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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2013 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. Hello, All!, Testing continues to progress well and we have been pleased with the results up to this point. As of now we are on track for our internal release date, and we'll have more info on this soon! Here's a quick preview of another livery you can expect to be available in the Saab 340A package. This one is Kenya Airways, and is done by Leen de Jager! Want to see past previews? Click here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here! Enjoy!
    5 points
  3. Our clouds have now entered beta testing. There are 4 different cloud themes with each utilizing a special 3D effect to make the clouds appear more real. I have 2 images at present but more will follow throughout the day and tomorrow as we begin to finalize things and prepare for a release.
    2 points
  4. I've used Linux for 20 years and developed one of the distributions, back in the day.. I have many Linux boxes in my house and at work, but I still keep a Windows 7 desktop around for games and X-Plane, because I know that's a platform that will always see all the add-ons and such made for it. Why choose one OS or another, when you can have both? Or all three if you really need a Mac for something? Even on the same hardware, you can dual/triple boot (ok, it's a bit tricky to get OSX to boot on non-apple hardware but I hear it can be done; I have never had a need to do so, however.)
    2 points
  5. A preview of a whispy cirrus cloud. I think it looks great. We have used some innovative techniques to make it appear more 3D.
    2 points
  6. Flying the DA-42 from Lugano to Innsbruck, using the G1000 mod v1.2. Approach was a bit tricky, because it was dark, the valleys were narrow and I had to fly through 3 cloud layers. Next day ...
    1 point
  7. Yay! Someone is using my Paints!
    1 point
  8. There's a "high def" Planet Texture replacement you can use, which is 2 x the "already hi def" version and 4 x the default. It gives a better ">25km at altitude" views. I have the file mirrored here: http://isdg.com.au/scenery-add-ons/ (HiRes Earth Orbit Textures XP9 XP10) - CK.
    1 point
  9. I love linux....used it for a long time, but never, EVER, blamed anybody for not supporting it. I knew the risks when I used it and that was on me and your usage is on you. Trying to act like its someone else's fault is really in poor taste. You drive down that road, you take the curves that comes with it! TomK
    1 point
  10. +1 Mario. Great plane, a real pleasure to fly, but not a very "advanced" G1000. You can find the manual here: http://www.stephanebuon.fr/DA42/diamond-DA42-xplane.php I made a new flight today from Düren (EDRJ) to Metz-Nancy-Lorraine (LFJL), but not with a direct route. A few minutes after the take-off, clouds and their shadows behind me: Above Kanfen near the motorway A31: The ULM runway in Zoufftgen. The website for this club: http://ulmclub.online.fr/accueil.htm Above Thionville and Terville: A last shot with Gandrange and Amnéville:
    1 point
  11. Cleared off a bunch of HD space to make room for this and tested the video recording setup last night, all good to go (it's been a while since I've recorded one). So, this should be happening soon. Flight planning is covered in the workshops that I've already done...perf charts I can't share because I have a set of real charts from an active duty CRJ pilot that I can't share, and I just don't think ppl care that much about the weather (correct me if I'm wrong) I suppose I could do something showing the flow of opening the charts, but believe it or not, my vid capture rig can only capture OpenGL applications, not the whole desktop, so I'm not sure that's going to happen soon. For now the video will only cover the specifics of how to fly SIDs using a blend of raw data for the first portion and the transition to FMS, along with how to manage the climb along the way, the acceleration from 250kias to 290kias at 10k without leveling off, etc. Thanks for the encouragement, though! I wish I could've done this sooner, but we're also working on a new VFR training program for PilotEdge with 11 VFR flights (expanding from the 3 flights in the current program), so there's a lot going on!
    1 point
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