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Carenado releases C152 II


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Read nothing about it yet anywhere

The org won't officially announce anything until it goes up for sale at the org.  x-plane Carenado products are usually released on Carenado's site first to maximize "first rush" sales, unfortunately all the exposure is at the org.  Once it goes for sale on the org, you should hear/read ALL abowt it ;-)

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I just got mine from the Carenado's site, I'm amazed with the quality of this product, certainly there is no over RPM issue here, very stable both on ground and air, I love the plugin that ables you to switch between various VC views just like pressing A in FSX, hope to see soon the Seneca.


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While the visual quality does not match the Saratoga, this C152 still is a great plane. Had one flight and a lot of fun. One thing that I found was done really good is taxiing: The front wheel is "loose" and does not move with the rudder (they're independent; can't explain better with my english, sorry). And yes, those views are quite nice, a lot of stuff is animated - good plane! I now have Chandlers C150, 4forces (has GPS) and this one (has no GPS). I guess that's enough little Cessnas now, but I like to support the developers. ;)

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I just took a loop and landed it. I haven't done much real flying, but it really felt like a real plane to me. I don't know if it can beat the 4Forces one, but it's pretty awesome to fly. Carenado's X-Plane work is getting better and better. I can't for the 4Forces one, so we can do a really close analysis of both of them.

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The Forces C152 flies more like a video game than a real plane.  It handles poorly and skittishly on the ground and it overreacts to input in the air as compared to the Carenado.  It is extremely overpowered on takeoff.  If you don't believe me, then try it yourself.

Why would anyone challenge you? Even we as developers have acknowledged it and have actively posted here in the public forums that the patch for all of those issues plus feature request changes are on the way...

On another note...

It's great to see Carenado making advancements on their lineup of aircraft. I think it's crucial to showing what X-Plane can do, and showing those that have doubts in the FS community that they are well...wrong. X-Plane is very capable. It's the lack of products that is the problem, so all of this is good! The more the merrier! ;)

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It looks fantastic, and I really like the reports I'm hearing of the detail and fidelity of the flight model... but, it's completely different to the kind of flying I like to do, which is rolling around the UK's airways system, using as many VOR, DME and NDB displays as possible, and ideally at 250kts. My PC's too poor to run (and I don't have the inclination to obtain and manage) any decent visual scenery :-(

If I were to buy it, it would just be to encourage Carenado to make more stuff, hopefully including stuff I'd like to fly...

That said, if I ever were to seriously be about to embark on a PPL, I'd be all over this like a shot.

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