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SkyMaxx Pro v4.6 Has Been Released


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Hello All,

This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 4.6 update for SkyMaxx Pro. All customers who have purchased SkyMaxx Pro v4 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase SkyMaxx Pro v4 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 4.6 for you.

What if I didn't get the update e-mail?

If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do:

1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php

2. Find your original SkyMaxx Pro 4 download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version!

The following is a list of additions/fixes included:
What's New / Changed:

  • Big, scary storm clouds! All-new, hand-modeled representations of towering cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds when storms are present or developing.
  • Improved framerates in stormy conditions
  • Fix graphic corruption in the sky associated with storms on some systems
  • Improved cloud lighting and shading
  • Other minor performance improvements


As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support!

Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.

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Hello Cameron. I'm going to take advantage of this thread being you are very active with replying. I have a question partaining to your product. I have both real weather connector and skymax pro. I have no other weather program. I enjoy the environment your program presents. My question is partaining to overcast / stormy days. With default xplane weather you have a total overcast sky. But with your program you see blue skies even with thunder storms. I do see the cell of storms moving which by the way is super cool. But you look up and you may have a few white puffy clouds but will always see blue skies. Your program does a good job anywhere else if your flying you will not see the ground. So only when on the tarmac. Is this something your aware of? Is there a setting that I'd have to change? will a future patch improve this?  I use your stock settings and get pretty good frames. I only have a 970 card so i am a bit limited. I figured I'd turn this thread about answering questions into actually answering questions lol. Thanks. 


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Hello Cameron. I'm going to take advantage of this thread being you are very active with replying. I have a question partaining to your product. I have both real weather connector and skymax pro. I have no other weather program. I enjoy the environment your program presents. My question is partaining to overcast / stormy days. With default xplane weather you have a total overcast sky. But with your program you see blue skies even with thunder storms. I do see the cell of storms moving which by the way is super cool. But you look up and you may have a few white puffy clouds but will always see blue skies. Your program does a good job anywhere else if your flying you will not see the ground. So only when on the tarmac. Is this something your aware of? Is there a setting that I'd have to change? will a future patch improve this?  I use your stock settings and get pretty good frames. I only have a 970 card so i am a bit limited. I figured I'd turn this thread about answering questions into actually answering questions lol. Thanks. 


Hey Chase!

For overcast it's highly dependent on your overcast type selection as well as texture selection in the SkyMaxx Pro configuration menu. Please try a few different selections other than default and see if that solves it for you. In the event it does not, come on back here and we'll be happy to help! :)

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The clouds in 4.6 are wonderful. I did encounter an X-Plane11.05 crash flying from SVMI to KFLL. I am not familiar with

the plugin TGDS  but it appears it has something to do with SkyMAXX? Any idea why this crash happened?



iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015)
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9 hours ago, Cameron said:

Hey Chase!

For overcast it's highly dependent on your overcast type selection as well as texture selection in the SkyMaxx Pro configuration menu. Please try a few different selections other than default and see if that solves it for you. In the event it does not, come on back here and we'll be happy to help! :)

Thanks Cameron for the suggestion. I will tinker with the settings. Didn't know there was an independent control for that.  I'll take a closer look.  i will let you know how it works out.  in the mean time.  I'm very curious about the storm cells moving.  i litterly watched this storm cell with lighting in it move from right to left.  started with it directly in front.  by the time i pushed it was over to the left side window.  is the real weather connector actually tracking this storm?  I'm probably sounding naive. So the cell is moving in real time? Like some mornings in SFO I'll also see fog banks litterly roll through the airfield. One second you can't see the next you can.  so this is not a complaint.  I'm just curious how it is done. 



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does the cloud style change the detail of the cloud whereby making it easier to draw? I seem to have a bit more room in sim as my FPS and available VRAM are showing more availabilty, I have it set to soft and coverage at 20000km......is there an optimal setting or just a case of tinkering....?




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13 minutes ago, wain said:

does the cloud style change the detail of the cloud whereby making it easier to draw? I seem to have a bit more room in sim as my FPS and available VRAM are showing more availabilty, I have it set to soft and coverage at 20000km......is there an optimal setting or just a case of tinkering....?




"Fast" uses the least amount of VRAM, followed by "soft", and "crisp" takes the most. If you have sufficient VRAM, it's really more a matter of personal preference than performance.

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15 minutes ago, 777-300 said:

I just experienced a second crash. I was descending about 80 miles from TJSJ. Maybe the weather was too much to handle?


My guess would be that you ran out of RAM or VRAM due to custom scenery, and the weather SMP was trying to load pushed things over the edge. It looks like it crashed when you crossed a one-degree tile boundary and SMP had to create new cloud layers in response.

I think your SASL plugin is also a little out of date, but I'm not aware of any conflicts with the specific version you're running.

My advice would be to see if you still see crashes without custom scenery or third party aircraft in the mix - or just turn down the cloud draw area in SMP to reduce its memory requirements.

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14 minutes ago, sundog said:

My guess would be that you ran out of RAM or VRAM due to custom scenery, and the weather SMP was trying to load pushed things over the edge. It looks like it crashed when you crossed a one-degree tile boundary and SMP had to create new cloud layers in response.

I think your SASL plugin is also a little out of date, but I'm not aware of any conflicts with the specific version you're running.

My advice would be to see if you still see crashes without custom scenery or third party aircraft in the mix - or just turn down the cloud draw area in SMP to reduce its memory requirements.

Hi Frank,

I will start by turning down the cloud draw area when I am flying into a hurricane or bad storm to start. I will also check  at upgrading SASL. I should have known better on the draw area. I have never understood the custom scenery issue. I always thought that if I am flying in an area where I have no custom scenery installed that it wouldn't present an issue?

I appreciate your help Frank and love the new clouds.


iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017)
Sierra 10.12.5
4.2 GHz Intel Core i7
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