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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2022 in all areas

  1. Yes! Fantastic document I cross-checked the table during the flight I described above.
    1 point
  2. Hi Jan, thank you for the clarification, the "wavy" descent however was flown by using LVH CHG, but doesn´t matter, I think I got the whole thing now way more clear in my mind! Gonna keep up trying and flying! (Danke!) Daniel Hi Jan, thank you for the clarification, the "wavy" descent however was flown by using LVH CHG, but doesn´t matter, I think I got the whole thing now way more clear in my mind! Gonna keep up trying and flying! (Danke!) Daniel
    1 point
  3. Hi Daniel, I did not check your calculation step by step, but it sounds about right. Naturally if you change your remaining distance to the airport you also need to change your angle of descent - the best way to do that is using FL CHG mode. VNAV will have a hard time regaining the path - as it descend steep to get back onto the path, it will overspeed and then pitch up - that is the "wavy" descent that you observe. VNAV descent will ONLY work well if you fly exactly on the planned path and never get too high - otherwise you need to revert to a more basic mode and do the math in your head (remaining distance x 3.3 is a good approximation). Viele Grüße in den Hunsrück, Jan
    1 point
  4. So finally got this figured out. Originally, I could find no indication or documentation of when the SBY button should be illuminated or extinguished with no other modes active....mostly how do you extinguish the thing at all....so in the interim I tied it to the Flight director..which is of course ON when the other modes are active, which is why the SBY light shows with other modes active (clearly wrong). But the question remained about what powers the thing? i.e. can the SBY light ever be off during normal ops? So it turns out, being part of the SPZ-500 system, it initially illuminates whenever the Radio busses are powered, so its always READY to accept a flight director mode entry. Naturally then, it extinguishes only when the radio busses are powered off or other modes are active. This can be seen in the above video at 8:11 and 8:29, where during rollout, its clearly on (but the AP servos are not)....and when he pulls in to park, its off...but so is the GPS, indicating he flipped off the radio master switches. So during nominal operation, the SBY will always be lit when no other FD mode is active. This will be implemented in the next update patch. -TK
    1 point
  5. There has been some assumptions made about how this is to operate, and documentation on the SBY mode was slim. I've just spoken to some people with an in at Honeywell and we'll get this proper in a future update now that I have a clear understanding of how this mode should work.
    1 point
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