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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/2020 in all areas

  1. Ok..another week gone by. 60 more hours of rewrite on the FMS route editing and guess what, we're still easily 95% of the way done Seriously, we are into the more hardcore route editing features now, the really fringe type of data entry patterns...changing your mind "mid transition" selection for example, or selecting a STAR, then approach, going to other pages, then coming back to select another STAR, then TRANS, then swap to a runway with an extension, then shortcut points, etc. Testing earlier in the week had us redesign some other algorithms and we figured we should just power through the work now so it gets done right and we can move on to VNAV without worrying about fragile route editing. With the algorithm structure in place, what remains is simply comprehensive testing/debugging of those algorithms via diverse route entry patterns until the route builds as expected in all cases, for both Navigraph and Aersoft datasets. As soon as that happens, we'll get the patch out. We're working on it daily. -tkyler
    4 points
  2. In a market flooded with simplistic and half baked products the complexity and popularity and "this is all i fly now" opinions of the TBM users says otherwise.
    1 point
  3. Fantastic Ben, that was it. Thank you very much!
    1 point
  4. I'm glad you are able to see the rotating cloud particles. That is certainly one of the fundamental issues. As far as the convergence issues, I *suspect* it has similar roots. I tried to document this in a picture on the last version's release thread while flying over Boston. When flying in foggy conditions, for example, I find the fog (not always, but sometimes) non-continuous, meaning that there is banding such that the fog density increases with distance in steps. Like the "cloud particles" these "bands" rotate with the rotation of my head and more critically, the left and right eyes see these bands in different positions. The way I *think* this leads to what I call a "convergence" issue is that (as shown in my picture), you might have a building that appears in the left eye as shrouded in a dense layer of fog, but because of the rotating density banding, the right eye might simultaneously be seeing the building much more clearly (for example, if I paused the simulator and then blinked my eyes back and forth, left to right, I could see the building as alternately in the fog and out of the fog). Thus, even if the parallax of the building is correct, the competing fog density differences in right vs left eyes make the brain cry foul and makes it nearly impossible to focus.
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.0


    For those pesky Pocket Rocket screens that seem to never stay clean I present you with "No Smudges!" Guaranteed to leave your glass displays as clean as shimmering mermaid. Installation: This download contains new G1000 smudgeless textures. It removes the fingerprints, hand oil and dust from the G1000 screens. Backup your G1kscreenalph.png & G1kscreenalph_NML.png which are located inside your Pocket Rocket's object folder... Once you have those two files saved somewhere else drag and drop the two replacement textures from the zip into the aircraft's object folder and overwrite the old files If it asks you.
    1 point
  6. Pathetic... I purchased the TBM 900 about a month ago and have tried many times to get this P.O.S. going. It's a beginner's nightmare. I have many other planes from many different sources. When I purchase a new plane I 'check' the "Start with engines running" option in X-Plane, just to see how everything works. Never had a problem, except with the TBM 900. I doesn't like this 'engines running' options. So I tried unchecking this option, hoping for a Cold and Dark Start. No luck... when the unit starts up.. the power is on to everything and I have: CAUTION: The engine has accumulated fuel residue.... If I press the red X to get rid of the caution... the engine starts on fire! I even tried the tutorial visdeo... it continues with the engine on fire! There's only 3 things I want... #1 - Checking the 'Start with engines running' option only means one thing... everything's good. - all I have to do is release the parking brake and go. (this is what any beginner would expect) #2 - If the 'Start with engines running' check is NOT checked.... - a "FRESH" Cold & Dark state is expected... everytime without fail NOTE the word FRESH (without residual things like cautions, fires, flat tires, etc. etc.) #3 - When I press "Fix all Failures in X-Plane" I expect all failures to be FIXED.
    -1 points
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