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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2017 in all areas

  1. We are still investigating this, but there may have been a last second **** up on our side just before 1.2 went out . We had them working at one point in time just before the update and its not quite clear if we missed a setting or if Laminar changed something. At any rate, we definitely plan to bring reflections back. Jan
    7 points
  2. As Jan suggested, a small mistake was made just prior to release so that the latest cockpit reflections did not make into v 1.2. It will get fixed for the next update, sorry about that. Mo
    3 points
  3. Made this short video this morning using IXEG 737-300, XP11, and XEnviro in my 733 Sim. Any questions feel free to ask. Sure could use a co-pilot! https://youtu.be/vOdekHhpKSA
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Can we achieve that glassy look on PFD and gauges from xp10 or that is not possible in xp11?
    1 point
  6. Standby instruments are not that accurate at those altitudes. So its perferctly normal And the difference on your screenshot is 80ft if i see it correct
    1 point
  7. IXEG policy is to let our real pilots have the final saying in subjective matters like this
    1 point
  8. Hi Tom, no, I don't even use XEnviro. The only two other plugins active at this time where the landing speed rating thing (don't know the exact name) and XACARS. Like I said, the problems did not occur before IXEG 1.2. On the other hand, I was doing an very short flight from EDDL to EDDK at friday and there everything went well. I was not running XACARS there. Greetings, Chris
    1 point
  9. Hi, You are right I read some of these posts, but I'm afraid it's not so simple as many suggest. You can simulate a server down problem by yourself. Steps: - Load x-plane with xEnviro and the default Cessna such as at LOWI - in the xEnviro settings select a weather download intervall of 5 minutes - wait for the first time the weather (clouds) appear to see if xEnviro is active - simulate a server down by pulling your internet cable from your computer - wait at least 30 minutes and see what happens - would be nice to hear from your testresults Ciao and greetings to Bella Italia Tom
    1 point
  10. ..thanks all for the lnformations and Jan for clarification so we can relax
    1 point
  11. Awesome - thanks for the tips mmerelles. Option 1 works nicely for my setup. cheers!
    1 point
  12. Hmm, I will take a look at this when I get home from vacation in two weeks! Thanks for the report, Jan
    1 point
  13. you have 2 options 1. Set up both monitors on xplane renderings. What you did, but you are missing to enable 'lateral fractional offset' for monitor 2 (scroll down on monitor 2 settings), and adjust it accordingly so monitor2 image starts were monitor 1 ends. Play with values 0.50 or 1 or 1.50 or whatever until both monitors form a nice width image you like pro: looks perfect because xplane renders both monitors no distortion at all. cons: performance is a bit lower than using option 2. 2. Set up both monitors via NVIDIA or AMD gaphic drivers on windows to form a one big image. Then go to xplane and set the resolution you use on windows. pro: top performance cons: image looks stretched on the ends of monitor 2
    1 point
  14. Go to the first post. There is a new file for the 1.4.release.
    1 point
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