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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2019 in all areas

  1. We're working on it. Still a few things to take care of. All moveable parts in the cockpit have been re-animated with new datarefs. Some code still needs to be fixed. Have to run a few tests and check lighting. We're getting there.
    2 points
  2. What I suspect is happening with the rain is that it's overlaying the cursor (somehow) when the rain happens to lay between your viewpoint and the mouse cursor. I'll investigate to see if I can somehow coax the thing to work.
    1 point
  3. Wrong log file. Need the one named log.txt found in the root folder. And only immediately after the crash. Also, for future reference, could you please post any issues you're having in the support section? We always check that one first before going onto General Discussion.
    1 point
  4. I don't believe the second modifier is accurate. Some where in the vast universe, there will still be a life form, that thrives in temperatures near absolute zero, still waiting for the 1.5.2 patch. Alternate theory: "heat death of the universe" means we will get the update when hell freezes over. Tim
    1 point
  5. I have been on the forums for quite some time now, i have never seen those captures. Please attach (do not copy / paste but attach) your xplane log.txt file? it is located on the xplane root folder. I would suggest: 1. Remove all third party plugins from the plugins folder (disabling them via xlplane is not the same than removing them, move them out of plugins folder) 2. Run xplane and try to use the ixeg aircraft 3. close xplane and attach your log.txt file here
    1 point
  6. I've found the source of the issue. We had implemented a workaround for excessive amps draw in XP11.30 and later, however, this wasn't being applied in the wear model. So the wear model still though the alternator was being overloaded. Will be fixed in next update.
    1 point
  7. But MAY... I'm dying to pull her out of the hangar!
    1 point
  8. Lets see how we go 1) Turning it off after takeoff, slowly rotate the setting knob anti-clockwise, then turn off the switch. 2) The auto-coarsen on the A model doesn't actually feather the propeller, just moves it to a minimum drag position. Theoretically if the condition that triggered the auto-coarsen event was to relieve itself, such as a momentary power interruption, the prop will go back to its set position. In order to feather it, the engine failure memory items need to be completed, i.e. power lever flight idle, condition lever fuel off. It's only designed to buy the crew time to deal with it at a safer height, a V1 cut where the prop stays at full fine (max rpm) is lethal if not dealt with immediately. 3) Yes, but safety departments would hunt you down. Always done with the control off a tug, but it is possible providing you don't touch the brakes, the inertia will cause a tail strike. 4) The tiller is connected to the nose wheel, the rudder pedals is connected to just the rudder. Below about 80 kts you won't have enough aerodynamic power from the rudder to turn. 5) You can use brakes, but typically not until reverse has brought the speed below 40kts. So much as breath on the brake pedal above 40 kts with anti-skid inoperative and saab suggests you will blow the main tyres. 6) Don't know, LES version doesn't have that info that I know of, never really looked for it. 7) Max on the ground, take-off and landing, 1230 RPM climb, cruise, descent. 8) Don't know where they are listed in LES stuff, but XP11 engine model was changed not long ago and v1.5.1 has the old XP engine data so half a chance you'll hit temperature limits anyway. Power circa 60-70% Trq / ITT below 850 on the climb/cruise seems to work, Descent, whatever is required to stop the overspeed buzzer annoying the crap out of you....
    1 point
  9. Well after a couple trips with v1.1.9 all is great! Hats off to the Hotstart Team I even like the addition of the GPU rental charge for $50 in keeping with the realism, and I'm even more happy that I'm not paying for my Jet A+Prist every time I fuel for a trip. On second thought, I haven't received my credit card statement for this month....
    1 point
  10. Keep in mind, I looked but couldn't find any instances of a RW TBM ground looping or exiting the runway. Also, from articles about the airplane they never mentioned anything about the airplane being difficult to steer on the runway...no mention about steering at all. The RW airplane has a better safety record than a C172.
    1 point
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