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Everything posted by sunake

  1. This is the only plane that got me to even try out X-Plane, after being in simming since fs98. And I actually get better performance in X-Plane than I do in p3d. My frames are way more stable and smoother in X-Plane, and I can't wait for the X-Plane 12 version of this plane. If you're getting that low of an fps in X-Plane and you're getting better performance in p3d then maybe you have an issue with some settings or something, idk I'm new to X-Plane but loving it so far
  2. Okay so I've been watching some videos, one in particular by Foxtrot Alpha Aviation and he says when you're taking a lot of fuel you have to wait for the fuel to settle and continue fueling otherwise you'll end up short. I've appreciated even more now how in depth this Simulation is
  3. I thought they were talking about rnp AR too. What does AR mean in this case?
  4. I think in this plane high pitch angles or even turning too hard when taxiing confuses the sensors as the fuel gets sloshed around which is understandable. But what I don't get is why after refueling to the correct quantity, and still being stationary on the ramp the quantity starts to drop by 500lbs or more
  5. Excellent! Thank you very much
  6. I brought up something similar in the discord. The same thing happens on the ground so perhaps your pilots can do a single engine taxi after landing if their company allows that procedure.
  7. I've deiced a few times now and he always tells me when it's complete
  8. Hi Rich, quick question for you. I tried doing a single engine taxi after landing, and I read that they recommend taxiing with the number 2 engine because of hydraulics, and also to turn off the LEFT fuel boost pump with the left engine off. I find that this produces an inop on the RIGHT boost pump as well, do you think this is correct?
  9. 3 minutes after high power operations like max reverse. I'm not sure if there is a cool down if you use idle reverse
  10. Yeah that's what I figure but what about the funny business on the ground?
  11. Yeah that's what I usually do on the ground. I am doing a flight right now so I will watch it again.
  12. Can someone explain a little with what might be happening with the fuel system. I started today's flight at KMSP with about 5000lbs in the tank. When the refueling truck came I gave him the amount of fuel I wanted which would have ended up being 10,700lbs total in the tanks (about 740-750 gallons at 6.909lbs/gal). After fueling was completed, and he came back saying the pump had stopped, I sent him away then I looked at the fuel quantity and it said 10,700ish lbs but then started to drop quickly until it settled and remained at about 10,200. I called him back to load up another 80 gallons or so and the quantity went up to 10,900lbs. Before takeoff the fuel quantity was showing 10,200lbs as I burned some to taxi and deice. On climbout now I realise the fuel quantity now shows 10,900lbs. This is the second time I have seen this occur especially at low temperatures (around -11 degrees C) My question, should I not trust the fuel quantity the plane tells me or is it the sneaky fuel man that's trying to rob me. I tried looking at the study menu to see if fuel was leaking out somewhere but couldnt immediately see anything.
  13. By selecting sensed you mean clearing out the calculated value on the perf page or are you talking about the "sensed/predicted" option I have seen somewhere else in the fms?
  14. Y'all got anymore of them invites? (please) Oh nvm
  15. I did one flight with the new update, I didn't have that issue. Maybe it's a one off thing?
  16. Hey, I'm just doing a flight using the latest version 1.2.2. In the Flight Compartment Checklist, when you get to HYD PANEL AND PUMPS. When you finish checking the pumps and pressure and you move HYD1B 3B and 2B switches back to AUTO, the HYD 1 and 2 LO PRESS caution comes up immediately, even though the system pressures for 1 and 2 remain at 3000. I could be mistaken but didn't the pressure have to drop below a certain value before the LO PRESS alerts are triggered instead of immediately after turning off the pumps before this update?
  17. Okay so in flight I just have to live with the inaccurate fuel predictions or can something be done about that?
  18. Hey guys, I would just like to know if I should be clearing out the fms calculated fuel on the per init page 1 from time to time during the cruise to force it to update. I noticed it will deviate from sensed fuel and giving me inaccurate fuel predictions.
  19. Ah thanks for the correction. I was thinking about the behavior of another aircraft type and forgot that not all SIDs/STARs with speed restrictions do not include MAX for the speed restrictions.
  20. To add to what everyone else is saying. Speed restrictions on charts are usually at or less. So if the descent page speed is lower than the restriction on the chart, it wont speed up.
  21. Well I did see the plane yaw a little a few times while I was parked so im thinking the gusts were so strong it moved the plane enough to affect the IRS alignment.
  22. Sorry to resurrect this but a 1 click button to have any one of the failures trigger randomly at a random time, speed or altitude would be great if it isn't too much trouble. It would make me pay even more attention when running all those first flight of the day items.
  23. Thank you! I will give that a try next time.
  24. Totally blown away by this addon, this coming from someone who prefers study level stuff, and who, just solely because of this addon made me for the first time since FS98, buy and use X-Plane! I never thought i'd see the day I would use Xplane. Anyway, I was parked on the ramp and KACK tonight, and during the preflight the IRS's wouldn't align. Every 2 minutes or so I kept getting the Excess IRS Motion message resetting the alignment time to 6.7 minutes. I figure it must be the wind as at the time according to ASXP it was 350 at 27 gusting 40. Having the parking brake and chocks in apparently didn't help Is there a way around this issue?
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