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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2018 in all areas

  1. As promised... IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL: This file is not a complete replacement for the original code from @XPJavelin. It simply shows a way of applying some randomness in the procedure steps. Please also note: The code was only modified for the PREFLIGHT Procedure (start with OXYGEN test switch) You can easily change the min and max time (in seconds) for the random delay in the code I re-enabled some of the datarefs and made some "readonly" to be able to do some conditional checks If you don't know FlyWithLUA or LUA or you don't care about the underlying code then wait for an official update from @XPJavelin This will only happen if @XPJavelin wants to incorporate this into his code @XPJavelin I did add comments as far as possible to the code so hopefully it will make sense. Shout if anything is unclear. IXEG_proc.lua
    1 point
  2. Soon it will be released... I'm just busy testing to avoid a red face.
    1 point
  3. The problem with the above code is that you cannot have it in a function which is only executed once... you will never get to most of the steps. The current code has a conditional check for PREFLIGHT to see that preflightproc_trigger == 0 and beforestartproc_trigger == 0 and OXYTEST == 1 Now this means that the actual code inside the function will only execute once. On the second pass all the above variables will not meet the condition again. So you will never get to os.clock() > r_trigger_start_time + 4 and further. So one possible solution is to change the conditional check to make sure that the code inside the function is repeated until all steps have been completed. This is what is adding to the clutter because now you have to make sure that you don't repeat a previously executed step and and that all steps are still done in the right order. Anyhow, I will upload my lua file (once done) with my modified code for the PREFLIGHT procedure and you guys can then have a look to see if it's not too much clutter in the code.
    1 point
  4. We both fly this in Indonesia for SusiAir VA
    1 point
  5. Ilias, Thank you for your great work. I'm really looking forward to this update. I also just discovered your blog. I haven't had a chance to read it yet but it looks very helpful and interesting! Kor
    1 point
  6. Great ! A pure joy to fly this plane Cheers
    1 point
  7. Hi Ilias, Very good improvements, congratulations Pierre
    1 point
  8. Working on the next (2.1.1) update. This update will included: 1. PFD - Revamped PFD with accurate placement of each element. - REFS menu to set various values (take off or landing speeds, minimum altitudes) or settings (FD cues, baro system, metric altitude, etc). - New airspeed tape that includes markers for all various speeds (VR, VRef, VT, flaps, etc). 2. MFD - Pressing FORMAT button goes to 2nd page with indications (electrical system, flaps, anti-ice, etc). - When FMS is your nav source, a "progress page" will be displayed above the the map. Currently the calculation are based on instanced values, but in the future (next version probably) will be based on a standard flight profile. 3. FMS - I've built a new font to match as best as possible the actual Rockwell/Collins FMS 3000. - Added a couple new pages (STATUS, POS INIT). For the actual navigation you will return/use the default XP11 FMS. FMS will be implemented slowly, always having a fully working solution, while adding FMS 3000 specific features/layouts. ETA for 2.1.1: I will probably wrap up what I have done so far and make it available "as soon as possible". Main concern at this point is to be a stable release, so you can enjoy it with no fuss! Here are some samples:
    1 point
  9. It has been said many times. You asked the questions, and you were responded to, in a courteous manner, by both Cameron and Ben. That's when you continued to insist that the problem is with the Saab. I don't really know how many different ways you want us to say it. The problem is not in the Saab. There is, literally, nothing to fix. The problem has been acknowledged by Andrey, and he, himself has admitted the problem is not in the Saab, but in XEnviro. You're asking us to fix a problem in the Saab that doesn't exist. I don't care how much you convince yourself there is a problem in the Saab, you are simply...wrong. Lastly, claiming our products don't work as intended is a fast track to nowhere. I'm asking you, respectfully, to not make such remarks.
    1 point
  10. Or you could argue that you donate to xEnviro because the bug is their problem. There is literally not a single thing I can do about it. They have admitted they're on track to a fix and have discovered that it is their problem. What would you have me do? Ask them for source code to their product? Your attitude is laughable.
    1 point
  11. By their own admission, this is not my problem. https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/149092-xe-and-gizmo/&tab=comments#comment-1428322
    1 point
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Thomson livery for the amazing IXEG 737. They stopped flying these in 2012 but up to then, were a common sight at all the usual european charter destinations. I managed to nail the red window on the starboard side you might notice in the screenshots - all good! Thanks to IXEG for releasing a great paint kit on release day - much appreciated!
    1 point
  13. Crying about crying... Cryception! Let's go deeper.
    -1 points
  14. No. It went a little deeper than that. First, it requires actual OpenGL code to be written. Second, it was a blatant copy of a commercial product. In itself, perfectly legal if somewhat dubious ethically. Third, it was basically a verbatim copy down to the theme names, GUI layout and whatever else occured at the time. More like this: In the "online world" this is "perfectly ok" ... according to the vocal masses who'll turn a blind eye to literally anything. In the "real world" Customs and Border Control will seize and destroy counterfeit goods without a second thought. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-06-12/french-authorities-destroy-luxury-fakes/4747708
    -1 points
  15. Further food for thought: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/richard-lewis-instagram-photos-100000-dollars-new-york-new-portraits-copyright-2015-5 An "artist" is literally making large format prints of Instagram content that someone else produced and selling it. Grey area. Dubious. etc. Basically, don't be an ass. Create something original.
    -1 points
  16. Always a good idea to include a URL with your counter arguments. "Reality for XP" leads nowhere in Google. If you mean the Reality-XP series of GPS units.. Laminars basic stance is that: - Mods and instruments -inside- the cockpit will continue to work as they already do. - Global drawing plugins like SkyMAXX and MaXX FX are hosed. Nerfing the global plugins gets them a big gain in rendering performance(FPS) and a small number of products broken for "a while". Nerfing the custom avionics and instruments for cockpit internals would break most, if not all, the custom third party aircraft that users have come to use and love, which would leave the sim pretty much dead in the water and piss off nearly every user they have. It's annoying but it also lines up with the customer base growth of VR users. It's still a growing minority group and we have a fairly long, slow timeline ahead to resolve this. Changes are coming to the sim that will allow higher-performance drawing on the global sim stage, we just have to wait for Laminar to add them and document them.
    -1 points
  17. Did you click this button? (Marked in yellow..)
    -1 points
  18. Log data is inconclusive but does show you opened the X-Plane map window and then five minutes later X-Plane crashes while(or just after) loading DSF files.
    -1 points
  19. Glad we got a result! I'll make a note to "offer an update check if a new unlicensed product is detected" for a future release...
    -1 points
  20. Try some flights in a different location.
    -1 points
  21. Quote your ticket number here. Be patient. Sending multiple emails will reset your position in the ticket queue. Quoted delay is 3 days. If it's been two days and you send another email out of frustration you'll end up waiting upto five days. From the contact page: "Please do not send multiple e-mails or this will delay our response to you!"
    -1 points
  22. Should be fine. Just don't change the author or description data which is used to locate the product in your purchase history and license data.
    -1 points
  23. While your i5 might be "working fine" it's also working at almost half the speed of a modern i7. https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i5-2500K+%40+3.30GHz&id=804
    -1 points
  24. So: 1. Andrey has already put a warning label on his software stating that his plugin might not work with some addons. 2. Andrey has admitted that the problem with the Saab/IXEG/Gizmo is his/x-plane's problem and that he is working on a fix. 3. We should put a warning label on our products just to make you happy? Go find something else to do.
    -1 points
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