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Everything posted by Pils

  1. Having all the air data flagged out of the PFD is not normal. Something is definitely wrong there. I would check again. What’s the state of the reversionary panel?
  2. Please provide a screenshot and a copy of Log.txt
  3. Interesting. Nothing in the Failure Manager? Also check your breaker panels. You’re looking for something ADC related.
  4. I haven’t seen anything like this before. You may be looking at a hardware or driver issue. Upgraded to latest GPU drivers?
  5. Something (anti-virus?) is blocking the X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CL650/plugins/systems/win_x64/systems.xpl plugin from being installed and/or run. This is required for the plane to operate. Please check your PC settings and re-install the aircraft.
  6. Please post your Log.txt
  7. Define “restart a flight”? If you mean reposition from active flight using the flight configuration window, then I believe this behaviour is undefined. I’ll pass this onto the developer, but in the meantime the supported method of “restarting” is to quit the simulator first. (This applies to Career Mode also.)
  8. If the plan holds it won’t be long, in the final stretch now, so probably just wait for the release.
  9. The suggestion had already been passed onto the developer. They have the final say.
  10. No insight available from the log really, unfortunately, as Windows failed to handle the crash gracefully, as it’s want to do. May be just X-Plane doing X-Plane things.
  11. You mentioned selected an arrival, but you didn’t mention selecting an ILS approach/runway, just want to be clear of the situation. Assuming yes, you need to make sure both Pilot and copilot side are in FMS navigation, and the nav source preset is set to VOR1 and 2 (or LOC1/2).
  12. CDU -> MFD DISP -> WINDOW to ON (VNAV is the default)
  13. Reported to developers, thanks.
  14. Not currently, as it’s basically considered useless by real world pilots, and even if it’s installed it’s never used more than once, and would be a non-insignificant amount of work to implement. Never say never.
  15. I don’t work for TorqueSim so I don’t know what their packaging strategy is, but maybe they considered some libraries to be standard on their target distribution (probably a specific version of Ubuntu). https://linux.die.net/man/1/ldd
  16. You’re missing a shared library so the systems plugin won’t start dlerror:/home/tim/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/TorqueSim SR20 Entegra/plugins/sr_systavi/lin_x64/sr_systavi.xpl: undefined symbol: ASN1_ANY_it
  17. Yes, still planned.
  18. OP wrote (in a misplaced user report): JudyS Submitted April 7 Apparently I did not provide enough information. i purchased a navigraph subscription and installed the data in X-Plane. when I start X-Plane and select start a new flight, I can select airports with detail from anywhere in the world because the navigraph data is there searchable and selectable. however when I select the torquesim Cirrus g1000 ( latest version from x aviation) and start the flight, the plane is sitting at the selected airport. However when the FPL is selected on the MFD, the airport data is different than the Navigraph data and does not have all the details it should have. The aircraft is not even geographically located at the right place based on the map on the MFD. clearly the data are not in Sync. would appreciate some help resolving this.
  19. Cam would be the authority, but yes, I believe so. Each computer is authorised as a whole.
  20. Forward of the thrust levers, centre left.
  21. Forgive the obvious question, but have you turned the nose wheel steering switch on? The nose wheel must be mostly straight before doing so.
  22. Can you provide a link to this previous report, please? Also, please provide the full Log.txt and specific examples of airports/runways. Thanks.
  23. Can you please use non-persistent mode to test the procedure? Just to eliminate an airframe issue. A video starting from before you got into FAIL would also help.
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