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  1. Just reviewing all my notes for MU2 work and revisiting this thread. I've definitely gotten deeper into imgui given the IXEG work in progress (see screenshot) and will revisit these implementations you have provided to assess them for inclusion into a more feature-rich GUI. I'm keeping in the custom gyration for the near term though until I can look at the new pax/weight balance stuff and see how I might could work with that in a more refined GUI. I'm still a little bit wary of X-Plane's default rotational intertias. -tkyler
    1 point
  2. Thx @Bulva Will fix this. Looks as though (best I can tell from SPZ docs)...is the wheel is only effective when the AP is engaged also. This is somewhat in contrast to the idea of using the pitch wheel to set a pitch target without the AP engaged. (such as before takeoff, which I used to do a lot)...but engaging the AP after takeoff defaults to pitch mode anyhow so maybe this make sense as you just fly to your stable pitch desired and engage. I'll start there pending any other clarifications. At the least, I won't turn on the AP by moving the pitch wheel. -tkyler
    1 point
  3. @BulvaWhat were your flap settings? You can't silence the horn with flaps deflected > 5º -tk
    1 point
  4. I hope it happens this year... I miss the TBM
    1 point
  5. Did you read anything that was said above in the initial announcement? Anyone who purchased the product from the date the product page was updated will receive the upgrade for free. That promise has not been broken. We made ZERO announcements about a free update to existing customers anywhere. We did publish on the product page clearly made for new customers they would get a free update for X-Plane 12. There was a reason for that, and this is not uncommon in the software industry when products are in transition. A product page is an advertisement for potential customers. And, we are holding up that promise as was outlined in the announcement. A product page is not a means of communication to existing customers. We communicate by e-mail and forum announcements to existing customers, and always have. You're stretching things here.
    1 point
  6. There'll be a small delay in the timing of our update report that I wanted to get out by tomorrow......typical unseen life logistics eating up a couple of days...but things are moving along really well and steady and we're excited to give the update. -tkyler
    1 point
  7. I mean I'm already invested in whatever variants of the 737 Classic y'all come out with haha; I think most of the IXEG users will wait however long you'd need to get the 735 made. I've been missing the 734/735 from my fleet since the Wilco 737 PIC days. But I'm just one dude with a affinity for your 733 lol. Thanks for the response!
    1 point
  8. I also think it's only fair that Tom does more than his fair share of work on other X-Plane projects behind the scenes too. Hats off to you.
    1 point
  9. A freighter version for the -400 has potential because the workload to produce that is "relatively" light. The -500, being a shorter variant would require a much more laborious effort to change both the 3D and the flight model, being geometrically disparate...and the return on investment in that, I believe, probably would not justify the efforts. While I think a freighter variant would appeal to a statistically smaller set of customer use cases, I recognize that there is still a place for it...and so I do want to do a -400 freighter at some point. ..and yes, I'm still working on the 733 every day...my carpel tunnel and "tennis elbow" remind me constantly. I think I can safely say at this point that we'll definitely put out a more informative report this week on whats going on with the development. -tkyler
    1 point
  10. Really, Cameron ?... This screenshot should refresh your memory... @jfwharton is right. It is written : "X-Plane 12 update will be free" What about the other "Free" updates ?... How many will they cost ?! Now, we know what your word is worth. And we can judge a person by his word. You have $$ in the eyes ; that's the real and only viable path (your path) ! Customers ? It's secondary, you don't care.
    -1 points
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