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DSF Scenery Packages

145 files

  1. LELN - Leon (Virgen del Camino) - Spain

    Please, rate and/or comment it. Thanks so much.
    Por favor, evalúe y/o coméntelo. Muchas gracias. ***************************************************************************************************
    The scenery needs checked "Runways follow terrain contours" option and HDR activated for a correct ilumination.
    This scenery don't need any aditional library but...
    Some objects used in this scenery are from:
    - Flags of the world (link broken).
    - 3D people library (link broken).
    - OpenSceneryX ( http://www.opensceneryx.com/ ).
    - Autogate ( http://marginal.org.uk/x-planescenery/plugins.html ).
    - C101 from freeware LESA - Matacan - Salamanca Airport by JRollon.
    Thanks to my family and to Mr. Antón García and Mr. Jorge Álvarez for his
    selfless collaboration in this project. Thank you very much to all PUE, in
    general, for their tests and support.
    (c) Luis Mtnez. 2016 - Freeware. Forbiden their sale or rent.
    (c) Plus Ultra Virtual Airlines Virtual ( http://www.plusultrava.es/ ).
    (c) Pilotos Virtuales España ( http://www.pilotosvirtuales.es/ ).
    If changes are made on scenery, please, report.
    El escenario necesita la opción "Pistas siguen contornos del terreno" y HDR activado para una correcta iluminación.
    Éste escenario no necesita ninguna librería adicional, pero...
    Algunos objetos usados en él, son de:
    - Flags of the world (enlace roto).
    - 3D people library (enlace roto).
    - OpenSceneryX ( http://www.opensceneryx.com/ ).
    - Autogate ( http://marginal.org.uk/x-planescenery/plugins.html ).
    - C101 del aeropuerto gratuito LESA - Matacan - Salamanca de JRollon.
    Agradecimientos a mi familia así como a D. Antón Egea y D. Jorge Álvarez
    por su colaboración desinteresada en este proyecto. Muchas gracias a todos
    los PUE, en general, por sus tests y apoyo.
    (c) Luis Mtnez. 2016 - Freeware. Prohibida su venta o alquiler.
    (c) Plus Ultra Virtual Airlines Virtual ( http://www.plusultrava.es/ ).
    (c) Pilotos Virtuales España ( http://www.pilotosvirtuales.es/ ).
    Si se hacen modificaciones en el escenario, por favor, comuníquelo.




  2. Johnston Atoll Playground

    A minor modification of Johnston atoll, with added functions. 




  3. ID41 Stibnite

    This is my rendition of Stibnite Airfield (ID41), Yellow Pine, Idaho, USA. It is purely library-based and doesn't contain any custom objects.
    It features the curved runway, some vegetation and a simple cabin. I recommend using it with ortho scenery (the screenshots were made using VStates Idaho) - the default mesh has some glitches in the area.
    Libraries required:
    MisterX Library CDB Library 3D People Library


    1 comment


  4. C56 - Bult Field Monee, IL

    I present to you C56, Bult Field. A romantic lovely little gem of an airfield tucked just 30 miles South of the hustle and bustle of downtown Chicago, Illinois. Years ago I had the pleasure of working a dream job. I was an aerial pipeline observer for an oil and gas aviation outfit in Conroe, Texas. My job was to take photos of the pipeline "right of way" while doing 2.5G turns around a point. It was a rodeo of a job, running into hangars, a few near misses with towers and other aircraft and several VFR into IMC events.

    I learned so much in this job (what to do and not to do) and it is partly what led me into aircraft development for X plane. This airfield was a savior many times. Once done running the very busy pipeline just under the Chicago Class B airspace at about 500' AGL this was our rest stop. Microwavable hamburgers, sausage egg and cheese sandwiches and burritos. With a nice spread of candies and soft drinks. The pilot diet. 

    This "terminal" (mansion) contains a full movie theater, full restaurant grade kitchen, amazing WWII museum and vacant offices where a rest can be had. The story goes the original owner, Billionaire Mr. Bult, built this mansion and field for himself and eventually for some reason or another sold it to the State of Illinois where it waits for the day to start serving regional customers.


