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  1. The German FSMagazin has published my 10 page-review of the Corvalis 1.5.1 as free PDF file on its website. The review is very positive, but in an objective way (i.e. also some criticism is included). If you can read German, download the review here: http://www.fsmagazin.de/download/FSM5_2013Plusartikel.pdf If you can't read German, here's my short summary translated into English: The Cessna 400 Corvalis TT by Jim Gregory and his label JGX-Designs is an ambitious one-man project and unrivaled in the X-Plane world. It is not perfect: The G1000 does not include all functions of the original, the general systems depth besides fuel management is low. But still, for the everyday life in X-Plane it is a good combination of beautiful model and plausible G1000 simulation. JGX' Corvalis looks fine, flies like a charm, and in spite of everything, the G1000 is realistic enough to learn its main concepts. Even without procedures it goes beyond the FSX default G1000 in terms of engine and flight plan management. (Sorry for my English; it's not a very elegant translation, but you get the point.) Plus, the plane received the "Editor's Choice" award:
    3 points
  2. This topic is now closed. I'm glad we could get to the bottom of this mess and clear Dan's AND Carenado's name from the bad accused of them. There is no tolerance for individuals who choose to take part in pirating aircraft here, as it hinders the good in our passion and hobby. As such, PilotHudson is banned without further notice. Thanks to Steven for investigating further and following up with responses as requested. If anyone has objections to this ban, please feel free to PM any admin here.
    2 points
  3. Now made of a little more than just polygons and textures!
    2 points
  4. Dude, you've totally missed the point! This is about piracy, plain and simple. That's why I got into the fray. Just happens that he claims he bought it at the org, but he didn't. Just happens it's a Carenado. If it were your MU-2 I think you would do the same diligence and I wouldn't have to. I only jumped in because Dan and Carenado don't have a voice here. I'm well aware why so you don't have to school me on it. If I were to see a similar post about your MU-2 or Goran's DC-3 on another forum, I would do the same thing there. Piracy is a crime and if we let it go, then what good are copyrights? Comes right out of the developers' pockets. The scenario with VMAX and Laminar you mention is a horse of a different color and irrelevant to this thread. That's a case of "he said, she said" yada yada and I don't have a dog in that fight. I'm talking about theft. I'm not trying to defend Carenado or Dan for the way he treated the kid. I'm exposing a thief. When copyright is breached I get mad. I live and die by copyright every day and when I see someone disrespecting copyright, it really chaps me. I'd think it would you, too. I admit I could be wrong in this case, but the evidence thus far leads me to the conclusions I've posted. It's up to the original poster to provide us with REAL documentation if he wants to clear his name.
    2 points
  5. Not really. Either his credibility gets shot, or we get to the bottom of it. Either way the outcome and resolution is good for the community. The title has to do with immaturity. X-Plane is filled with younger people. That's part of it.
    2 points
  6. I don't usually stick my nose where I'm not asked for, but I would like to address this topic for two reasons: 1) The thread title is an attention grabber and 2) I read all about this somewhere else. Apparently this began not as a technical support issue but more like a demand to modify the flight model of the plane in question. I don't know the details but to me one thing is to have a technical problem, like missing components, simulator crashing, something that should work not working, etc. and another is to simply not like the product (or parts of it) and ask (more like demand) the developer to comply to my desires. It is ok to point out inaccuracies and suggest possible improvements for a product, if it is done politely with respect for the work done. It is up to the developing team to address the issue or not. If criticism is made, it should be based on solid grounds, like experience flying the real aircraft, reliable sources of information, access to the real plane, etc. the developer might take the suggestions more seriously. If the criticism is based on my experience with a similar product from another platform or just my appreciation and expectations, the developer might very well ignore the request. The other issue is the validity of the support request and the bad record keeping or broken communication between store and developer. Bad press about X-plane and X-Plane's products affect us all (developers and users alike). I hope the issue is resolved and since the can of worms was opened in this forum, a follow up and clarification by all parts involved is desirable. I doubt that Nicky will explain here his side of the story, but perhaps someone close to him with an insight of the org's involvement in this issue could clarify. I do not own any of Carenado's aircraft yet but I might consider some of their products in the future. And no, I am not boycotting Carenado. I am sure that when we hear their side of the story, things will make more sense. Edit. Typos
    2 points
  7. Completely remodeled the Engines today And here's one of the entire plane with the new engines
    2 points
  8. Hi I want to know if the linux version of the Jetstream 32 is in developement or if you plan to release a linux version of this aircraft. I very like this aircraft and i hope you will release soon a linux version of this add-on. I can also help if you need a beta tester for the linux version Yan
