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Goran_M last won the day on January 29

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About Goran_M

  • Birthday 03/16/1972

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  1. I'll be looking at making a paintkit in the very near future. Both for substance painter and photoshop.
  2. I don't really want to sound like a broken record, but it is getting worked on. We've been working on the 650 and the TBM, with Saso trying to get as much of the 650 updates done as possible for V1.8. Now that 1.8 is out, we can both dedicate more time to the TBM, and finally get that wrapped up as quickly as possible.
  3. Strange. I'll take a look. Edit: Found the problem. It'll be fixed for the update.
  4. All I can say on that is work is ongoing. No ETA at this time.
  5. The bulk of that time was spent on the CL650 update, as there was quite a bit to take care of. As there's only 2 of us, we have to prioritize the work according to various factors. Is there an ETA? Not one that we can safely stick to. We loosely planned to push out the last update for the CL650 within 2 years of release. That deadline passed 3 months ago. We're putting in the hours to get both the TBM and CL650 done as soon as we can, as we want to move on to the next project. All I ca n promise is we aren't going anywhere, and we're working to get everything done.
  6. @CJSouthernWe can appreciate the eagerness in getting the TBM into XP12 ASAP, but even if some kind of gofundme was started, it wouldn't make things progress any faster. We get these kinds of comments in our discord, as well. There are some elements of the TBM update, that are not in the XP11 version of the update, that are taking up the bulk of the time needed to get things done right. What I can tell you is that a lot of progress has been made. A big part of the update, libturbine, is still in the works.
  7. Sorry for the late reply. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to you too, sir. Not much has changed except for progress. It's one of those things where the non visible parts are progressing. We were also hoping it would be ready before Christmas, but unfortunately, it was not to be. libturbine is also progressing, but it's also taking time. Saso is a person who believes in doing a thorough and professional job, with as few bugs as possible. He really pushes himself to make sure we all get what is expected. We don't think it will be too much longer, because we want to wrap up the TBM, CL650 and start on the next project.
  8. Well, it's the right place to post when it comes to the Challenger. It would help us to help you if you outlined the steps you did to achieve this. Sometimes, a step or 2 can be missed, even when following an instructional video. There's a shutdown checklist. But as a last resort, have you tried creating a new airframe? Why? You can leave it installed, and then come back to it. There's no reason to uninstall. This is a hobby, Stefan. Try to treat it as such. Set aside a block of time where you can try to enjoy it. If help is needed, we're a few keystrokes away. There are many videos that go over many different areas of this add on. Particularly from Reflected Reality Simulations. Very highly recommended. The product page is very clear with regards to the complexity of this add on. It's not a difficult add on to get into, but it is complex and extremely detailed. If it's going to get you this frustrated or annoyed, I suggest you take a small break and come back. There are many people willing to help you overcome any obstacles.
  9. Possibly, something soon. Nothing concrete yet.
  10. Yet to be determined how substantial. But yes to at least some of those.
  11. We refuse to post specifics in public, because many times what we plan to do, never makes it to the final product. Then we have to deal with, "But they said they were going to do it! What happened?". And the reason can be 1 of many. If you really want to know what we're currently up to, I can give you that. Due to the changes made in XP12's engine model, Saso continues to work on "libturbine". He's also adding a few "extras". And me, I'm juggling 650, TBM and DC3 update work. The TBM is getting some polish on the 3D, textures and animations.
  12. I've saved this one, and once I have some time, and if no one else does it, I'll give it a go.
  13. No one's patience is being taken advantage of. We're doing the best we can, and working as fast as we can, so we can get started on the next project. But things need to be done properly.
  14. You have quite a few plugins that are cause for concern. Instead of removing them, I suggest you download a separate copy of X-Plane, with no scenery, then install the TBM in that and check for crashes. If there is no crash, it's then a safe bet that one or more of your plugins in your full install of X-Plane is causing the problem.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    This file contains 3 UDIMS for the 3 different sections of the CL650 FBO. Default materials are already applied, but those of you familiar with Substance Painter will have no problem navigating the file.
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