    Installation goes the same as with any other scenery. Extract the folder then drag and drop it into the custom scenery folder. 

    Performance issues are possible. This was built over the last few years in my free time and I quickly wrapped things up over the last few nights and this has not been tested on any lower end machines. There are most likely a few initial bugs and If there is a frame rate issue I might be able to whip out a lite vegetation version. Let me know!

    Required libraries: OpensceneryX & MisterX library


    RIP Mr. Ted Sanders. You were a fine gentlemen helping us with our issues every time we came in and had a great sense of humor. Thanks for proving me right about how to land a 182 properly.  




  5. Aerobridge-Meigs Field

    KCGX is now available for v9 and v10.
    Aerobridge Studios-Meigs Field
    Developed and designed by : Peter Tram, John Spahn, Juan Menedez
    Manual : Peter Tram
    Photography: Online resources
    Version 2.0
    Merrill C. Meigs Field Airport (IATA: CGX, ICAO: KCGX) was a single strip airport that operated from December 1948 until March 2003. It was built on Northerly Island, the man-made peninsula that was also the site of the 1933–1934 Century of Progress in Chicago. The airport achieved international notoriety when Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley ordered city crews to bulldoze the runway at night, and without the 30-day advance warning required by FAA regulations.
    From Wikipedia
    This release is a major update to the first release
    - Photorealistic ground
    - Highly detailed airport buildings.
    - Photorealistic textures
    - Realistic asphalt textures in runways and taxiways
    - Real-world airport lighting shades
    - Main buildings include real night textures
    - Authentic Vegetation
    Please contact us by emailing to aerobridge1nfo@gmail.com
    or by questioning us here on X-Pilot
    Aerobridge Studios reserves all rights.Educational use, business use or
    commercial use, without a proper license is prohibited. Please contact
    us for license arrangements.Copying content for personal or other use
    not covered by the license is prohibited.




  6. KCLT Charlotte Douglas International Airport

    I am excited to offer this freeware version of KCLT Charlotte Douglas International Airport created in World Editor for X-Plane 10. Charlotte Douglas is the 24th Busiest airport in the world by passenger traffic and serves as US Airways largest hub. In 2010, Charlotte was dubbed 10th busiest airport in the world by number of Aircraft Movements.
    This file was created in WED 1.2 and uses the lego brick system utilized by X-Plane 10. Please download OpensceneryX for static aircraft and objects to display.
    The next update will include cleaning up the airport taxi signs.
    TURN ON HDR!!!
    Leave me a comment!
    TO INSTALL: Simply drop the KCLT Folder into your custom scenery folder and go fly!




  7. LGKL Kalamata AB GEF

    LGKL V2.0.0
    Final changes
    Welcome to the Airport LGKL Civil Aviation and Airbase in Kalamata located south of the Peloponnese (Greece region of Messina).
    You will enjoy the flight between the mountain and the sea over the fields of olive trees.
    Good flight !
    Version compatible with X-Plane 11.50
    I recommend using Ortho4XP.
    Library required:
    - GT_Librairy
    - SAM
    - JB_Library
    - PP_Library
    - R2_Library
    - OpenSceneryX
    - CDB_library
    - MisterX
    - The_Handy_Objects_Library
    - ruscenery
    - ORBX_library
    - x_prefab_library
    - Last Version of "simHeaven"




  8. LGZA Zakinthos GEF

    Zante Dionýsios-Solomós International Airport (IATA code ZTH • ICAO code LGZA) is an airport serving the island of Zante, Greece, and located near the town of Kalamaki. It is named after the Greek poet Dionýsios Solomós, originally from the island.
    Planes are not allowed to take off or land from midnight until 4 a.m., in order to preserve an endangered species of turtles (caretta caretta) which come to lay their eggs on the beach during the night. The airport opened in 1972
    Version compatible with X-Plane 11.50
    I recommend using Ortho4XP.
    + 37 + 020
    The libraries required for this version are:
    - GT_Librairy
    - SAM
    - JB_Library
    - PP_Library
    - R2_Library
    - OpenSceneryX
    - CDB_library
    - MisterX
    - The_Handy_Objects_Library
    - ruscenery
    - ORBX_library
    - x_prefab_library
    - Dernière version de "simHeaven"




