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4 points
3 points
3 points
Part 1 of 4. We will release the others on consecutive days. TomK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMRKx8hZjXw#t=03 points
I read your post carefully, and I also read all the subsequent ones, as I always do before I write something myself. Please do not ever question my honesty again, thank you. I really couldn't care less about your association with ixeg, or lack thereof. All I know is that you called "ridiculous" an attitude that you yourself have donned so many times (and for good reasons, that is not in question here). I was merely pointing out a contradiction that seems weird coming from you. If anything you should be congratulating Tom Knudsen for his integrity :-) As I said, you are questioning a person's choice to buy one version of a product that does not meet his expectations over having the patience to wait for a version he'd prefer, even though that version is still hypothetical.2 points
2 points
Unfortunately, the Aerosoft data wasn't available when we started programming the FMS and the route building code is the nastiest code in the project so reworking it to Aerosoft will not be an overnight thing. We will; however, look into it very soon after release. It might be easier to code with he Aerosoft format, we'll see. The next video, part 2 of 4...we will release some time between 18:00 and 19:00 GMT today.....and it gets better! Tom Kyler2 points
2 points
Presenting x-httpd, a simple web server plugin for x-plane. x-httpd is open source, written in C and C++. The code is from 2005 so it needs a fair bit of work but it is functional. I have placed the project under the GNU Affero GPL license version 3. (Affero stops people from running a server with custom mods and not sharing the custom server source. This plugin is a server resource, it needs the Affero license variant.) What's x-httpd good for? x-httpd can be used to create web-apps that interact with X-Plane for use on your tablet smart phone or additional monitor. x-httpd does not come with any "cool" web app content at this time. Eventually this plugin should allow for remote IOS content, remote CDU, remote popups, etc, etc. The CRJ already has a built in web server for its Remote CDU functionality. This project gives the community a web server to build similar content with. I know some Javascript and HMTL, how can I use this? Download and install an x-httpd binay when they're made available*. * The plugin still needs a little more work before I want to release a public build. Create your HTML/script content inside the folder X-Plane/resources/plugins/x-httpd.x-plugin/root/html/ Interact with X-Plane using these commands: /get?dref=sim/foo&type=float returns: { result:true, type:"float", value:3.21, dref:"sim/foo" } /set?dref=sim/foo&type=float&val=3.21 returns: {result:true } Do you support Linux? The code is written in a way that should be trivial to port to all three operating systems. The aim of this project is to provide a basic web server that can allow all X Project AIm? Remove the roadblock stopping people from building some awesome remote instruments using modern browsers. Project Source code etc: https://github.com/benrussell/x-httpd1 point
Hi, after the Piper PA-11 was published a few moths ago, I´m working in a new G.A Project. With a lot of work to do yet, here are the first images... Work still in progress.1 point
I didn't question your honesty. I questioned whether you read subsequent posts; something you declined to quote. As for association and your caring about it, it seems to me that you have some form of care as you tried to roll up your argument with labeling X-Aviation customers being conditioned to patience. This is why you received the response you got with regards to association, and furthermore, it's unfair of you to roll anyone other than yourself in as an X-Aviation customer based on assumption. I would easily assume you to not know who is or is not such a customer at all times. This forums' reach often times extends beyond that of XA customers. I do find it ridiculous that Tom Knudsen would decline to purchase a product over something like nav data which is far more advanced and very capable compared to what already exists in X-Plane. There's no contradiction going on. I'm not questioning patience, I'm questioning whether Tom Knudsen would really follow through with not purchasing something if Aerosoft data never comes to fruition. Quite probable, and valid. You're in here blabbering your dismay on me, and likewise I'm in here questioning an individual's response with what I honestly feel is rather ridiculous and have no problem saying as my own opinion. I'm truly interested in still hearing Tom Knudsen's response to this. As for the personal chatter you and I have going, it's really not fair to IXEG and I suggest that should you wish to further discuss it we take it to PM. Until then, back on topic, and congratulations to IXEG for another awesome demonstration in video 2!1 point
If I may, it has been X-aviation's policy so far to never release a product before it was as perfect as technically possible. I even know of a project that was set back 6 months if not more because it did not meet expected standards (yes, Tom, I am looking at you). And that is entirely to your credit. Now, how can you call it ridiculous when a user decides to wait for a product to meet his own standards before buying it ? We, x-aviation customers, have been trained to being patient. As a result, don't be surprised if we don't rush into buying something. That being said, many congratulations to ixeg for the fantastic job. I am not too picky about nav data so it is a sure thing that I for one will buy this one upon release.1 point
1 point
Just wanted to say a very big THANK YOU to each and everyone of you, so great to be a newbie to XPlane 10 and in particular X-Pilot.com Community , you are so informative and such stars. Thank you all again, heres to some me time being wasted but totally enjoyed lol Andi1 point
1 point
1 point
UPDATE: I have good news. I am now on the "short final" before landing .... Most of the tests are finished (the big regions like USA, Europe and most of Canada ... Alaska and some other regions still need to be visited) and I have even started packing up the ZIP files today. I also plan to start uploading the first big ZIP files tonight ... as the whole upload process will take many days (we are talking about 55,6 GBytes of data) anyways. In parallel I will do the final preparations (website etc.), tests, screenshots ... so, with a little luck, I might be able to officially release within the next 5-10 days (hopefully ... there are still some potential "road blocks" ahead, but I hope they wont be too numerous).1 point
1 point
Who, me? Not sure if I should be flattered that the RAF is escorting me or sad that the RAF is escorting a C195!!!1 point
1 point
I want to make some compliments to JGX designs and X-Aviation for their excellent work on the Cessna Corvalis. I purchased this aircraft some time ago and I love to fly it. Until some time ago I was a real MSFS user, I even started building a 737 cockpit using Hardware and MSFS but never finished it 100%. Now I gave X-plane a try as I only was trying to tweak FSX for usable framerates when using the (excellent) Flight 1 citation mustang with a G1000. I became really fed up by this and decided to look further then FSX to discover new horizons. Then I purchased X-plane, installed it on my new PC and it runs with incredidable framerates and smoothness, I was heavenly impressed by this. But I admit that one have to get used to it and discover it's real potential. OK, it feels a bit empty and lonely flying around in the X-plane world but scrutinizing the internet revealed a whole world of free scenery add-ons that really brings some necessary eyecandy to the barren world of X-plane. But looking at the terrain textures, it's so nice and crisp. I showed a fellow cockpit builder (MSFS) the other night how X-planes looks and he was heavenly impressed, whishing he could reach the same results in MSFS. Now I'm flying the Coravalis and enjoying it very much and I even started to dismantle the 737 flightdeck and rebuilding it to a corvalis version. No long checlists, procedures, complicated overhead panels etc, just real flying fun with very nice visuals. I feel like I have re-discovered my early days when I was flying around the netherlands in a C172, or a Fuji in realility. I'm planning to use the FTS1000 G1000 software together with the Coravalis to setup the cockpit. Just started but already so much fun!!! Thanks. Best regards, Lizz1 point
Army uniform. 80% it's a Blackhawk, personally. Not that I'm biased towards Blackhawks or anything though.1 point