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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2016 in all areas

  1. Updated to v1.0.2 Flight model updated by Xamir Updated for X-Plane 10.51 Fixed transparent textures in cockpit Fixed ADF sensitivity Fixed smoke position Fixed beta range light and behaviour Fixed ITT instrument Fixed TRQ instrument Fixed Isolation valve light Fixed Beta range light Fixed magnetic compass You can download from: http://x-plane.hu/L-410/ Enjoy!
    2 points
  2. We actually did this in the v3 run with our beta test group. We thought it would be an excellent idea, but the feedback we received indicated otherwise, thus it never made it into retail.
    1 point
  3. Ben has done so much donating in his 10 years of time with me it's not even funny. The dude is more of a class act than you may realize. SMP2 was $0. Free. The guy that got banned from Blue Sky Star in this thread joins a very small list of people banned in the last eight years. If we censored his post would be gone..it's not. But, his type of behavior is repeated from a few months ago. It was time to administrate and not moderate this time.
    1 point
  4. As a "sales guy" I'm certain you have had days where "that customer" comes in. Pissed off and angry right from the word go for no real reason except that they want to complain. You sir, are that person for me today. As a "sales guy" the only reason you put up with that customers bullshit is because your boss will fire you if you tell them they're being an asshole. One of the few benefits of working for myself is that I no longer have to put up with bullshit from assholes like you. I can call it as it is.
    -1 points
  5. To make this aircraft perfect, there must be WINGFLEX. And dont tell me that aircraft is small. and it is not so importent. To feel the plane , the wind it is very nice. You can leave everything like it is, but wingflex must be. And it will be the masterpiece of IXEG.
    -2 points
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