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Everything posted by Pils

  1. Use of ATS and A/P during G/A isn’t permitted in real world operation, but can be reengaged in the sim if desired. I don’t remember the exact sequence of the F/O’s automated G/A procedure, but at some point you’ll probably want to come out of T/O-rated thrust, which may be a good time to engage ATS and A/P.
  2. I think you’ll need to create a new airframe.
  3. Can you please give some specific examples with screenshots, preferably of the mfd map as it’s larger? I suspect this is a known bug but want to confirm. Thanks.
  4. As Cameron says above, the only update that’s potentially going to help is X-Plane 12, and that’s still theoretical. (Unless you’re talking specifically about the FBO van.)
  5. Download issues will need to be handled by X-Aviation support <support@x-aviation.com>
  6. These are from a bug in X-Plane that can’t be avoided, you can ignore them.
  7. They’re basically used for creating Place-Bearing-Distance waypoints in your flight plan. Or for getting the GPS coordinate of a location (press down one of the knobs if I remember correctly) to create a custom data base waypoint in the FMS.
  8. In the sim it’s primarily used as a staging location for the newest database to be activated as the primary, in-use database (“active data base”). Under the hood there’ll always be two databases available; one is the default nav data that comes with X-Plane (which changes when Laminar pushes new major versions of the simulator), the other is the content of your custom data directory, where third-party nav data is installed, e.g. from Navigraph. The CHK DATA BASE DATES message is showing (and the database date range text is in yellow) because your sim’s date is outside of the valid range for the nav data cycle that’s active. As you can see your sim is set to the 22nd of March (“DATE”).
  9. You can’t. Only active is updatable to cycle between the two.
  10. I’ll ask the developer but can you use commands instead? The raw datarefs are more for driving the animations.
  11. One log doesn’t really identify the cause, the other says it was SAM that crashed.
  12. It will, if you select “Track real-world date & time” from the Flight Configuration window.
  13. It matches the date and time from the sim, in the current year from the system clock, as obtained via the simulated GNSS receivers (I assume).
  14. Click on the Conditions header until you see Condition 1 & 2, then click Condition 1 or 2.
  15. This never worked for me, and shouldn’t have ever worked for you. The AP button on the FCP needs to be held for a fraction of a second and Xsaitekpanels is incapable of doing this. The lamps are a good indicator the active Autoflight computer has acknowledged the command.
  16. Please provide extracts from http://www.hoppie.nl/acars/system/log.html showing the messages sent and received.
  17. Try clearing FAIL with AT disconnect (as you would on the ground any time previously) before reengaging.
  18. You’ll need to change the condition to be >0.9 or similar. Due to a minor electrical simulation change the brightness of the lamps fluctuates.
  19. Correct. That’s why the default commands have the same result so you can change them.
  20. As that’s an 8.33 kHz channel you need to tune using 6-digits. https://www.caa.co.uk/General-aviation/Aircraft-ownership-and-maintenance/8-33-kHz-radios/
  21. You should bind the big red button that’s on the yoke, known as control wheel (contwheel) in the X-Plane command tree.
  22. By “engaged” you mean armed or on? Have you removed the nose gear door safety pin and have hydraulic pressure? Are you sure this isn’t from another addon or script? A log would help, as you suggested. Thanks.
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