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  1. Today
  2. Hi, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Yes. you are right, that was the problem (as it so often is). All is good now. Thanks, Roger
  3. Had a look at the code.. This message will only throw an error like this if it's not receiving data from the activation server. (0 byte response) This is indicated by the "No internet connection" message. Yes the red text being thrown is a bug. The code should handle this more gracefully. Doesn't change the fact that gizmo can't talk to the activation server because of your internet connection though. Figure out the internet connection problem and this message should not appear.
  4. Yesterday
  5. This has happened to me twice now. I have been watching videos on running the flight compartment checklist. In the checklist I performed the bleed air tests and the switches worked fine. After a break and running the engine start checklist, these two valves no longer work. I thought maybe a CB popped but all are in. If I look at the synoptic, nothing moves when I press the switch buttons. I have good AC and DC power. My only recourse is to start with a new cold dark aircraft. I don't think this is a systems issue but more of a glitch in the aircraft. Anyone experience this?
  6. Suddenly the IAS button on my multi-panel is connected to the YD (yaw damper). Originally is connected to the FLC button on the autopilot. Can anyone guide me to the line in the script that sets that value and tell me what it should read? I have been using the mouse on the screen to push that button but it is irritating me now. I use that function regularly and like so many computer issues, who knows what electron flew out of line to get that to happen but it would be great to get it back. Would it be better just to find and load the original script again rather than track down one little error?
  7. Hi All.. Hoping someone can assist me with this. I have been trying ( 3 times now) to install IXEG Classic Plus v 1.52 into XPlane 12 v12.10 beta 5 and I get the below response. Any thoughts ?
  8. Last week
  9. Checked again and WX was off. That and terrain didn't make a difference. The visual effect seemed to depend on if the system had to load anything else (like changing my view). About 20% of the time I'd get a noticeable stutter.
  10. I have these small stutters everywhere, but was identified and rectified partially on beta 5.
  11. That was a Bug with many Turboprops with the XP Beta. Beta 5 is out and solved this Bug. Oil Temperature is back to normal or even better.
  12. Thanks for checking. I could detect a stutter coinciding with it sometimes but not every one. Probably best to wait for the current betas as they seem to be making adjustments on performance.
  13. Any ideas? I LOATHE the idea of reloading an airframe… too many customizations…
  14. These are not related. Your problem is elsewhere.
  15. Did Laminar fix the window heat issue? I’m on the latest XP12 Beta and I’m getting random window/windshield fails on the test, but no issues in the air. If so, do I (and HOW do I) undo the workaround? (It’s been a while, I don’t remember what I did.)
  16. I just flew a pattern around EDDF in 12.1.0 beta-4 and could not perceive any stutter (framerate low 30s). On the framerate graph you can see the framerate drop slightly every few seconds, this is likely due to additional CPU time required to poll the terrain database like Ben said.
  17. Suddenly the FLC button on my multi-panel is connected to the YD (yaw damper). Can anyone guide me to the line in the script that sets that value and tell me what it should read? I have been using the mouse on the screen to push that button but it is irritating me now. I use that function regularly and like so many computer issues, who knows what electron flew out of line to get that to happen but it would be great to get it back. Would it be better just to find and load the original script again rather than track down one little error?
  18. I'm getting a stutter every 7 seconds. I reported this a while back on the Gizmoo stutter thread but it went away once in the air. Now it happens all the time when I'm inside the cockpit. It's fine outside.
  19. Great, thank you. Anything about the GPSS-Roll-Steering Button (GPSS/HDG) and the GPSS turning "early"?
  20. I've added commands for those transponder buttons, as well as a few others. We're getting close to releasing the next update and these commands will be included. -tk
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