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Everything posted by Pils

  1. Correct. That’s why the default commands have the same result so you can change them.
  2. As that’s an 8.33 kHz channel you need to tune using 6-digits. https://www.caa.co.uk/General-aviation/Aircraft-ownership-and-maintenance/8-33-kHz-radios/
  3. You should bind the big red button that’s on the yoke, known as control wheel (contwheel) in the X-Plane command tree.
  4. By “engaged” you mean armed or on? Have you removed the nose gear door safety pin and have hydraulic pressure? Are you sure this isn’t from another addon or script? A log would help, as you suggested. Thanks.
  5. Pressing TO/GA (buttons on side of thrust levers) is applicable when ATS is not active on the ground. What you are actually doing is waking up the flight directors and giving them lateral and vertical modes (TO/TO). The arming of ATS to N1 TO (or FLX or MTO, if selected) is more of a convenience. So yes, on the ground, if you want to “reset ATS” deselecting the FDs and pressing TO/GA is a way to do it by virtue of resetting the automation entirely. Other times, say ATS is in FAIL, the way to “reset” it is to press the AT disconnect buttons (front side of thrust levers). Or if the ATS is off in flight, select a valid N1 thrust limit on the CDU and press the ATS button. On the topic of missing N1 limits, suggest this thread:
  6. Turning it back on (not arming on the ground!) in flight, assuming the ATS mode display is blank, is a case of selecting a valid thrust limit and pressing the ATS button.
  7. This is (now) the correct behaviour. From the V1.6 change log: 2884: Don't compute CLB, CRZ and MCT N1 targets when engine bleeds are off You need to follow the checklist and select a thrust rating that isn’t one of the above when it says “N1 TGT”, before the “APU / PACKS TRANSITION” is completed by the Virtual F/O.
  8. Sounds like it lost thrust rating. There’s many reasons why, such as running anti-ice when the TAT is too high. You have to manually select a new rating on the PERF page before it can be engaged again. I assume you mean AP button. Which one? On the yoke? A bind on your hardware? Please be specific. Screenshots help too. Thanks.
  9. Disable it in User Settings, binding your own keys to the default view/camera move commands should work, I forget what they’re called sorry.
  10. Pils

    xPilot for VATSIM

    I’m sorry you’re having trouble, unfortunately this forum has no association with xPilot the Vatsim client. You’ll need to look for support via their Discord. The link is available on their website: https://beta.xpilot-project.org/#/
  11. Unfortunately that’s just X-Plane’s Vulkan rendering engine crashing and unattributable to the plane. You could report it to Laminar Research but they’ll just tell you to use OpenGL. Only suggestion is to lighten the burden on your GPU by removing addon scenery, reducing graphics settings, etc.
  12. Should be in the Ground Services menu.
  13. On the side wall? That’s the gear bay door pin. The trick is don’t pressurise the hydraulics with the gear bay door switch in the up position. The pin is the only thing stopping the door closing on you and causing serious injury.
  14. No, it’s always “enabled” but each jamming station is somewhat randomly “active”.
  15. It’ll be looked into hopefully but for now you may have to create a new airframe.
  16. Try disabling ShadeX, known to cause issues with TBM and CL-650.
  17. Looks like you’re still in PLAN mode and it’s centred on a waypoint or airport from an earlier part of the flight plan? It doesn’t automatically follow the plane unless you manually centre it on the plane with the MFD ADV page on the CDU.
  18. Thanks. Try this: https://support.torquesim.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057635513-Steps-to-resolve-plugins-not-loading-Error-Code-126-
  19. Please post your X-Plane Log.txt demonstrating the crash.
  20. Change/confirm the visual effects slider under Graphics settings is in HDR (or higher).
  21. The installer includes Gizmo. If it’s not present in Resources/plugins then likely your anti-virus/malware is blocking its installation. If it is present then the same may be blocking X-Plane from running the plugin. Please provide your X-Plane Log.txt just to confirm it’s really missing. Thanks.
  22. The supplemental ground wing anti-ice system provides a limited amount of bleed air to the wing leading edge, when the aircraft is on the ground, to maintain an ice-free leading edge by maintaining a surface temperature between 70°F (21°C) and 88°F (31°C). The system is automatically activated when all of the following conditions are met: • The aircraft is on the ground • Both thrust levers are at, or near, the idle position • The thrust reversers are stowed • Both ANTI-ICE–COWL switches are selected ON • The SYS (OFF) switch on the SUPP GND WING ANTI-ICE panel is not pressed in
  23. Resources/plugins/afc_bridge/honeycomb_profiles
  24. If your anti-virus has removed Gizmo or the plane’s systems plugin you’ll have to reinstall the plane.
  25. Sounds like you’ve not activated via Gizmo. Go to the menus and open the X-Aviation Licensing window to sign in. Please provide your Log.txt from X-Plane.
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