Plane, or a global setting, it gets ignored. I am also getting screen tearing in Youtube full screen as well, so I think Nvidia have royally messed up their latest drivers.
  19. I use Navigraph data, and have done maybe half a dozen flights now in the 737 Classic with no problems whatsoever.
  20. Except it's not. Try visiting a real flight simulator and operate the MCP knobs - they don't spin as fast as scroll wheel knobs in FSX. It takes time and sometimes several hand movements to dial in a heading, speed or altitude in the real thing. The other problem with scroll wheel is usually the controls are accelerated. FSX is really bad for this - how much each detent on your mouse moves depends how fast you move. One detent can mean 1 degree of heading change, or it can mean 20 degrees, it depends how fast you flick it. Dialling in a heading is a hit-and-miss affair. On the real thing, 1 detent equals 1 unit of movement. Mouse scroll wheel detents are too far apart to replicate this.
  21. Another useful site is the gateway scenery map. Airports in the current release of XP appear in blue or orange, airports available for download at the gateway appear in red. you can also filter for 3D airports only (i.e. ones with buildings), water runways, helipads, etc. It's reassuring to see the number of blobs on the map when you apply the 3D filter now - and Germany is absolutely covered thanks to Jan and his friend. Vielen dank! http://x-plane.cleverest.eu/
  22. Sorry, I was searching for information in X-IVAP and stumbled across this thread - Why not buy a cheap USB headset and use that? One good thing about XSB is it allows COM1 and COM2 to be independently set to different audio devices. So, I have COM2 on my speakers along with the aircraft sounds, useful for monitoring chatter during cruising, and COM1 on my USB headset which I can turn up and down independently of the speakers. Get a headset with simple in-line volume control and you can set it really quickly and easily while flying. Of course, if you're already using a headset for all your sounds then that idea goes out the window...
  23. Yesterday, Cranfield University were running some engine tests on the retired 737-400 that BA donated to them. Quite an impressive noise when I went for a walk at lunchtime, made a change from the Cessnas buzzing around!
  24. A320 gets my vote. It's such a popular airliner and we don't have a good one for X-Plane. However, I'd also love to see the A380, so far there isn't a good one on any platform. It's been flying in the real world for so long now it's about time somebody tackled it!
  25. Interesting post! I'd like to know what makes the difference between getting 25fps and getting 60fps. I have a core i5-3570K OC'd to 4.2GHz, with a Corsair something-or-other water cooler; 8Gb of 1600MHz RAM; and a fairly recent upgrade to my graphics hardware, a GTX980Ti. I seem to be CPU limited (surprise surprise with a graphics card like that), and in particular roads are a real killer especially flying over dense urban sprawls. London is particularly bad, and it doesn't help matters that I have Aerosoft Heathrow installed. It looks fabulous, among the best I've seen for X-Plane, but with the London metropolis in the background, the frame rates are poor and nothing flies particularly well in or out of EGLL. I can run HD Meshes, or I can run extended DSFs, but not both at the same time or it kills my frames as well. It would be interesting to know what scenery you're running, but the screenshots all look like it's stock X-Plane scenery. CPU rarely is under enough load to spool up my cooler fan, it just feels there is a severe bottleneck somewhere. I wonder what difference faster RAM would make, especially with an already overclocked CPU? I'm thinking my CPU might be struggling to read & write the data fast enough from standard speed RAM. I understand this is not a general X-Plane forum but cracking the frame rate problem and getting X-Plane running well will be critical to enjoying a product like the IXEG 737.
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