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  1. a haitian airline called sunrise, used to fly on the 737-300 when they had it before too rutaca (venezuelan) airlines
    2 points
  2. not very likely no. The cockpit texture, being the center of attention and in view for the majority of the time was optimized quite well for 96 DPI monitors IMO and still looks good......assuming a reasonable camera distance from surfaces. Also, since we did this work way back when, before Substance Painter was a thing...it'd be a massive undertaking to try that. Of course if you put the camera quite close to a surface, there will be 'jaggies', but philosophically, I'm not in that camp. I'd rather optimize performance for the 95% use case (pilot-ish viewpoint +/-) rather than the 5% use case (peruse 3D closeup under a microscope after buying). -tk
    2 points
  3. you and me both. Still working on it every day (except weekends...really need my mental breaks)....there's just tons of little details to tend to, especially with lighting control and tweaks. I just finished swapping out all the old exterior lighting with the new V12 lighting yesteday, so that's the latest thing I worked on. Still moving down the punchlist. -tk
    1 point
  4. Good eye~ I was just updating the lighting a few minutes ago and caught this little floating dude. He gone!
    1 point
  5. Tom and I met at FSExpo last weekend and planned the final steps we need to take before release.
    1 point
  6. I'm campaigning for this to Laminar.....the ability to exclude light sources from reflective surfaces...but as of this moment, I don't believe we can. I'll squeeze in a quick report here also. Just completed all the interior cabin texturing....at least 99.5% of it....and now I'm working on the lighting for the rear galley. Lighting for cabin/front galley already done. Next week some time I'll begin the final punchlist items list and we'll start looking to wrap things up to package for release...that's not an overnight step, lots of checks have to be made, but we're definitely coming to the end of this V12 port + process. I'm going to start calling this the "V12 compatibility patch + (plus)"....becuase its exactly that. A port of the existing V11 functionality to V12, PLUS a few extra 3D stuffs thrown in. I want to make sure people understand this isn't some "V2" with all new 3D throughout, revised FMS/VNAV etc.....that work comes after this release...this is to get folks flying the 733 in V12. Here's a update screenshot of the new cabin/rear galley....the works that's been going on the last 4 weeks. -tkyler
    1 point
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