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PMDG officially developing for X-Plane

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Many of you may already be aware of this but, since October 2012 PMDG have been developing an aircraft for X-Plane 10! They have said that the aircraft will be announced close to the release date. They also say that they have plans to continue x-plane development after the first aircraft is released.

You can read more about it here (at the bottom of the first post) http://forum.avsim.net/topic/394754-22dec12-development-cycle-updates/

Any guesses as to which aircraft will be the first conversion?

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Yes, interesting question. Nothing to see on the named devolopers blog since December. So he might be busy.


I remember reading that they would do something different than their current line of aircraft. In any case, with the 738, J41 and the T7 they would have fierce competition in the XP market. So I hope they tackle their flagship, the 744. Or the might go for the easiest one, the B1900D/C - which would be the worst approach in my opinion. The MD11 or the 748 might be the better guesses. I would say that the 748 would be the commercially soundest decision. Anyways, with a "developer on board for a few months" they would be quite far from communicating a release date.


Very interesting question, tho.

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This is my speculation and that is only what it is, this is not based on any facts, just my opinion.


I think PMDG will release the 757 along with Ramzzess help. Seems rather interesting in the time frame of things that Ramzzess was getting close to beta and a release of his 757 and then the project stops dead with no explanation or anything. About that same time was when PMDG came about and they being the Boeing experts they are, I have a strong inclination that they snatched up Ramzzess and his 757 project to release under the PMDG name. At the same time, PMDG gets a great programmer to aid them in the right direction. Since that time, the aircraft has gone under a rewrite and texture spruce up to get up to PMDG standards. With PMDG's Boeing resources I'm sure the aircraft has gone under a whole new level of depth in systems. It really would be a good business plan. If PMDG wanted to do a 757 for X-Plane, they wouldn't want Ramzzess high quality one already on the market. What better way to get rid of the competition is bring him on your team. One can only hope I am right!


So that is my hypothesis, the PMDG/Ramzzess 757 is what we will see. 

Edited by PWJT8D
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This is my speculation and that is only what it is, this is not based on any facts, just my opinion.


I think PMDG will release the 757 along with Ramzzess help. Seems rather interesting in the time frame of things that Ramzzess was getting close to beta and a release of his 757 and then the project stops dead with no explanation or anything. About that same time was when PMDG came about and they being the Boeing experts they are, I have a strong inclination that they snatched up Ramzzess and his 757 project to release under the PMDG name. At the same time, PMDG gets a great programmer to aid them in the right direction. Since that time, the aircraft has gone under a rewrite and texture spruce up to get up to PMDG standards. With PMDG's Boeing resources I'm sure the aircraft has gone under a whole new level of depth in systems. It really would be a good business plan. If PMDG wanted to do a 757 for X-Plane, they wouldn't want Ramzzess high quality one already on the market. What better way to get rid of the competition is bring him on your team. One can only hope I am right!


So that is my hypothesis, the PMDG/Ramzzess 757 is what we will see. 


I am going to put on my flame suit for this one,  but I have the 777 and I would put it closer to captain sim than PMDG.  To be a PMDG plane it would need a lot of work...   


My guess is it's the NGX  that is being reworked for X-plane.   For a few reasons. 


1.  When PMDG enters the market it's going to be with a splash..    Just releasing something simple to get a product out there is not PMDG style.  They rather take longer and have it be the right product and be the best or right up there with the best offered for X-plane.   


2.  As far as tubeliners go it's a pretty straight forward plane to simulate, I am not saying it's easy....  just straight forward compared to what PMDG is doing with the 777 


3.  It's the RIGHT plane, soon we will have a great top notch 737 classic but there is nothing out there for X-plane NG's that come close to the NGX

Edited by mike10
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I am going to put on my flame suit for this one,  but I have the 777 and I would put it closer to captain sim than PMDG.  To be a PMDG plane it would need a lot of work...   


