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MU-2 progress towards update


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Thursday is getting old. Guess what Tom did today :

1) Repaired the water pipes that burst in his house today. Which ? All of them ! The same exact minute ! Plus a gas pipe, for good measures !

2) Has been miserable all day recovering from a severe hangover from a wild party last night ? Well, good for him, I guess.

3) Helped his neighbour's kid redo a math homework after the dog ate the first one.

4) Fought the evil forces of the universe in an epic battle, involving death rays, proton beams and a black hole going supernova (yes, he is THAT good)

5) Worked on the MU-2, finished version 2.7, wrote an aeronautics encyclopedia and then lifted a car to save a puppy trapped under it (he IS that good)

6) Just said "F**K ALL" and spent the day in slippers and in his backyard, having bears and bbq, enjoying sun and fresh air and a pile of comic books.

Or maybe all of the above in one day ? HE IS THAT GOOD, I'm telling you.


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Thursday is getting old. Guess what Tom did today :

1) Repaired the water pipes that burst in his house today. Which ? All of them ! The same exact minute ! Plus a gas pipe, for good measures !

2) Has been miserable all day recovering from a severe hangover from a wild party last night ? Well, good for him, I guess.

3) Helped his neighbour's kid redo a math homework after the dog ate the first one.

4) Fought the evil forces of the universe in an epic battle, involving death rays, proton beams and a black hole going supernova (yes, he is THAT good)

5) Worked on the MU-2, finished version 2.7, wrote an aeronautics encyclopedia and then lifted a car to save a puppy trapped under it (he IS that good)

6) Just said "F**K ALL" and spent the day in slippers and in his backyard, having bears and bbq, enjoying sun and fresh air and a pile of comic books.

Or maybe all of the above in one day ? HE IS THAT GOOD, I'm telling you.


Also I hope he put some ketsup on those bears hes cooking on the BBQ :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Still no news.

My guess is that Tom donned his Superman costume and went off to save mankind/the world/the galaxy/the universe, unbeknownst to us, puny ungrateful humans who won't say anything other than "any updates on the update ?"

It's a hard life to be a super hero.


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And another week without news from our space hero.

Could he have gotten trapped in the alpha-delta quadrant by heinous emperor èç@+}$µurk ? Are we forever alone now, stranded on this piece of rock, forever circling our single fading star, at the mercy of deep space invaders ? Will SpaceTom ever return ? Are we forever deprived of seeing his blazing silver Space Marquise and the full glorious light of its two quark-ion engines ?


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Its the end of the month where I have to burn every living hour working for others just to pay the bills. Normally I then spend the first part of the month catching up on xp stuff...but here in the good ol' USA, our tax deadline is in about 2 weeks and I have to deal with that...so no telling where the Moo will fit it. It "just under" other things that keep popping up. Eventually, I'll have all higher priorities out of the way and will write that last page and do all my testing. In the not to distant future, I'll come clean about what else I'm working on and why it has to come in front of the Moo and hopefully things will make sense and you guys will know I haven't just been ignoring the Moo. With x-plane growth, I'm trying to tie up a bunch of loose ends...no more King Air, no more RV6, etc...and focus on very niche areas. Slowly but surely, I'm wrapping up some of thees other things and the Moo will get swept up in that pretty soon. Laminar work has slowed substantially for me and I'm having to turn my attention to keeping the household running while still pursuing an x-plane future. It's a stresser for sure.

I have great long term plans for the Moo though...to keep it up to date and state of the art. It has a bright future.

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Hey Tom.

Glad to hear from you. I know what you mean with stuff piling up, i have the same problem to deal with here. And as you know, tax day is is two weeks, and as a non-resident-legal-alien they are even more complicate to fill out. As far as I am concerned, you are on official leave from Moo duty until you defeat "ayaress", the inter-galactic arch-enemy of mankind :D

By the way, I just have to ask, was one of your secret laminar projects having anything to do with that Vertical "brain-in-a-plane" Power thing Austin was so proud to present ?


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Do you think we can get the Mu-2 in the near future or do we have to wait another 2 years? The reason is, because I am quite disappointed at the moment, because I bought the plane, after you told me that there will be an update in January 2012, and now I have never flown the plane, because it is not what you told me that I will get.



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Do you think we can get the Mu-2 in the near future or do we have to wait another 2 years? The reason is, because I am quite disappointed at the moment, because I bought the plane, after you told me that there will be an update in January 2012, and now I have never flown the plane, because it is not what you told me that I will get.




Did you read post #434 posted just yesterday by Tom Kyler?

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May I ask why laminar work has slowed down? Looks to me like there would be more work than ever because of growth and community demands.

Tom's mention of this is pertaining to his assigned jobs and not the whole team. Laminar is very hard at work making the next version almost always. As with any team, people were assigned specific tasks/jobs, and Tom has succeeded in his assigned role.

Aside from that, I think we'll all be happy to see Tom back to work on his add-ons more than ever! :)

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Bernhard..this is definitely my fault...and I apologize...but the udpate is in the near future indeed. Being a free udpate, I can't feed my family on it, so I am busy making sure I have income given my slow down in Laminar work...and when that is secured, I'll turn back to the MU2 and get it out.

Tom Kyler

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As with any team, people were assigned specific tasks/jobs, and Tom has succeeded in his assigned role.

I see. That basically means that populating some more airports with the Lego Brick System and stuff like the video tutorials would have been free labour (of love)? No blame on Tom, but I can't see the major steps forward with XP10. For me personally that will not happen before 64-bit anyway. And I'm patient. But curious ;).

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A bit more explanation for those interested

May I ask why laminar work has slowed down? Looks to me like there would be more work than ever because of growth and community demands.

Mostly slow down by choice. The projects I'm involved in were initiated at a time when I was not devoting full-time to laminar....and when I went full-time prior to V10 release...I was over-extended. As you noted, because of x-plane growth and community demands, there is plenty of work and I have a choice to get paid hourly populating airports or pursue my own work. Of course I'm going to choose pursue my own work where the return on investment is greater.....but I reap no revenue on until they're out for purchase. So on any given day, if I work for laminar...I put food in my mouth, but do not forward my future.....it's a dead end road.....so I partition my time working on my own projects and then on laminar's work. Laminar is agreeable to this, knowing my intentions. I am in the process of "un-extending" myself and tying up the loose ends and it is just taking a bit of time. So given the limited time I have doing non-laminar work, I simply make priorities on the tasks I do have (x-plane AND non-xplane) and work down that list. Now all that being said...I am going to pick a day this week to turn to the Moo and stick to it and further this along.

Edited by tkyler
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