  9. SBFL - Florianópolis

    New scenery for Florianópolis has a new terminal (1) and new parking. So far the reference images for scenery creation are not enough for better assertiveness and accuracy in locating objects and pavement, so getting new images will be updating.
    I didn't put the SAM jetways due to some issues, but as soon as I fix them I'll be updating.
    It is highly recommended to use Airport Environment HD for better arpon lighting and texture quality.
    If you have problems downloading, you can download here: SBFL - Florianópolis 1.0 | SadayScenery
    New charts here: NEW CHARTS SBFL
    For more sceneries: SadayScenery
    The library used in the XP10 scenery version is not mine, it's from XP11 to recognize the objects, facades, jetways, lines and ground signs.




  10. SBAF - Afonsos

    To install, simply extract the scenery folder into ... X-Plane 11 \ Custom Scenery folder.
    For the correct operation, make sure the scenery is above “Global Airports” in your “scenery_packs.ini” file. The library used was based on version 11.33 of the X-Plane.
    Campo dos Afonsos is a neighborhood of the middle zone of the middle class of the city of Rio de Janeiro, belonging to the region of Realengo, where the Afonsos Air Base is located (BAAF / SBAF), base of the Brazilian Air Force established in the Garrison of Aeronautics dos Afonsos. Campo dos Afonsos is also known as the birthplace of Brazilian aviation because its history is confused with the history of aviation in Brazil. It was from 1941, with the creation of the FAB, which was officially designated as Afonsos Air Base. Source: Wikipedia.
    For more: https://sadayscenery.blogspot.com/




  11. SUMU - Carrasco International Airport

    Carrasco International Airport, Montevideo, Uruguay.
    With GroundTraffic animations and Marginal's Autogate.
    Libraries suggested - not required.
    Visit: http://axplane.blogspot.com.br/




  12. KGFL | Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport

    In collaboration with renowned freeware FSX developer EdGeneer Cox, I proudly present KGFL for X-Plane 11.
    Floyd Bennet Memorial Airport is located in the Southern Adirondack region in the city of Glens Falls NY. This airport has an annual ballon festival, and is a gateway for the many VIPs traveling to see the Travers States in Saratoga Springs, as well as the tourist area of Lake George and the Adirondack Mountains. The airport was once a hub for the now defunct airline Mohawk Airlines back in the day, and is now mainly served as a business airport for the region. 
    This rendition of KGFL is based off of Version 3 of one of the most popular and detailed freeware airport ever created for FSX created by EdGeneer Cox. Version 1.0.0 features:
    - ZL17 Orthophotos from USGS. Ortho4XP is highly recommended.
    - Custom ground pavement and markings by N180GS
    - Custom hangars, FBO, and static aircraft by N180GS
    - More objects from MisterX Library and OpenSceneryX.
    To add on a personal note: After contributing plenty of FSX conversion advice in the forums over at the "ORG", as well as a bunch of other useless posts, it's about time I give back to the community and share this wonderful scenery created by EdGeneer Cox for FSX, and brought to you by me to X-Plane 11.
    Please report ANY bugs that you have found in the scenery, and I will be glad to address them in a future update.




  13. KHAF half moon bay

    this is the half moon bay airport in California. this is near san francisco international airport in northern California. half moon bay is a very beautiful area that is well known for seafood and sailing, hope you enjoy landing right over fishing boats and sailboats! 
    I am really sorry this requires a lot of packages :
    mister x library2(just the updated version)
    pm library
    ff library extended
    RE library 
    NAPS library
    fruit stand aircraft library 
    all can be found here:Master List of Libraries - Scenery Development Forum - X-Plane.Org ...
    this includes detailed scenery of a small remote airport and half moon bay the town which i worked hard on. this is one of my first works for x-plane. sorry wrong picture it actually looks good i just cant upload any good pictures because it says the file size is too big.