My guess is it's the NGX  that is being reworked for X-plane.   For a few reasons. 


1.  When PMDG enters the market it's going to be with a splash..    Just releasing something simple to get a product out there is not PMDG style.  They rather take longer and have it be the right product and be the best or right up there with the best offered for X-plane.   


2.  As far as tubeliners go it's a pretty straight forward plane to simulate, I am not saying it's easy....  just straight forward compared to what PMDG is doing with the 777 


3.  It's the RIGHT plane, soon we will have a great top notch 737 classic but there is nothing out there for X-plane NG's that come close to the NGX


I agree with this.


The only problem with this for PMDG is the quality of EADT's 737.


To be completely honest, if its either the 737, 747 or 777 I will be a very happy person  :D


Interesting theory regarding Ramzzess 757

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I agree with this.


The only problem with this for PMDG is the quality of EADT's 737.


To be completely honest, if its either the 737, 747 or 777 I will be a very happy person  :D


Interesting theory regarding Ramzzess 757


if PMDG came to X-plane with the 737 NGX series, the EADT 737 wouldn't stand a chance in it's current state. it would be out-sold by a lower-poly higher-definition and ultra-realistic model with a VC. IF PMDG comes to XP, then EADT is practically finished. unless they opt to merge.


McPhat_737_ngx_prev2.jpg NGX_External_Preview_012.jpg

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WOW. Thanks for those screenshots, I'm excited already! That NGX definitely looks a lot sweeter than PMDG's old 747.


i've seen the mesh of the NGX, the plane is beautifully constructed, and if they design with that model, the plane will fly super-smoothly even on low-end computers, think, CRJ or Sukhoi Superjet in it's early versions

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if PMDG came to X-plane with the 737 NGX series, the EADT 737 wouldn't stand a chance in it's current state. it would be out-sold by a lower-poly higher-definition and ultra-realistic model with a VC. IF PMDG comes to XP, then EADT is practically finished. unless they opt to merge.



The EADT project is a freeware effort by a small group of hobbyists, and one of the most respected names in X-Plane for the  amount of personal time donated for everyone's benefit.  It's  second to none for the price you pay.  


This isn't Mortal Kombat.  There is no "battle of developers" with the last one standing. There is room for both a higher-end payware model by PMDG and EADTs freeware model.

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The EADT project is a freeware effort by a small group of hobbyists, and one of the most respected names in X-Plane for the amount of personal time donated for everyone's benefit. It's second to none for the price you pay.

This isn't Mortal Kombat. There is no "battle of developers" with the last one standing. There is room for both a higher-end payware model by PMDG and EADTs freeware model.

I agree with you that there is room for both. They are not competing for the same market anyway. buyers looking for ultra realistic systems and cutting edge graphics will buy the pmdg plane and others rather fly a lighter systems ( light the fires and go) freeware model Edited by mike10
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There will be the IXEG 737classic out soon and it will be PMDG quality at least. Not sure if there is a X-Plane market for two high quality (and expensive) 737s.

And PMDG cannot expect to be first class for sure with their first X-Plane project. They have nothing like the expertise the IXEG team has. I think they are wise enough not to compete with the top notch XP Airliner right at the beginning.

We'll see...



Edited by FloB
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There will be the IXEG 737classic out soon and it will be PMDG quality at least. Not sure if there is a X-Plane market for two high quality (and expensive) 737s.

And PMDG cannot expect to be first class for sure with their first X-Plane project. They have nothing like the expertise the IXEG team has. I think they are wise enough not to compete with the top notch XP Airliner right at the beginning.

We'll see...



