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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2017 in all areas

  1. Yesterday I was back to where I started this unplanned world tour adventure. Very fun to just plan one leg at the time and explore destinations you would never visit in "normal-mode" simming. And big kudos to IXEG. I had no issues with the aircraft or CTD during this tour. Only a couple of failures, so the QRH had to be used My route ended up like this. ESOK Karlstad EGFF Cardiff BGSF Kangerlussuaq CYYZ Toronto KLAS Las Vegas PHNL Honolulu PKMJ Majuro Atoll AGGH Honiara YSSY Sydney YPDN Darwin WAAA Ujung Pandang-Celebes Island WSSS Singapore VTBS Bangkok VGEG Chittagong VNKT Kathmandu VIDP New Delhi OMDB Dubai OKBK Kuwait City LGSM Samos Island LRSB Sibiu EHRD Rotterdam ESOK Karlstad
    1 point
  2. Hi Andreas, yes, unlike on the Airbus, a lot of stuff hinges on the battery (like the power to the generator breakers), and switching it OFF will leave you with nothing but the hot battery bus (and ground service, if there is a GPU plugged in and the switch is toggled - this is not modeled yet). Onlike Airbus, Boeing relies on their pilots to have a brain and not turn off the battery switch until they have a VERY good reason to do so and understand the consequences ;-) The IRS units have DC backup, but not on the hot-battery bus, so they will die, too. Pressurization should be able to be regained, you need to get the cabin back into parameters first with the Standby or Manual mode, then you can re-engage automatic mode (switch to standy and back). You can re-align the IRS in attitude mode, but the position will be lost - however the GPS will work, so that is not the end of the world. The "huge speed" inthe MCP speed window is definitely a bug, some situation that you guys are getting yourself into that we haven´t tested for... I will try to recreate this myself and then we put some sort of stopgap to the maximum speed. I am a little wary of tinkering with that code too much, Tom and I want to really rip the guts out of VNAV and then sow everything back in neatly in a future update, and this will likely affect many of these quirky speed calculations... Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  3. Im no pilot, so I can't give you the answer how they are using it in the real world. But in this video you can see they are using v/s pretty "heavily". I simply use the mode that are solving what I try to achieve. So for max descend I often use LVL CHG. For a more controlled descend I use V/S. So if ATC says; cross "waypoint" at FL140, you can easily do that with V/S. And I often use V/S to slow down to 240kts before I go below FL100. Which gives a more smooth ride
    1 point
  4. I was a bit excited about this airport. So I did record the flight from just before top of descend. Hope you dont get motion sickness if you watch it
    1 point
  5. as said above this aircraft has no LNAV neither VNAV. -For vertical profile you always use: VS mode (vertical speed), this will set the aircraft pitch fixed to a desired target VS for climbing or descending. Aircraft speeding varies based on thrust setting and altitude. IAS mode (airspeed), this will set the aircraft speeding fixed, and the aircraft pitch will vary to maintain speeding based on thrust set and altitude (climb in this mode please not to stall the aircraft) -For lateral navigation you use NAV mode (unless you wanna fly in HDG mode) You can use old school VOR navigation You may use the GPS for creating a flight plan and follow the magenta. To switch the NAV source (VOR vs GPS) press CDI button on the GPS. Hope this helps! reading the manual will also help to better familiarize yourself on the aircraft systems and capabilities.
    1 point
  6. Version 1.1


    Aeroflot livery from 50s for Lisunov Li-2 which is russian made dc-3
    1 point
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