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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2015 in all areas

  1. I wish I could. There have been a few changes made to the panel layout. As I type this, I'm working on making it look pretty. When I'm happy with it, I'll post a new screenshot to show what has been included.
    3 points
  2. My latest upload. Ain't dat Sky-MAXX Pro purty ? Whew ! Hope you like it http://youtu.be/sKPvIaY4uiA
    1 point
  3. Hi everyone, I wanted to get input from fellow members in the US on the FAA regulations for drones. I've been tossing around the idea of purchasing one for my real estate company but I'm a bit worried of the potential hazards it could impose on my pilot licenses and my future with the FAA. After having done some research, I've found that the rules for drones are quite vague in substance. It also appears that the FAA will soon start requiring pilot licenses in order to operate drones. To make it short... Have any of you ever flown personal drones around your towns? If so, have any of you been reprimanded by the FAA for any reason relating to the operation of your drone. Much appreciated, Olivier C.
    1 point
  4. There must be some exception, considering the number of small-time, yet commercial, film-makers using drones nowadays.
    1 point
  5. There are a lot of youtube videos as well. Sometimes seeing someone else do it helps more than reading it in a manual.
    1 point
  6. I did a paper on drones, and did a lot of research on them. From what I understand, only commercial use of drones is prohibited, so you will be able to fly your drone if it's not-for-profit. And if I remember correctly, drones that fly under a certain altitude (I can't remember what) are considered recreational. Since you have a PPL, I don't think you would be reprimanded for using a drone, as long as you use it like you would fly someone in a Cessna (without charging). Also, this is a new field of aviation that new regulations are being made for, so who know what the FAA will ultimately decide.
    1 point
  7. My heart starts racing when I see there are new posts by you in this thread, Goran. Give us news!
    1 point
  8. Ok I lied... here is a shot of Lanai, but note that as usual, as this is in the image alignment/coastline correction phase of development, all orthophotos are in 1/6th resolution. Final resolution will be 1m/px for the entire island, 0.5m/px for areas of interest (helipads, airports, etc).
    1 point
  9. Once again on my way from Zurich to Shanghai in the FF77W Flight time: 10 hours 56 minutes I arrived in Shanghai and had to do an automatic landing because of the Smog...
    1 point
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