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Everything posted by sizziano

  1. An option would be nice, anyways the suspense is killing me. I think I'm just going to go to bed.
  2. That does look pretty awesome. I want one.
  3. Not only is patience a virtue, it saves you money!
  4. Awesome! To be a fly on that wall...
  5. Thanks guys, really appreciate the quick turn around on these updates. Will report back with finding after work.
  6. Funny, the navigraph data will be ready to use before the aerosoft.
  7. That's an entirely different situation.
  8. Why not? It can really enrich the experience.
  9. Ah the XPFW says, good times. Seems like yesterday that I was flying their 767, 747,757 and 737
  10. This is going to be the longest 3-4 days of my life.
  11. A lot had changed in 5 years. Things will change after release. Might be able use the date as some sort of milestone.
  12. Props for realizing your mistake. The main difference between films and games is that you directly control a game so FPS has a direct effect on your ability to control it. Anyways 30 is the "ideal" FPS for XP but I don't mind when it gets higher.
  13. Yes we can, the difference between 30 and 60FPS is very noticeable doing anything that involves camera movement. Of course it is not necessary to have really high FPS in XP as it is in a first person shooter for example.
  14. I would also recommend doing a fresh install of your drivers after cleaning them out. Look up Display Driver Uninstaller and run it in safe mode.
  15. Funny I just started having this issue, I will try and disable Precision X while running XP as well as RTSS. Like you I don't OC my GPU when using XP as it doesn't like it.
  16. Yes, I suggest you peruse some of the topics in this and the other 733 sub-forums as there are quite a few that deal with this very feature.
  17. Good point, single engine taxi is becoming SOP for a lot of operators these days.
  18. Sure, doesn't change what I wrote and that I told him to reread it several times.
  19. I suggest you reread my post to prevent further embarrassment. I was merely posing a hypothetical to show how people will always find ways to complain about a product regardless of what state it ships in.
  20. Again, what makes you think that I believe otherwise. In other words, we are in agreement. I suggest you go back and reread my post.
  21. What makes you think I believe otherwise?
  22. How about instead of asking when it will be released we take the time to study up on the 733? I can guarantee that this plane can be 100% bug free but these forums will still be flooded with people requiring helpnor complaining about one thing or another. I expect all of you impatient souls to be the perfect 733 pilots on release.
  23. While I agree with your overall point why does this matter?
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