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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2019 in all areas

  1. Re 1: Already fixed - will be in next release Re 2: Should be fixed as well, will check Re 3: Yes, it should. Bug logged. Re 4: Still looking into this, but this might be an X-Plane bug as a whole, still being investigated. Re 5: This is an X-Plane command that we are not intercepting. Not sure about this as well, will look into it. Expect an update in the next few days, we have a large list of bugs already fixed, and more being worked on.
    4 points
  2. No, that wouldn't be it. We are trying to find where this issue is originating and will get a bug fix ASAP, once it is determined.
    1 point
  3. I think Laminar Research (and more specifically Austin Meyer) had mentioned they plan to revisit the taildraggers ground handling behavior for XP 11.40. I'm not sure what they'll change, but pretty much all taildraggers in XP suffer from that hypersensitivity and lack of control on the ground, the worst case being with a crosswind component. Afaik, XP does not simulate any friction for a wheel pivoting about their contact point with the ground (just pivoting, not rolling - which should be a factor while rotating a taildragger during taxiing and initial maneuvers on the ground). This might be less significant for the PR but it's certainly different with tundra tires, the contact point surfaces being more important. And there's also the prop wash component with crosswind which has been considered largely imperfect by some developers (and also irl pilots) (ASDG (Super Cub) developer, Rush had even tried to get some real world data and sent them to Austin). I don't know much about what's done in that regard by LR, but it's obvious taildraggers ground handling suffers significant issues in the current version. Some planes might be more sensitive to that aspect than others. @sd_flyer your experience with real taildraggers is precious, and you could even send some feedback to directly to LR. There might be some planes available that would match what you've already flown. On topic, my point is that LR have to improve the taildragger ground handling in general, and that TorqueSim probably cannot make it perfect for the PR even if they manage to circumvent some inherent limitations of X-Plane. That being said, if any improvement can be patched in, I'll be more than happy too ^^ I've already performed my fair share of ice skating spins with the taildragger PR
    1 point
  4. Computer viruses don't catch fire. How many updates were you expecting within 3 weeks? The vast majority of developers publish 3 updates in as many years. And you're considered lucky if you get THAT many. The TBM we made is coded to ignore that tickbox (Start with engines running) because of it's complexity. Once you go through the included tutorials, you can start it up in less than 1 minute. To get the covers off, just open the maintenance manager, visible off to the left hand side, and click on each spot where the covers are. Another 10 seconds of clicking. And that's only if you put the covers on when you flew the aircraft last. (All this is in the manual, by the way. Hopefully you read it, because it took a little bit of effort to put it together). The other method is to do a virtual walkaround of the aircraft, and click on each cover. They simply disappear. We made this aircraft to operate like the real world counterpart. That includes covers and flags. When you calm down, feel free to come back here and ask any questions you like. I'll be more than happy to answer them for you. Alternatively, as Ben suggested, the Carenado TBM 850 might be more suited to you. Regards, Goran
    1 point
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