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  1. Another great model from the Torquesim team. Job well done.
    3 points
  2. This is a superb rendition of an SR20 and I applaud you. One little annoyance that I have is that the Mixture lever sound file seems to go crazy when I am at the extreme limit of my saitek throttle quadrant. I tried assigning the prop lever to mixture and the same thing happens. The sound is the sound when you either move the lever to the full forward or aft position. It keeps repeating itself. It may just be the Saitek quadrant since it uses potentiometers as its means of control. Otherwise It is a masterpiece. (But so was the SR22)
    1 point
  3. Started a new flight from cold & dark... To confirm: with no joy.cpl window active, the a/c flew exactly as it should, straight as a die. If you ever find out why the 733 does not work with that window active Jan, it'd be good to know the reason, because the X52 could then perhaps be made to work as it does with all my other payware aircraft, opening up the use of all the button options - but if not, no problem: the relief at having found the cause of this issue in one of my very favourite XP planes far outweighs any minor hardware inconvenience! X52 users can just use a different button on their joystick!
    1 point
  4. Perhaps the 'nitty gritty' of issues like this (in so far as XP is concerned) is how developers decide to balance their own drive for 'reality' (= "perfection"??) against what purchasers would prefer ('the customer is never wrong", as we say in the UK - though of course in fact, he or she often is: you're just not supposed to tell them so!). I think in XP, most users want a high level of reality too, but I have in the past taken issue with developers (no names) who are so purist that they seem to ignore that we are all not in a real aircraft, but sitting in front of a computer screen with a keyboard and joystick. Some things (IMHO) transfer less well from real-world to Flight Simulation than others. But for the purposes of the present thread, no worries - rather than leaving my PC running 24/7 (haha) I will just change my expectations (and checklist - at least for the 733: the Zibo 738 is tweakable, and I suppose I will leave my engine hydraulics off, as is my (bad?) habit). Or... I might even decide to rationalise all my Boeing cold starts and set things up as per your 733!
    1 point
  5. Thanks for clearing that up!
    1 point
  6. Yes! That being said - the behaviour you are seeing and describing on the FMC is correct. The cruise flight level in the FMC has to be changed by the pilot. Just dialing in something new on the MCP doesn´t do this (this is no Airbus) - in Classics with the ALT INTV button you can use that one to make the entry, but a lot of the older Classics (and the one we model) don´t have that button. So the correct procedure to do a step climb would be to enter the new cruise flight level on the CRZ page and then select an appropriate vertical mode to climb (or descend) to it. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  7. Torquesim Take Command! SR20 Paint Kit View File Thank you for purchasing our SR20 add-on for X-plane 11. We truly hope you enjoy your decision to support our endeavors. Included is a basic paint kit for the Torquesim Take Command! SR20 with a file for each major photo editing/graphics software. Photoshop, Affinity and Substance Painter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very important. Use the provided Export preset for substance painter. "SR20_ALBEDO_ONLY.spexp" Happy Painting! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Give the Affinity demo a try: I highly recommend this software over Photoshop. A 20+ year Photoshop veteran and I still can't get over how much I truly love Affinity. No subscription and I believe it is a bit more intuitive. Enjoy Submitter Attitude Submitted 11/12/2020 Category General Aviation Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-sr20-p-195 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
    1 point
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