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Everything posted by Pils

  1. It’ll be looked into hopefully but for now you may have to create a new airframe.
  2. Try disabling ShadeX, known to cause issues with TBM and CL-650.
  3. Looks like you’re still in PLAN mode and it’s centred on a waypoint or airport from an earlier part of the flight plan? It doesn’t automatically follow the plane unless you manually centre it on the plane with the MFD ADV page on the CDU.
  4. Thanks. Try this: https://support.torquesim.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057635513-Steps-to-resolve-plugins-not-loading-Error-Code-126-
  5. Please post your X-Plane Log.txt demonstrating the crash.
  6. Change/confirm the visual effects slider under Graphics settings is in HDR (or higher).
  7. The installer includes Gizmo. If it’s not present in Resources/plugins then likely your anti-virus/malware is blocking its installation. If it is present then the same may be blocking X-Plane from running the plugin. Please provide your X-Plane Log.txt just to confirm it’s really missing. Thanks.
  8. The supplemental ground wing anti-ice system provides a limited amount of bleed air to the wing leading edge, when the aircraft is on the ground, to maintain an ice-free leading edge by maintaining a surface temperature between 70°F (21°C) and 88°F (31°C). The system is automatically activated when all of the following conditions are met: • The aircraft is on the ground • Both thrust levers are at, or near, the idle position • The thrust reversers are stowed • Both ANTI-ICE–COWL switches are selected ON • The SYS (OFF) switch on the SUPP GND WING ANTI-ICE panel is not pressed in
  9. Resources/plugins/afc_bridge/honeycomb_profiles
  10. If your anti-virus has removed Gizmo or the plane’s systems plugin you’ll have to reinstall the plane.
  11. Sounds like you’ve not activated via Gizmo. Go to the menus and open the X-Aviation Licensing window to sign in. Please provide your Log.txt from X-Plane.
  12. Odd. Please provide the Log.txt from X-Plane. Also, try something for me, please.. remove the FIN from your airframe and try generating/recalling again.
  13. And that 5-digit Pilot ID number is what you put in User Settings?
  14. May be a silly question, but are you generating the flight briefing with that airframe selected in SimBrief first?
  15. Define “not working”, please? Not having voice lines? Or text-to-speed?
  16. Can you post just the regular Log.txt from a crash, please?
  17. Pils


    I believe the whole flight plan, including previously passed waypoints, is 100 legs maximum. As I understand the “fix” is to either: (1) drop back to heading mode, do a direct-to using the DTO history to a waypoint behind you, and delete passed waypoints to make room for more legs at the end of the flight plan; or (2) use the secondary flight plan to construct a new, shorter route and then swap it into the active flight plan.
  18. Hmm. Doesn’t appear to be an attempt to access Autorouter in the log. Are you 100% sure it’s enabled in User Settings with your correct credentials? You’re using old nav data, right?
  19. Can you provide specifics please? What airport? Please also provide a screenshot and Log.txt, preferably.
  20. Yes others have reported similar. Depending on camera used (internal or external), position, etc.
  21. I think this is an X-Plane limitation of some sort. The developer doesn’t know why it happens exactly, nor how to prevent it, unfortunately.
  22. Sounds like maybe a corrupt apt.dat file somewhere in x-plane. Have you tried a fresh install of the sim itself? You can try deleting the airports.db directory from caches (if I recall correctly).
  23. Ok. I don’t think you can save a state before loading into the plane first, as there’s nothing to save yet when the airframe manager first shows. If you want to start with a “fresh” plane you need to create a new airframe.
  24. Yes.
  25. Can you provide the Log.txt from X-Plane, please. This screen state shows after you’ve loaded into an airframe and gone to the Airframe Manager? Airframes and their states are stored in the Output/CL650 directory in X-Plane’s location.
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