I think that they will wait to release until they have the right people on staff to compete with the best x plane has to offer..

the ixeg 737 is a 300 the pmdg would be a ng... hell in msfs there is three ng's out

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My guess would be that PMDG is going to release the NGX or MD-11 for X-Plane. I believe they said that part of the decision would be which is easier for them to convert and use to learn X-Plane. The 747 is too old to be converted, the JS41 is a "lite" product, and that the 777, DC-6, and 747v2 cannot be converted until they are released for FSX. Therefore, the only two possible options are the MD-11 and the NGX. The NGX would likely be preferable for them since it is of the same generation as their current aircraft development, but they did state that they had to change the aircraft which they were converting a few months ago.

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There will be the IXEG 737classic out soon and it will be PMDG quality at least. Not sure if there is a X-Plane market for two high quality (and expensive) 737s.

And PMDG cannot expect to be first class for sure with their first X-Plane project. They have nothing like the expertise the IXEG team has. I think they are wise enough not to compete with the top notch XP Airliner right at the beginning.

We'll see...




i'm doubtful about that, the IXEG team would make a great -300, but that's the only one they'd be doing. Knowing FSX devs, they're probably going to create all 16 737-NG models. 


It's also very likely that their first XP project will be on par with FJS and IXEG, they have a lot of resources at their disposal.

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i'm doubtful about that, the IXEG team would make a great -300, but that's the only one they'd be doing. Knowing FSX devs, they're probably going to create all 16 737-NG models. 


IXEG has incredible talent and having seen the project in person at a conference I can easily say it knocks PMDG out of the water (yes, I have purchased PMDG products). The simulation is amazing. There are things in there never before seen in any simulation, and it's awe inspiring. I don't see how you can even conjure up the idea that the -300 is the "only one they'd be doing." I don't even know that! :)


PMDG's entrance into the XP world with the 737NG is almost assuredly not going to happen off the bat, and for a multitude of reasons. They are smart enough to realize this as well.

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It's also very likely that their first XP project will be on par with FJS and IXEG, they have a lot of resources at their disposal.


FJS? They have a ways to go yet even with their 727 being fun to fly. The systems pale in comparison to that of PMDG and (what looks like) IXEG though.

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IXEG has incredible talent and having seen the project in person at a conference I can easily say it knocks PMDG out of the water (yes, I have purchased PMDG products). The simulation is amazing. There are things in there never before seen in any simulation, and it's awe inspiring. I don't see how you can even conjure up the idea that the -300 is the "only one they'd be doing." I don't even know that! :)


PMDG's entrance into the XP world with the 737NG is almost assuredly not going to happen off the bat, and for a multitude of reasons. They are smart enough to realize this as well.


 Out of all the projects on the horizon for either sim the IXEG 733 is the one I am most excited about,  and that is saying a lot considering the next generation of FSX add-on's is almost here (FSL  A320, majestic q400, PMDG 777)   PMDG's last offering (the ngx) is a few years old now and FS tech is advancing fast, so I would be surprised if the IXEG plane is not better considering the detail they are aiming to simulate to and the talent on that team.  


With that said PMDG has a reputation to uphold they CAN'T  enter the x-plane ring with some weak half baked subpar effort...  They don't have to rush into X-plane,  The core business for them right now is FSX, at somepoint they have to switch to X-plane to remain viable as FSX becomes older and older and eventually less people will use it.  For right now they can hire the right people to port planes and work on learning the skills needed, and it's not like the current PMDG staff is incapable of learning  X-plane..   

No matter who it is, one person cannot spend less than a year in development of an airliner and expect it to be high quality. It just doesn't happen. PMDG took 5-6 years (correct me if i'm wrong) on their 737.


True,  PMDG will not rush a product out,  so it could be quite awhile before we see whatever plane thy choose to release. 

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I Believe PMDG were going to hit the X-Plane market with their previously done JS41 for FSX.I think that changed however when J.Rollon started showing previews of his fantastic JS 31/32.They had to rethink their strategy,


I think it would make sense to enter a product into a new platform with systems that are easier to simulate than a 737NG.This is why I believe PMDG will enter The X-Plane playing field with a highly functional DC-6. 

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