I've flown it with different FOVs/angles for months now, and have walked around real -300s for SWA in maintenance hangars (not saying this in a bragging way just giving experience). The Winglets aren't correct, and that's just it. Look at all the angles you wish, but I've yet to see it correctly mimick the real object. I know very well that it likely will cause liveries issues (but remember, a pretty decent about of liveries either only have blank winglets, no winglets, or just one solid colour). For the third time, I'm not here to bash, or hate on IXEG and their marvelous product, but this is something thay has bothered me, and everyone else whom I fly with notices it. I respect the work the IXEG team has done, and truly believe it's a good aircraft. If you choose not to (which I'm assuming you likely won't), while I will be most certainly disappointed, I'll continue to be a customer and use it. Regardless, given from experience, looking through hundreds of views, I strongly believe they are incorrect and should at least be revised or looked at sometime in the future (once many other issues are resolved)