  14. NZWN Wellington International Airport

    I've been working on this on and off for ages and I thought that I may as well share it.
    Requires Openscenery X.




  15. ETSB Buchel Air Base

    Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.
    This is a relatively small airbase in the Eifel in Germany, in between Koblenz and Spangdahlem.
    It is home to the Taktisches Luftwaffengeschwader (TaktLwG) 33, operating the Panavia Tornado, and the USAF 702 Munitions Support Squadron.
    Since 2007 this base is the only German base hosting nuclear weapons (B61).
    The base consists of a main runway (2500x45 excl stopway & displaced thrsh) and a parallel taxiway. The main apron is quite small and suits fighters and general aviation. Large aircraft usually park on the parallel taxiway, for example at the run-up bay at the northern end. The fighters based here use the "loops" of dispersals on the south-east and south-west sides of the base. The QRA area is located in the northern loop. (I have named the ATC TaxiRoutes for the loops LE LW and LN, parallel taxiway is P, and the other taxiways A to F from north to south.)
    This scenery is partly a conversion of my own MSFS version, however it was expanded and edited big time for x-plane 10.
    Required libraries: Flags of the World, RuScenery, OpenSceneryX, Handy Objects Library, 3D People Library, RE Library, RD Library, BS2001.
    If you do not have these libraries installed, or if they have not been updated in a while, take a look here (click).
    The Cooper Airport Rotating Beacon by org user MKiii is included in this package.


    1 comment


  16. SAZS San Carlos de Bariloche Airport

    Version 1.0 is for XPLane 11. Version 1.0_10 is for XP10.
    Bariloche airport, simple, small and very chic.
    No external libraries needed.
    Please visit - http://axplane.blogspot.com.br/




  17. SBBE Val de Cans International Airport

    The file SBBE_1.0 is actually for X-Plane 11 - there's no 11 to choose in this form. The file SBBE_1.0_10 is the XP10 version (the only difference is there is no Ground Services).
    Belém/Val de Cans–Júlio Cezar Ribeiro International Airport (IATA: BEL, ICAO: SBBE) is the main airport serving Belém, Brazil. Val de Cans (sometimes spelled Val de Cães) is the name of the neighborhood where the airport is located. Since 13 April 2010 the airport is named also after Júlio Cezar Ribeiro de Souza (1837–1887) a researcher of balloons. It is operated by Infraero. Some of its facilities are shared with Belém Air Force Base of the Brazilian Air Force.
    Libraries required - none, theoretically. I used only the default lib (fence.fac) and Marginal's autogate. The rest is custom made.




  18. TNCS – Saba Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport

    This scenery will work with X-Plane 11 (and most probably with X-Plane10 – although not tested).
    Place TNCS_Saba_uwespeed from the downloaded zip file into the Custom Scenery folder of your X-Plane installation.
    You also should install (if not already done):
    OpensceneryX (http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/2226-opensceneryx/)
    RD library (http://rdesignx.weebly.com/freeware.html)
    Flags of the World (http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/17090-flags-of-the-world-real-flag-ii/)
    3D People Library (http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/26611-3d-people-library/)
    Handy Objects (http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/24261-the-handy-objects-library/)
    IMPORTANT: If you have already installed the scenery St Barth - Saba - St Eustache by XPFR (http://www.xpfr.org/?body=scene_accueil&sc=314), which I highly recommend, due to the included orthophotos and mesh, you must place my scenery above it.
    As written above, there is already TNCS available by XPFR – so what‘s the reason to install my version? Well … that‘s easy ;-): my version contains the whole island, not only the airport and has some more nice animations at the airport (passengers entering and leaving the static Twin Otter and a girl walking around the parking lot with her dog).
    For some more information read the included readme file.




