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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2013 in all areas

  1. The JS-32 isn't a Airbus, it dosn't have "auto land" capability, you the "pilot" have to land it. If you select 35 deg FLAPS it WILL AUTOMATICALLY disconnect the autopilot as described in Javer's manual pg.44 cessna729.
    2 points
  2. The communists actually had a secret weapon that was hitherto unknown. They could control the weight of the planet from a civilian airliner. Special, huh?
    1 point
  3. Hi, I wasn't sure if you could launch full screen and have HD if I posted it direct in here but here goes: http://www.youtube.com/embed/q0mwvSx8bLw?rel=0&vq=hd720 Cheers! James
    1 point
  4. Hi Cameron & Philipp, I'd agree 95% of the time with many "user reported problems lately". But with respect to the "UP ARROW" bug that jeanlune discovered in post #1, I'm sorry to disagree with you, as this appears to be a repeatable effect (at KRNT anyway), which IMHO is not fixed by using the CRJ-200 64-bit plug-in on my Windows 7 machine, or by down-grading to ver 1.45, or by using XP9.70 as it happens. I don't think it's a big problem, and the work round is simple, don't press the UP ARROW key on the CDU before you have a active flight plan to step through on the ND in PLN mode (which is the only function of that key that I know of anyway) @ Philipp I ran a test wih XP 10.11 and CRJ-200 Ver 1.4.5-aee94cb and again with XP10.20b11 (64-bit) and CRJ-200 ver 1.5.3-32009f0 (64-bit) and X-Plane 9.70 as well, and got the same results, CTD. The attached winzip files each contain the Log.txt, Cycle Dump.txt and the relevant XP cash dump report files. Here is a short vid (using FRAPS so it stops on the CTD) As I said, it's no big problem as normally you don't use the UP ARROW key on the CDU for anything untill you have an active PLN anyway, and once you have an active flight plan pressing the UP ARROW dosn't cause a CTD (on my machine that is). Also if it's any help my Windows 7 (64-bit) machine has a EVGA GTX580 GPU with 1.5GB and Nvidia GeForce 310.70 drivers (in case it's a NVIDIA related problem). Update 1: The UP ARROW key causes a CTD on X-Plane 9.70 as well even starting "Engines running", (that is if there is no active PLN). Update 2: Even using Remote CDU "Up ARROW" key cases the same CTD. cessna729. CRJ-2 Ver1.45 UP ARROW CTD.zip CRJ-2 64bit UP ARROW CTD.zip
    1 point
  5. It's amazing what you learn by "reading" a manual or two! cessna729.
    1 point
  6. Tenacious Tedious Tracing of Taxiways... but worth it. (Say that 10 times fast). Autogate 1.40 w/Lit Textures - All gates will be Autogate-capable. Already have replaced the "FSX" static displays with Marginal's new fully-functional DGS placards. Yep - they work. Magic HDR Lighting - Thanks to Ropeless for his initial template for how to achieve specific "magic" lighting effects w/custom HDR light defintions. (YTep - those are indeed true 3D spill lights, in addition to the built-in XP10 library lights - The combined effect of lib+custom HDR is spectacular): Can someone change the name of this thread to "CYYZ Toronto Development WIP Shots"? - Ck.
    1 point
  7. ND Hurricane over Barakoma (Khamsin)
    1 point
  8. Low level hop across Bulgaria; ice forming on inlet: No more rain means no more ice!
    1 point
  9. 5 Days until I start development again.
    1 point
  10. Another update for the Beaver. Animations and manipulators are progressing nicely without any problems so far, and I replaced the digital display radios with analog radios. That looks so much better in the Beaver. So, here you go...
    1 point
  11. Please stop posting about it, Papy. It's really getting old. Emalice is spot on. There is much more to the whole process than you are aware. Nothing is stopping you from launching 32-bit X-Plane other than your own free will. You have posted about this countless times, and further emailed about it even more. Give it a break.
    1 point
  12. I understand your frustration, however, x-plane 64bits is still beta. X-aviation will not release the crj200 while under beta. I get the feeling it has been their policy all along : to deliver completed quality products, even if it means waiting a long time for them (cf. MU-2). If they release the CRJ 64b now and something breaks with the next xplane update, users will be very frustrated and x-aviation will have to take the blame for something they have no control over. I am sure they have not been idle during this time, and that the 64bit version is almost out of the door. Once xplane 10.20 64bits goes final, I am sure they will give the CRJ a thorough test flight and then release it in a flash. So, just like me and many other impatient users, all you have to do is wait, patiently. T.
    1 point
  13. Oops! Almost forgot the most important thing in this scene - The Coffee!!! ^^ Totally Canadian, eh? Model by Skyflyer! - EDIT: Ignore the ground texture - it's purposely "low rez" in this area. (since you're not likely to be at street-height in your airplane along Derry road..... unless you're Andrzej)
    1 point
  14. High and Dry Over RWY Zero Five.
    1 point
  15. Shopping Along Dixie Road... Takes a while but the results are worth it....
    1 point
  16. Still Making updates... Downtown is gettin flushed out nicely. Experimenting with making my own LIT textures....
    1 point
  17. GTX670 w/ HDR 8x SSAA + Water reflections "Complete" (Click above for Full 1600x900 Image) I am enjoying this new card..... - CK.
    1 point
  18. More work from today (and some test flying on VATSIM yesterday in bad weather): WED1.2 + USGS Orthophotos for the Win - CK.
    1 point
  19. Yes, but with a 3D pit.
    1 point
  20. Looks great! Keep up the good work, and most importantly, have fun!
    1 point
  21. Hi, Keith, Welcome aboard. Sounds like a very ambitious project, and if it works out, much better than Vatsim! It'll be interesting to watch this develop! On behalf of myself and the other mods here, welcome to X-Pilot!
    1 point
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