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X-Plane.org and moderator que?

Tom Knudsen

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Well I must have done something to annoy someone over at x-plane.org beeing me. That happens unfortunatly :) !

I have now been placed in moderator que what ever that includes. A bit annoying to be frank, but I will comply of course. 

Just wondering if someone els has experienced this and how long I can expect to be in the doghouse?



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I was queued permanently. (along with pretty much every other payware author that doesn't subscribe to their bullshit.)


When I mentioned it publicly it was escalated so that I'm now restricted from even posting a draft.


Why ban and look bad when you can simply muzzle and have people "disappear".



...one might say it's underhanded and subversive... but those would be Dan's words, and Dan can do no wrong.  :rolleyes:  :P

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I found this a few weeks ago...


No idea who made it or where it came from but you know things are absurd when they start making Nazi parody videos about your "culture".






and before anyone get's their nose out of shape over something trivial and ultimately hilariously childish.... I'll close my post with this, from a truly great mind of our time.



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No idea who made it or where it came from


Of course. You and your habit of knocking up quick cynical pictures/edits to embed in threads would have no idea who would put this together:)




I'll close my post with this, from a truly great mind of our time.


Agreed, that one should be everyone's bedtime viewing.


On a side note, frankly you're as bad as each other when you want to be with the snide swideswipes, but as long as you knock together a half decent add-on in the meantime, who are we to complain...


Now where's the frickin' Saab update?

Edited by scotchegg
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I guess there is no love for x-plane.org here, but that don't matter to me as I tend not to favorise any forum due to my needs. 

But I do now see that x-pilot may be the mature one and the more suited forum. To bad not more third party vendors (payware) uses both forums 

as their support forum. 


Cannot see why a site like x-plane.org can host a support forum when they ban or even place its member in a moderator que.

If I know have a problem that I need to complain about in the support forum, I can post it but then wait for x number of days until it gets posted by an moderator (cleared)


Where is the support in that?


Thank god some have support emails..

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Of course. You and your habit of knocking up quick cynical pictures/edits to embed in threads would have no idea who would put this together:)





Agreed, that one should be everyone's bedtime viewing.


On a side note, frankly you're as bad as each other when you want to be with the snide swideswipes, but as long as you knock together a half decent add-on in the meantime, who are we to complain...


Now where's the frickin' Saab update?



99.9999999% of my smart ass pictures are served raw from Google, it's a rare day that I bother to put a caption...... I can assure you that the work is not mine.


My YouTube channel is restricted to dry boring tech demo videos:



As bad as each other? For the most part, sure... I consider it something of a sporting rivalry at this point. No one bats an eye when two teams exchange verbal banter to try and get the upper hand, or when two men stand toe to toe trying to look tough after 2 days of deliberately induced strength sapping dehydration.


At least we try and avoid collateral damage.... "they" get all sorts of by-catch in their nets...



And you're right, at the end of the day, it is fuelling a rivalry, so the customer wins.


Sometimes people wish that this political rift didn't exist....

I'd take a bunch of raw attitude over the high and mighty crap service that a mega-corp like EA/etc dish out on a title by title basis.


People hate the corporate disconnect, but long for the sterile service attitudes, while having full access to the dev team all at once. It's great fun from this side of the show.



Life is messy. Have a laugh.



Saab? Not sure.... My focus is Gizmo. ;)

Edited by Ben Russell
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I found this a few weeks ago...


No idea who made it or where it came from but you know things are absurd when they start making Nazi parody videos about your "culture".






and before anyone get's their nose out of shape over something trivial and ultimately hilariously childish.... I'll close my post with this, from a truly great mind of our time.




As much as I'd like to take responsibility for this, whoever fake austin is did a great job XD

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Of course. You and your habit of knocking up quick cynical pictures/edits to embed in threads would have no idea who would put this together:)


Surely you know about Fake Austin, or was this before your time in X-Plane? We banned that ass of a guy here when he first made it to the X-Plane scene. To this day it's anyone's guess as to who it is. For a while I was half convinced it was Austin having a play on himself, but Laminar was insistent it wasn't, and as time went on I became sure of that too. I do have a few "hunches," but they are only that at this point so it's not proper to say anything more since chances are I'm entirely wrong.


I'll admit, that made me laugh, but the description of the video also makes me worry this joke of a guy will make a return...

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Funny how threads digress, so nobody knows how long the moderator que lasts?


I think this has already been answered, Tom. People have let you know that moderator queue more or less is a "soft ban", meaning it's a way to not label you as banned to the community, but they will keep you in that status going forward. There are guys here who have been on that for years.

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Funny how threads digress, so nobody knows how long the moderator que lasts?

I think you're asking the wrong crowd. Why not ask an org moderator? My guess is that it depends on the offense and the demeanor of the offender.

I find it interesting how most people who are disciplined at the org most often neglect to mention their transgressions so I have to ask, what exactly did you do or say to get to where you are in regards to the org?

Edited by ointment
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I think you're asking the wrong crowd. Why not ask an org moderator? My guess is that it depends on the offense and the demeanor of the offender. <br /><br />I find it interesting how most people who are disciplined at the org most often neglect to mention their transgressions so I have to ask, what exactly did you do or say to get to where you are in regards to the org?

<br /><br />I did ask moderators, three in numbers without any form of response<br /><br /><br />Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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