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6 points
Sunday Beaver Update 4 Hi all, Well most of the week was spent with celebrating Christmas and spending time with family. However, the first high quality livery of the regular tire version was finished and you will see it in the screenshots below. Also more progress on external animations and some code. I decided to focus more on 3D and animations right now, and once everything is in place, I will continue with the more technical stuff like flight modeling and coding. Next, you should see some light texturing for the cockpit and interior. So stay tuned and I hope you enjoy the pictures below.4 points
few more previews of progress... The roof will be redone, the textures are just temporary.. The overlaying lines will be fixed.3 points
2 points
A bus simulator??? That's pretty funny all on its own, never mind the X-Plane ad in it.2 points
Taking some crazy Ski tourists from Quebec City to Mont-Tremblant at -30 degrees And a nice Manual crosswind landing1 point
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Hey Cameron, is that you? You did not change much since the last time I saw you, You guys are cracking me up, I did not know you have a sense of humor, Cameron. Like it here much more than at the beginning. Cheers, AJ1 point
I want my money back! Just kidding. I had one of my best flights yesterday. Never saw such clouds in a sim before. Gesendet von meinem GT-I9100 mit Tapatalk 21 point
It shouldn't. Your team's scenery (LJPZ) is utterly fantastic, and seemingly accomplished with limited hi-res orthographic imagery, which means you can see the artistic creativity that went into it. Rejoice at even more great scenery coming out for X-Plane!1 point
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It looks light the new scenery from http://www.beti-x.com/index.html That just came out.1 point
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No. The particles are smart enough to do what you want it to. No extra effort or programming necessary, John. It's an added bonus....non-advertised!1 point
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No news is good news. The more status updates, the less actual productive work towards delivery. They'll post when there's something worth posting, like they have done for the last three or four years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2qrbR-D3GQ1 point
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Purchased SKY MAXX PRO for a future use,IXEG 733 when comes,is next! Well,after this project I'm going to buy a HIGH-END PC,been saving mony for a while And that's how it looks in Tel aviv's beach infront of the hotels: For the next couple of weeks we are going to a work on many new LandMarks (there are 25+- more,just in Tel Aviv )1 point
Sunday Beaver Update 3 Hello, It is Sunday and time for another update. As you know, I created the View Control System for the Beaver this week and I hope you enjoyed the screenshots so far. In addition, I continued with systems coding and the animations of the external model. The first livery is still WIP, but hopefully I can show something soon. Besides all the technical stuff, I would like to talk about the Beaver release today, and I can imagine that a few of you are interested in this. The full modernized Beaver package will include the regular tire version, the cargo version with bush tires and cargo door with the corresponding interior and the amphibious version. As I know a lot of you are really waiting for the release, I came up with a release strategy and it will be a two step release. The first release will be the regular tire version only, but of course it will have all the features and will have gone through the full test cycle. So don't expect a degraded version. It will be full payware quality! The second release will be the full package, with all the version mentioned above. I chose this approach, because I would like to get the Beaver into your hands as soon as possible and I don't want you to wait until the full package is finished. I know a lot of you are waiting for this aircraft and I want to give it to you. Again, it will be fully developed and tested and at the moment, I just concentrate on the regular tire version. The one you have seen in the recent screenshots. It will come with three liveries and a blank exterior texture, so you are able to create your own liveries. I hope that nobody is disappointed by "just" getting only one version at the beginning. Well, most payware aircraft just come with a single version. The full Beaver package will have 3 different versions in the end. Now, I would like to give a few more details on the pricing: ============================================================ Step 1 The regular tire version for a price of $24.95 Step 2 The full package, including all three versions mentioned above for a price of $34.95 ============================================================ As soon as the full package is available, the single version of Step 1 won't be available anymore. Customers can then only buy the full package. Launch customers who bought the Beaver of Step 1 will be able to upgrade to the full package of Step 2, for $5. So they pay $29.95 for a high quality aircraft which comes with three different versions, instead of $34.95. I really hope that you are happy with this approach and I think it is fair! Now we come to the release date: ============================================================ Step 1 The regular tire version will be available in Spring 2014 Step 2 The full package, including all three versions mentioned above will be available 2-3 months after Step 1 ============================================================ So here you have all the details and in the coming weeks, we can purely focus on the technical updates again. You all have a great Sunday and of course a Merry Christmas!1 point
Hi Cameron, Yes, it has been a long time coming, but life doesn't always go as planned and you have to keep in mind that I do all this beside a busy full time day job, family, baby and other constraints. So I am happy to have reached this stage so far, even by changing directions from time to time. It is my first aircraft and I guess this is natural, if you learn along the way. You are right, I built my own C++ framework for development, as I usually prefer to code in this language and it was working fine. However, I didn't like the pain to compile for three different platforms. I even bought a Mac Mini, just to be able to compile my code for the Mac, but I didn't like the idea to also install Linux as well, even I like to provide the Beaver to Linux users. So like I said, it was painful and the code turn around times, when I did a single code change became annoying. I know there are workarounds like having two folders of the same aircraft, where you just swap .xpl files etc., but also this was annoying. Another developer suggested SASL to me and gave me a short intro and after trying it, I was hooked. I could implement my code within minutes and now I can re-load my plugin on the fly, without stopping a running simulation. This allows rapid development, prototyping and testing. I know that SASL has its limitations with respect to OpenGL, but since I am not into developing airliners or heavy avionics cockpits, there is absolutely no need for me. SASL also makes it very easy for me to implement GUIs and I just love it that way. Code encryption, if required, is a piece of cake and I can do it myself and the support for all three platforms is important for me as well, because I don't want to close the door for anybody, even Linux users might be a minority. So no stumbling blocks. It was more a question of ease of use, a more rapid and streamlined development process, which is just fitting my specific needs and my own customer support. I still prefer C++ over Lua, but I can easily live with it.1 point
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