    1 point
  9. Hopefully Cameron can close and take down this thread, which has unfairly besmirched Dan and Carenado's character.
    1 point
  10. That is, unfortunately, the fallout when we have children taking part in what is an adult's hobby.
    1 point
  11. Here's your proof. The only thing we should hear from PilotHudson is an apology. At least his friend had the balls to admit his part. Maybe it's a case of ignorance of the law or immaturity or indifference to the law, but in any case, piracy is a crime. Don't do it. On top of the crime, he was stupid enough to submit support tickets for products he didn't buy. This type of behavior hurts the whole community and has to stop! Case closed.
    1 point
  12. Well, the original screenshot vs. Steve's were from two different pages on the website. I don't have a .org store account so I can't verify this to be the case, but it stands to reason that the information may be different on the "Account History" page vs. the "Available Downloads" page. I think it's more telling that the original poster has remained silent on this topic since the original posting. Two going on three pages later, I tend to feel that if this was a legitimate complaint he'd be more active in the discussion.
    1 point
  13. Really guys, this is talking about a anonymous, unknown guy with a "screenshot" (!), a crude story, yelling "BOYCOTT CARENADO"! This is nonsense. The topic should have been shut down the very first moment it appeared. Flo
    1 point
  14. In my opinion, it's just too easy to spread bad feeling on the Internet. PilotHudson, your account is deficient in detail .. it's not complete. FWIW I've enjoyed a cordial and professional relationship with all the vendors I've had dealings with .. including Carenado. Communication is a two way street, and requires a certain sensitivity. I hope all parties can come to a proper conclusion.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. I get the feeling there's more to this story than we have been presented. Only Dan can tell us why he responded the way he did in this case, but knowing Dan the way I do, he must have had a reason other than being in a bad mood. I agree and I assume he did. PilotHudson says he checked with the org to see if Dan did indeed check on the purchase which someone at the org verified. We have no idea what Dan was told, thus we don't have any basis to make a judgement. Again, I think we are missing some information. Way ahead of you on this. Thanks! Not just because he's a friend of mine, but because I hate seeing anyone upset with any type of purchase, whether it be Carenado, X-Aviation, the org or any other vendor. I just happen to have a bit of an "in" so I will see what I can find out about this issue and help in any way I can.
    1 point
  17. Steven, I know you like to give the benefit of the doubt, but this is frankly ridiculous. Dan straight up told this individual he would not be getting future support. Period. As the developer and provider of support, I would expect Dan to do his due diligence in assisting a customer in this, and not tell or assert to the customer he is a thief prior to doing so. Dan has other avenues, like contacting Nicolas to verify this (which is obvious it's in the system based on the screenshot). It's not good business, and frankly, it's not welcoming to any non-X-Plane individual just joining in to the community. We want people to buy add-ons and not to believe they're taking some kind of a gamble of future support depending on lazy investigation, time of day, weather, and mood from the developer. There's only so many developers....and there's a lot of eyes watching. I hope Dan changes his tune on this issue, and since you're great friends with him, I hope you followup with him on it.
    1 point
  18. I completely understand but there is just one major difference, one is fake so no one cares about the flight model, but one is real and the people who do buy it some of them will care.
    1 point
  19. I would say get the external model done before you do anything on the interior, but I'm no pro
    1 point
  20. another set of random impressions that's an xplane oldie but goldie:
    1 point
  21. SNEAK PEAK of what's ahead in Episode 2 of "ULTIMATE SURVIVAL ALASKA" coming Monday, July 29th
    1 point
  22. X-Aviation and Leading Edge Simulations have posted new previews of the upcoming Saab 340A! Along with the new previews, an announcement was made that Leen de Jager would be assisting in the development of liveries for this project. You can see the latest previews here! Be sure to also check out all prior previews here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here!
    1 point
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