FYI.....because someone will always ask..."Can you please make it so that......"
The possible GPS permutations are too numerous and unwieldy with regards for asset management. For example, if you have a GN530 / GTN650 you want the 530 to be Nav1 because its the bigger screen?.....or the 650 to be Nav 1 because its the fancier piece of equipment? Do you want the 530 on top or on the bottom? If I give folks these options, then things would get out of hand quickly. The possible permutations become:
430_650 combo, 650 on top, nav 1
430_650 combo, 650 on top, nav 2
430_650 combo, 430 on top, nav 1
430_650 combo, 430 on top, nav 2
530_430 combo (current)
530_650 combo, 530 on top, 530 nav 1
530_650 combo, 530 on top, 530 nav 2
530_650 combo, 650 on top, 650 nav 1
530_650 combo, 650 on top, 650 nav 2
750_430 combo, 750 on top, 750 nav 1
750_430 combo, 750 on top, 750 nav 2
750_430 combo, 430 on top, 430 nav 1
750_430 combo, 430 on top, 430 nav 2p
650_750 combo, 750 on top, 750 nav 1
650_750 combo, 750 on top, 750 nav 2
650_750 combo, 650 on top, 650 nav 1
650_750 combo, 650 on top, 650 nav 2
of course some of these combos aren't logical or standard....but you still see the problem? This would be horrendous to handle in Blender and very very high risk of screwing up the exports. So here's what I'll be offering initially... Nav/GPS 1 is always the "bigger screen" and always on top...resulting in the following combos:
530_430 combo, 530 Nav 1, 530 on top (current GNS implementation)
530_650 combo, 530 Nav 1, 530 on top
750_430 combo, 750 Nav 1, 750 on top
750_650 combo, 750 Nav 1, 750 on top.
We'll start there and see what crops up...and if I have to make adjustments based on a majority of users preference, then so be it.