  19. SBSP - Congonhas Airport

    São Paulo/Congonhas Airport (IATA: CGH, ICAO: SBSP) Portuguese pronunciation: [kõˈɡõɲɐs] is one of the four commercial airports serving São Paulo, Brazil (Campo de Marte Airport, Viracopos International Airport, São Paulo–Guarulhos International Airport being the other two). 
    After unzipping the 3 files into the Custom Scenery folder, set the .INI file to look like this:
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/CGH - OSM Versão 1.0/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/SBSP_1.0/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/BR - SBSP Mesh Fix v1.0 by SNowblind_7/
    Tech OBS: Most of it was modeled and custom made, but there are some models I used from OpensceneryX, ff_extended_LOD and World Models. Some users reported a problem (my error), and the library.txt inside SBSP folder file needs to be updated. The new file is attached here (below) - library.txt  Please copy/replace this library.txt into SBSP, so the scenery loads even if you don't have the libraries.
    ATTENTION: Scenery Validated to version 10.50. Since I use X-Plane 10, I don't know about incompatibilities with X-Plane 11.
    The two picrures called "Rwy17R_ILS_adjust.jpg" and "Rwy35L_ILS_adjust.jpg" show how to set the correct ILS alignment for both runways. In XPlane, go to local map, select the ILS, click "edit" and copy the coordinates.
    Thanks to Richard Nunes for the OSM file, and specially SNowblind7 for the mesh, without which this airport makes no sense, 
    Libraries suggested (but not required):
    World Models




  20. Japan RJTH Hachijojima Airport

    Hachijōjima Airport serves the island of Hachijōjima, administratively a part of Tokyo despite being located 287 km south of the metropolitan area. Hachijōjima is a popular tourist destination and gets daily flights from Tokyo Haneda. Toho Airlines operates helicopter flights between Hachijōjima, Tokyo, and other islands in the area.
    The package includes Andreas Wieberneit’s Weathered Edges enhancement on the shoulders of the pavement. I availed myself of Jonathan "Marginal" Harris's indispensable tools for exporting objects for use in X-Plane, and would have never made anything were it not for his helpful tutorials. Barbarossa's Reload_Scenery plugin made it possible to see the results of object placement and modifications without having to restart X-Plane or changing locations in the sim.
    The screenshots show some add-ons to the stock X-Plane 10 product. The darker and more detailed pavements are thanks to FlyJSim’s free Enhanced Runways HD files. The surrounding landscape scenery is augmented with John Spahn’s UrbanMAXX.
    X-Plane user ScottP posted conversions of many many airports all over Japan a few years back. I recommend these files to anyone who wants to populate Japan and fly around a bit.
    Update, August 2014: Adjusted scenery for use with Andras Fabian's highly recommended HD Mesh Scenery V2, which delivers more accurate elevation data, roads, buildings, etc. for Japan. Also added local bus service into town.


    1 comment


  21. OPPS:Bacha Khan International Airport

    OPPS:Bacha Khan International Airport,Pakistan,Peschawar
    The scenery is now complete.The scenery is not the best.The main thing is you can fly in OPPS now.
    Libraries:MisterX Libary, Lib/airport, CDB-Libary, Re_Libary,BS2001_Objects, 3D_people_libary, handyobkects, Fruitstand_aircraft and Vehicle Libary.
    Unzip the file and put it in the custom scenery.
    Enjoy your flight in OPPS




  22. YBWW - Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport and Business Park

    Airport - FVH - XPA - YBWW - Brisbane West Wellcamp_Towered
    New version of FVH-Airport Scenery for YBWW - Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport.
    This version includes the Wellcamp Business Park which YBWW is the anchor. There has been extensive modifications including, detailed road network, new hangars, offices, shopping centres, restaurants, service station, billboard signs, water features, lighting and many more enhancements.
    YBWW is now conducting weekly international cargo flights with Cathay Pacific Cargo, a first for a Australian regional airport and on the 23 October 2016 there was a international passenger flight from Wellcamp to shanghai, china, another first for a Australian regional airport.
    The business park part of Wellcamp is still in it’s infancy and rapidly growing, many of the features in this release are pure imagination, and my impression of what may come to YBBW. There are plans for a “Wet Lands Area” and also rumours of a V8 Supercar Race Track, which will no doubt be welcomed by V8 Supercar enthusiasts.

