Perhaps the 'nitty gritty' of issues like this (in so far as XP is concerned) is how developers decide to balance their own drive for 'reality' (= "perfection"??) against what purchasers would prefer ('the customer is never wrong", as we say in the UK - though of course in fact, he or she often is: you're just not supposed to tell them so!).
I think in XP, most users want a high level of reality too, but I have in the past taken issue with developers (no names) who are so purist that they seem to ignore that we are all not in a real aircraft, but sitting in front of a computer screen with a keyboard and joystick. Some things (IMHO) transfer less well from real-world to Flight Simulation than others.
But for the purposes of the present thread, no worries - rather than leaving my PC running 24/7 (haha) I will just change my expectations (and checklist - at least for the 733: the Zibo 738 is tweakable, and I suppose I will leave my engine hydraulics off, as is my (bad?) habit).
Or... I might even decide to rationalise all my Boeing cold starts and set things up as per your 733!