Hi, nice to see that you are working on it and are on the lookout for feedback. But I'm a good user I have already reported all my doubts related to sound/ bugs etc a long time ago, for example here:
Goran was kind enough to respond that missing sounds is a thing you guys want to try to improve in 2.0. Which is fine for 2.0. Obviously, In my prior posts I haven't mentioned the missing engine sounds during replays as this is a well-known thing for the plane. I like engine sounds during replays, all my planes have them, probably not without reason, but it wouldn't be a biggie, if this would be the sole issue.
That's perfectly fine. That's exactly how I see the current status of the plane. Obviously, your warning isn't visible on the store before the purchase, and "small" means different things to different people, so criticism shouldn't be very surprising in this case.
As a general note. Goran has been always helpful and friendly on the forums and I think a lot of his work is just ingenious, but in the end I'm just rating the plane I have on my hard drive and not the developer. The current issues with the plane are significant to me, but of course they might not be to other people, that still immensely enjoy the plane. That's the beauty of having different opinions