    Many thanks to Frank Van Hal (FVH-Airport sceneries) for his help and encouragement in many areas during this build.
    Enjoy this updated scenery.
    Capt Kev.
    X-Plane Addicted.
    The following libraries are required, make sure to update to the latest version of libraries.
    List of required libraries
    THE-FIAB_Aircraft Library
    The Handy objects Library
    flags of the world
    ff library
    What's New in Version 2.0.1
    Released Yesterday at 06:26 PM
    Updated YBWW scenery. Fixed the issues with the runway and buildings sticking up in the air in X-Plane 11.
    This update is now compatible for X-Plane 11.
    Download this new package and replace the existing scenery. 




  23. Aerobridge-LJPZ

    Portoroz Airport version 2.1 by Aerobridge Studios:
    > Fixed runway disappearing for v10, and some other adjustments to the scenery.
    Aerobridge Studios-Portoroz Aerodrome
    Developed and designed by : Peter Tram, Juan Menendez
    Manual : Peter Tram, Juan Menendez
    Photography: Matija Skerjanec
    Version 2.0 High Definition
    Portorož Airport is the smallest of three international airports in
    Slovenia. It is located near the village of Sečovlje, 6 km (3.7 mi) south
    of Portorož, and less than 300 m (980 ft) from the Croatian border.
    The airport was opened on 27 September 1962. The airport is intended for passenger and cargo transport,
    sport, tourist and business flights.
    From Wikipedia
    This release is a major update to the original ABSim LJPZ
    - Photorealistic ground
    - Highly detailed airport buildings.
    - Photorealistic textures
    - Realistic asphalt textures in runways and taxiways
    - Real-world airport lighting shades
    - Main buildings include real night textures
    - Authentic Vegetation
    Please contact us by emailing to aerobridge1nfo@gmail.com
    Aerobridge Studios reserves all rights. Educational use, business use or
    commercial use, without a proper license is prohibited. Please contact
    us for license arrangements. Copying content for personal or other use
    not covered by the license is prohibited.




  24. KIAD - Washington Dulles International Airport

    Welcome to the busiest airport in the mid-atlantic, outside the New York area! Because this is my local, major airport, I found the need for a detailed scenery package for this airport. I believe I have pulled that off! The iconic main terminal and classic control tower, designed by Eero Saarinen, are well-represented in this package, I custom-made the models using SketchUp Make and a lot of patience. Another Dulles Airport Landmark is the National Air and Space Museum at the Udvar-Hazy Center, again, this building was custom built using SketchUp Make, and even more patience. I used Overlay Editor heavily in the creation of this package, along with World Editor (To work on the detailed parts; ATC, Ramp Starts, etc.). I made a real effort to keep this package conservative in its detail, to save frame rate, and it seems to have really improved the overall experience–for me, at least–over version 2. I hope you enjoy all of the many hours of agony and hard work I went through to provide this beautiful creation!
    Dulles IAD v3.0 Overview
    Dulles IAD v3.0 Trailer
    OpenSceneryX FF_Library FAIB_Aircraft MisterX_Library AutoGate Plugin by Marginal (Optional) INSTALLATION:
    Always check the Readme.rtf file before installing. 
    Simply Copy and Paste (After Unzipping) "Dulles IAD vX.X" into your X-Plane 10/Custom Scenery folder.
    Be sure all of the required libraries are installed, or else you'll get an error message saying "The scenery may not look correct!"




  25. KDAL Dallas Love Field 1.0

    This is detailed scenery for Dallas Love Field KDAL.
    Dallas Love Field (IATA: DAL, ICAO: KDAL) is a city-owned public airport 6 miles (10 km) northwest of downtown Dallas, Texas. It was Dallas' main airport until 1974 when Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) opened.
    The corporate headquarters for Southwest Airlines is located at Love Field. The airport is also a focus city for Southwest as well as for Virgin America and Delta Airlines. Seven full service fixed base operators (FBOs) provide general aviation service: fuel, maintenance, hangar rentals, and charters.
    A special thanks to Tom aka tsw66. He should be considered a coauthor and deserves a ton of credit for helping me complete this project.
    Also as always thanks to Justin aka MisterX. X-plane is a better place due to his work.
    Please read included readme file.


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