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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2018 in all areas

  1. Well, there is a sharp line between criticism and insults. When someone tells you what you have been working hard on for 7+ years is worth nothing, that is an insult. It is all about choice of words. But as you say, those people who react in this way usually have had a difficult past/life or really bad day.
    4 points
  2. Hehe - at my real job I deal with roughly 800-1000 customers every day, and let me assure you, sometimes the customer is a total idiot . Now to elaborate a bit more in relation to this post: I don´t think that Shobhan Nandy falls into that category. But I think he is victim of false expectations. I think he is really really REALLY fascinated with the details of the FMC and I must say that we did not develop this aircraft to be a training tool for FMC technicians. What does the term "study level" entail? Well, there are different perceptions, but I don´t think that any software exists (and that includes all LEVEL-D simulators) that can truthfully simulate the real aircraft´s behaviour in all circumstances. I am fully aware of our FMC´s shortcoming (although I never even knew the " version, revision and update version no. " of the FMC when I flew the real aircraft). We have placed emphasis on recreating the experience of flying a 737-300 in a realistic, "close to true life", fashion. I don´t even know some of the features that Shobhan is talking about (capture mode? Agility tuning?). We get good feedback on the areas that matter to me as a pilot (flight model, system modeling) and we are planning to work on the FMC some more in the future. I am not happy with the speed of updates myself, but it is what it is, to quote someone I know . Study level? Certainly not for the FMC, I agree. I can´t say if the Zibo mod is better than our aircraft, haven´t tried it myself. Cheers, Jan
    4 points
  3. And most of those we have been very open about. If things go as planned we will have an update ready later this year that will address a lot of VNAV stuff and more. You are off course entitled to your opinion. We have however thousands of very satisfied customers, and the IXEG is one of the most flown aircraft in X-Plane according to Laminar statistics (actually flight time). We have dozens of real 737 pilots flying it and reporting it to be overall the most realistic simulator aircraft they have ever flown! Can it be improved in some areas - off course - and it will be.
    2 points
  4. Just want to congratulate the devs with an absolutely stunning model of the SAAB 340A. It is just so, so fantastically fun to fly! I have a lot of props and turboprops, and the LES SAAB stands out as the benchmark of excellence! Well done!
    1 point
  5. Hardly, especially in the X-Plane world. There are many who are. There are many who are not, and it goes beyond just some opinion. He can have his, and I can have mine. We're humans in the end. Just because there's some saying that exists in the world does not make it true. People tend to become warriors behind a keyboard when they don't have to face you in the flesh, so perhaps that saying works better in a retail space environment, although Jan said how he feels about this saying of yours too. I believe Jan validated some of my points in his own assessment of not even knowing some of the items Shobahn was discussing. I did not tell him he was wrong for having an opinion, I stated I disagreed, and that I felt he had some wrong perceptions. But, on the same token, going around typing nonsense that some code must be non-optimized because he says so IS wrong, and I'll happily point that out. The customer is not always right.
    1 point
  6. To Jan: Thank you for that frank and honest answer!
    1 point
  7. You can grap it here https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/44780-ixeg737-southwest-n654sw-default-update/ best regards Thanks @Morten
    1 point
  8. Well, here is all I want to say about the OP´s post: You are entitled to your opinion. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  9. iGoDispatch will be updated in the next 24 hours. The application is now compatible with the latest version of iOS and iGoConnect plugin, which had to be modified to work with the upcoming desktop application for IXEG's Boeing-733 and address some TCP connection issues. Do not forget to download and install the updated iGoConnect plugin once you upgrade!
    1 point
  10. Which contradicts your statement of appreciation. This product, even in its current state was a 6 year development time. There are numerous version of an FMC and even systems in 737s, so while I won't comment on everything you listed, I will leave it to @Litjan to do that. I could not disagree with you more about the price and value of the product. Jan specifically, as a longtime Captain in the 737 Classic worked tirelessly on the systems simulation, and from the FMC standpoint, crucial/vital parts to what were used in everyday flight were implemented. Accordingly, IXEG was also very candid in what was not simulated, and has always been (albeit, in our eyes non-crucial). VNAV is a debatable topic. I think we'll all agree that it's the sore point that needs to be worked out next for the team. That said, simulation enthusiasts tend to have this dependency on VNAV that is really not so present in the real world. That may be due to the fact we do one-man pilot operations (I'm making up excuses for why a simmer depends on it more that an real world pilot) in our cockpits, but in the real world, VNAV was not such a heavily used item for Jan. I'm sure he'll reply to your other points when he can. It sounded to me like you may have a wrong perception about how certain things are done, irrespective of the FCOM reading you're doing. Jan can further clarify that for you. This is an indication of you likely not knowing anything about "unoptimized programming". It has nothing to do with that at all. In Gizmo's tool tray menu you'll find a Garbage Collector icon. Utilize that and adjust some values to get a more favorable, smooth experience. I'd start with a value of something like 500.
    1 point
  11. Yes, 75 USD is a high price for a virtual aircraft (costing more than the simulator itself), so that puts a certain demand on the quality of the product. I can confirm that as my only XP aircraft, the IXEG 737 creates a jerky movement in the picture which is very noticeable when taxiing and looking out of the captain's window and also outside view of the aircraft. The stutter occurs every 750 ms or so and is not related to overall fps. As for the VNAV functionality, this is of course disappointing that it doesn't work properly given the price tag. So the FMC/FMS needs the biggest overhaul, but reading posts on this forum I know that IXEG are well aware of this. With a lack of proper ATC, VNAV is important, or shall I say convenient, when flying STARs. The OP mentions the 737 Zibo mod, but even in the latest version, I found that VNAV didn't work properly there either. And even PMDG's VNAV fails, albeit rarely. The IXEG 737 looks fabulous, and the flight model is very good. The aerodynamic feel and feedback from the plane is probably unrivalled on the market, especially during landings. All the 737s are quite nimble in handling in real life and I think the IXEG 737 exhibits this as well. I think something in X-Plane v 11.20 didn't go well with the IXEG 737. I've tested the aircraft twice, and both times, it had thrust issues with different power readouts and performance (on my first attempt, the plane nearly swapped ends on the runway due to the difference in thrust between the engines) and difference in N1/N2 performance and fuel consumption. See the attached image for the readouts, this at cruise level.
    -1 points
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