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Darkened the shadows on the pedestal, about to do the glare shield. 2 things that need to be discussed, 1. Due to mounting exams and work at school, the release date is being pushed to August 2014, please bear with me because it's hard to work at this time 2. Would you guys be okay with this plane becoming exclusively V10? because it's running a lot better in V10 than it is in V95 points
Hi, new video of PA38 Tomahawk II First Flight (plane by Alabeo). I hope you like2 points
Today, is one year from the first release of that project! I would like to thanks all of you guys for the 3500+ downloads so far!2 points
Mick, Default x-plane, like FSX, comes with marginal complexity. The GPS system is currently not very featured BUT is going to get a pretty sizable update in the very near future. Now that being said, you will not be getting FMS style functionality out of the box.. Only the 3rd party add-ons, again like FSX, will have FMS functionality with SID/STAR and route mapping abilities. There are only 3 aircraft currently that have this, the CRJ200, 777 and 757...all using the same code base by the same author so they will all have a similar feel. There are other 3rd party aircraft in the works with that will also have FMS functionality and I'm sure more will make their way into x-plane in the future. Folks are so used to acquiring add-ons for FSX, they routinely 'think' of their addons as default after a while. When folks move over to x-plane, they forget how much money they spent on FSX add-ons to get all that goodness...but that's just the way it is. X-Plane has some catching up to do and it will get there. It has been built from the ground up with stronger and more accessible "legs" than FSX and I believe we will see x-plane carry flight simming where FSX has not. TomK2 points
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Gentlemen, As some of you know I have recently became a very active user of LES Saab 340A. I started a very detailed and long thread on this great bird in the Va I am a member. Since many Saab guys are not members there, I thought it would be a good idea to share my experiences here in X-Aviation forums, the actual "home" of the Saab. After my initial bad experience and the "war" with few X-Aviation Leaders, I finally realised that the problems I was experiencing were also a part of my X-Plane setup. I was a bit ( or more ) reluctant and kind of stubborn thinking that having a decent system with a powerful GPU is automatically put the blame for my failures with Saab on the LES Team. I was wrong and apologized in public ( the cause was not totally on my side for these who read the related forums). Finally taking Ben's advice, I reinstalled X-Plane from scratch eliminating all unnecessary plugins and "garbage" accumulated through couple of years old XP installation and trying different plugins, add-ons etc. I only copied the extensive Custom Scenery which as you all know brings the joy to XP and is pretty much a necessary plausible factor. Reinstalling XP followed by reinstalling LES Saab 340A worked ( thank you Ben ) to the extend I am able to fly SAAB on a mid range routes and as long as I stay in cockpit view, I am getting acceptable frame rates around 20-27 FPS. If I fly a bit longer I am unable to switch to external view since the frame rate drops to a single digits. I am convinced that the coming update will fix that so I can move on and share my great experiences with LES Saab 340A here. Cameron and all LES Developers, I hope you will not object me posting here and sharing the fun with others. IF you do not want me to do that , just let me know and I will discontinue. In the next replies I will embed few videos with a short explanations. Enjoy! Cheers, AJ1 point
Hard to believe its come this far. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2013617981 point
Unfortunately, it is not likely, I'm sorry to disappoint. Reason #1 is that I'm becoming ever-busier with learning to be a new father. Secondarily I'm also getting more and more back into RC-flying, which takes a good chunk of my hobby-time. Finally, the biggest reason I'm not likely to return to this project is that my laptop and external hard drive were recently stolen, and with them all the original models and associated files. I'm glad that it's out and being enjoyed though, I'm glad to have done it. However; there are others who have taken to adding updates, so I don't see this as the end of my Skyhawk. Most recently, an Org member has created a new livery with some new weapons. Check it out here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=21117 Thanks again for all of you who have downloaded and enjoyed my Scooter!1 point
Thank you Mat. We have been trying to isolate this issue this whole time but it is proving elusive, even after engaging Laminar on it. Having an easier-to-find test case will help however.1 point
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BTW, that door animation was a nightmare. I spent weeks working on that. And I still couldn't get it without Jim and Cameron's help. There are so many parts in just the stairs...not to mention everything else...and the timing on everything had to be pretty much exact. Definitely 1 of the hardest things to animate in this aircraft.1 point
If the talks go well and X-Plane 10 does end up on Steam it could help Laminar to expand their presence and crush FSX and P3D for good. The type of crushing that I expected with the release of X-Plane 10 but never really happened. Many indy games have had major successes after making it to Steam and hopefully X-Plane will have the same success! 2014 should be a good year for our sim! I have had a great experience with Steam after only discovering it a few months back. If my internet could cope I would be buying a digital copy myself but realistically the download is a bit much.1 point
I really can't believe that. Reading through the comments and most people calling it a game SERIOUSLY?1 point
Wow. I did not see that coming what-so-ever. I am inclined to predict an increase in sales ASAP > EDIT: It seems like it might come to Steam from what I have read. Not a done deal...1 point
Glad to see you enjoying it after a somewhat rocky start.1 point
Quite the opposite, one of the best investments I've made yet in simming. And I pride myself on being a picky bugger. No it doesn't. Apart from the first comparison pic of real clouds and AWG clouds, all the other pics look barely better than default, or basically the same as default. I am interested in their sky colours, but their clouds can't touch SMP's. I only wish there was a way I could invoice you for the collective five minutes or so of my life I've wasted with your insanity on these forums.1 point
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Alrighty. Looking good on multiple loads - version is indeed "10250" so I know my bounds (Thanks Ben) - I can load multiple ACFs and OBJs now, but just cant get the actual ACF to render in-game. i.e.: OBJ - Renders fine - this is the B732 ICAO model as an OBJ700 from the xsb_aircraft.txt (Westjet 73x) ACF - this is the B738 ICAO model as a 1025 ACF from the same xsb_aircraft.txt (Should be an American B738) If I disable all CSLs, then the "default" that is loaded (as per post #1 in this thread) - this is the exact same above B738 ACF model that wasnt showing (same /path/filemame.acf) - so I know the "ACF" Is actually 'renderable' (if thats a word!) by X-Plane. - i.e. the "American B738" shows up correctly if I don't specify any CSL xsb_aircraft.txt So close, yet so far.... I feel I'm on the tip of having this all working - Might need Wade to "wade in" here on the vatsim forums - perhaps rendering the 'ACF' when you try to 'tell it to render an ACF" is somehow broken in XSB? (and if you don't let it interfere, then it works fine..) =) - CK.1 point
removing preferences and setting up solutions did not help. i have tested now the 777 - it's absolutely stable up to vmax -10kn (which are 380kn) and starts to limb a little bit at vmax-5kn. so it cannot be an issue of xplane10, because the AP-parameters are airplane-specific. so i took the autopilot parameters from the 777 which are 17 for the pitch error, 2,0 for the pitch rate 2,6 for the response-time and 2.4 for the prediction time, and used them for the CRJ200, which made the CRJ AP now stable up to 330kn - no more oscillations! maybe crj-development should think about changing the default parameters of the plane for the next release.1 point