Hey Guys! This is my first post here. I'm a long time listener first time caller kinda guy ;^) but I feel compelled to chime in as I am certain I represent the majority of people excited about this plane. The silent majority - thousands of us! Those who check this page, or have subscribed to a YouTube page, or just wait for an announcement - basically those of us who are very familiar with high-end modern day flightsim addons and their development path. I've seen these topics get out of hand. To the degree that developers don't even show snippets of their work in development any longer. And where's the fun in that? Over in DCS world, we've been waiting for an F-18 Hornet for possibly longer than we've been waiting for this 737-300! Other DCS developers have stopped even announcing. Look at PMDG, you catch word of a product, and then not a peep.... for years. Let's not go down that road. I am worried that IXEG will stop showing previews, that we'll stop seeing screenshots. Personally it makes my day when I see some new screeny from these guys... or a video. Let's all ensure we keep it that way! Respect the devs, keep it positive, stay stoked! And be content in what is already the best flight-simulation technology to grace the home PC (and Mac) to date . Len