A year ago, a friend bought his son (now 14) a copy of the IXEG. Before, his son was not in a life place to desire/enjoy the 737 but has recently become interested in Aviation and flight simulation. Is he undedicated because he purchased within the last year? There are 'new' flight sim enthusiasts every day. They do not deserve to be called undedicated.
For the rest of you folks who understand economics and the software dev cycle....and value your time / work and also respect the value/time of others work, I thank you and appreciate you. I know there's a of you out there.
This update is intended to be a foundation from which to continue improvements on the IXEG. XP12 broke a lot of stuff and "band-aids" weren't going to get it done. Towards that end, some answers to recurring questions..which will be regurgitated elsewhere at release.
Operational functionality is the same as V11 currently. (i.e. no change to FMS) Last 9 months were spent in 'repair' of areas broken in V12 and getting back to baseline.
Plan going forward is to focus on 4 areas (in no particular order).
FMOD sounds
New 3D exterior.
Mac ARM suppport
The above items will take a while. We'll begin work on this immediately, indeed already in process.
Any cargo, 400/500 variants takes a back seat to the items above, if at all. Minimal demand.
Unsure the time frame for ARM support. I myself deal with this and run Rosetta currently.
we understand many MAC users may not find this acceptable until ARM support. We're on it.
A new 3D exterior will be provided one day. When so, the old liveries won't work; however, folks can still use the old 3D exterior if desired.
Again, I thank those who understand the economics!