Feature update for you good people. We've implemented the G1000 Emergency Descent Mode. That means no more setting up the simulator and walking away to take a nap. A brief demonstration:
Now the avionics is watching for pilot alertness. The allowable time interval for pilot interaction is altitude dependent, but varies from 20 minutes at 15,000 ft down to around 8 minutes at FL310 (decreasing exponentially, so only about 10 minutes at FL250). If pilot inactivity is detected for the aforementioned period if time (no buttons pushed or knobs actuated on the G1000 avionics), the avionics will start a graduated process of alertness checks:
First it issues an advisory CAS caution + one aural chime:"ARE YOU ALERT?". The pilot has one minute to respond by pushing any button or clearing the caution via the attention getters.
After 1 minute passes and the pilot hasn't responded, the system issues a non-advisory caution saying "HYPOXIA ALERT". Non-advisory CAS cautions different from advisory ones in that the message stays blinking and the yellow "MASTER CAUTION" button stays illuminated. The pilot again has 1 minute to respond.
Final call, the system issues an "AUTO DESCENT" master warning CAS message, illuminates the red MASTER WARNING button and a continuous aural chime is heard.
If the pilot doesn't respond for one more minute, the red "EDM" AFCS mode is annunciated on the PFD, the autopilot preselects 15,000 ft altitude, switches to the FLC pitch mode to initiate a descent and selects maximum airspeed. On descent the engine will over-torque without the pilot making power adjustments, but the torque limiter can hold the engine at 108% safely for several hours, so it's a small price to pay for regaining consciousness.
During descent, the system ignores pilot input. The only way to disable EDM mode at this point is to disengage the autopilot.
Upon leveling off at 15,000 ft, the system resumes monitoring for pilot input for 4 minutes. If during those 4 minutes the pilot touches the avionics, EDM mode is canceled. If not, a second descent to 12,500 ft is initiated after the 4 minute timeout.
The system now ignores pilot input and descends down to 12,500 ft remains there. At this point, the only way to disable EDM mode is to disengage the autopilot.
That's all for now folks!