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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2017 in all areas

  1. To all members of IXEG, thank you very much for your hard and excellent work and for giving us this update for free. That's not to be taken for granted. Greetings from Southern Bavaria Tom
    3 points
  2. Well you probably pushed the TOGA button and thus putting the flight computer into TOGA mode, activating several ap modes as shown at the top of the EADI. As far as I know it will activate HEADING HOLD mode engage TO thrust (later reduced to N1) provide FD pitch cue to maintain MCP speed+15 provide FD lateral cue to maintain heading (or LNAV once engaged) When you drop out of TOGA mode by activating AP CMD your MCP speed dial will be set to you current speed and you'll be put into LVL CHANGE mode (or ALT HOLD if you've already reached the MCP altitude) along with either HDG HOLD or LNAV if you had engaged that. So you don't really need to activate any AP modes if you're happy with the defaults and activate LNAV and VNAV whenever you think is suitable. I usually arm LNAV shortly after takeoff, engage the AP after reaching 1500, and once above 3000 I speed up via the MCP speed bug while cleaning up the aircraft before engaging VNAV. FWIIW: If you perform a manual takeoff (i.e. not use the toga button) pushing the AP CMD button will indeed put you into CWS mode as you expected.
    2 points
  3. Another solution of the pushback in XP11 is to use this brand new and nice animated pushback plugin created by one of the users here (skiselkov) - https://github.com/skiselkov/BetterPushbackC/releases Here is a video demonstration of a pushback of 737 v1.2 with this plugin:
    2 points
  4. Your simulator is having 9 fps (frames per second), this means there is no simulation. I think your problem is your hardware is collapsed and the simulation is not happening. See the picture attached, those numbers rounded in red MUST BE always +20fps at least. Please reduce all your renderings to minimum to confirm you always get +20 fps and see if airspeed issue is solved. Then you can start tuning your rendering to the best for your HW. If performance issue does not cure the problem, you may try removing temporarily the plugins that have the potential to interfere the aircraft systems. D:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/HSAIRXPL-Win-64.xpl D:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/XPUIPC D:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/Xsaitekpanels
    1 point
  5. You've de-rated the engines that's why it's saying R-<Whatever>
    1 point
  6. Cockpit door yes, you can go cockpit to cabin and vicebersa. Cargo doors work as well Cabin doors not yet
    1 point
  7. Simply a safety addition. If there is a lot of wind, chances are it may get gusty/turbulent near the ground (buildings,trees,etc.). More speed also enhances controllability, provides more stall margin/better energy reserve for a go-around and lessens WCA. Jan
    1 point
  8. Hi Hammer Go in Preferences in IXEG Menu and uncheck the option Draw Vortices.
    1 point
  9. One thing I don't understand is that how come when installing the XP11 version using the installer, and having given the path for XP11 install folder, the installer removes also the XP10 version (in a separate XP10 installation same computer) for which I didn't give the path and would have liked to keep a copy in case of an issue with v1.2...
    1 point
  10. I love a man who pays attention. What a guy!
    1 point
  11. Added some 20 more liveries to the list. Almost 400 liveries now, this must be a new X-plane record!!
    1 point
  12. New version is up 0.111- Changed the "Chance of failure" to a MTBF logic.- Added a new setting, Failure Severity. 1 = Minor failures, 2 = Minor and Major failures, 3 Minor, Major and Critical failures.
    1 point
  13. You could also implement some kind of failure level. Maybe 1,2,3 where 3 triggers the badass failures. 1 triggers the "light" ones and 2 the "medium" ones. This ensures that the user can finish his flight when chosing the lower levels. Sometimes you want to reach your scheduled location :-)
    1 point
  14. Hi Jan, Navigraph would be pleased to offer such data (Transition Alt and Transition Level ) if IXEG would like to make use of it. Cheers Ian (Navigraph Development Team Member)
    1 point
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