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Everything posted by Litjan

  1. Why don´t you try one on a moonless night flying over an overcast cloud cover with all airplane lights off as your next shot?
  2. and the sun rises in the west, you forgot that!
  3. Are other pitch modes working? Like V/S and FL CHG? Try increasing the "CWS deadband" in the PREFERENCES menu - it governs how quickly the autopilot will disconnect when it detects joystick input. If other modes are working, it could also be due to some prerequisite for VNAV missing. Most likely the PERF INIT page was not filled out (weights, crz alt, etc.). Cheers, Jan
  4. Hi JeanClaude, you are right, the MAC band is reversed - we need to fix that. However the Stab Trim Units are correct - so you can set 3.4 on both sides no problem (%MAC is just for reference). Thanks for pointing that out! Jan
  5. Yeah, I agree, landing light would be better. We will see what we can do ;-) Jan
  6. Hmm, I have to look at it again, I wasn´t aware of any side-to-side effect... the only thing I ever see is a higher frequency shake (in addition to the shake from the speedbrake, ground roll and flaps at high angles). Thanks for pointing it out, Jan
  7. Yeah, and it wouldn´t happen in EDDS if you turned the MCP ALT to 2000 or some other value but 1700. Probably wouldnt even happen if you spawn at a different spot in EDDS (different elevation). Just a freak coincidence... Jan
  8. I think you caught the unlucky situation where you are JUST on the edge of the warning envelope (700 feet). It should only happen in this very rare situation. Jan
  9. Hi Ian, I think there is some limitation regarding the light sources for this effect. Not sure, but maybe X-Plane only allows one light to illuminate the clouds (are you using default or some third party?) The turnoff lights are actually in the wingroots, so gear status should have no effect on them. Cheers, Jan
  10. Yeah, that is known - not sure how hard to fix it, though...have to check with Nils on that. Cheers, Jan
  11. jolmos, are you describing the headshake option? We try to emulate the turbulence and unstable air that is prevalent at lower altitudes... and as Pinky Ponk correctly said, if you don´t like that, you can turn it off (Deselect "Enable camera shaking". Cheers, Jan
  12. Sorry to hear this! Have you checked that your "failures" are set to NONE? The default is a certain amount of failures in X-Plane, this includes locking of flight-controls, iirc. Cheers, Jan
  13. Yes, you can also deliberately duck under the glideslope and crash the plane into some forest. That will also get you out of APP mode! Jan
  14. Well, don´t hope for them to come from us . As a matter of fact, don´t expect to ever get the same performance framerate-wise in XP11 that you had in XP10, but that should be obvious. Cheers, Jan
  15. Thanks - we will keep investigating, but of course I wouldn´t object if Laminar just fixed it on their side ;-) I do get some autothrottle problems (slow reaction, not setting correct power, hunting back and forth...). Do you see any of that? Cheers, Jan
  16. Agree with you, Tony - it is pretty usable for a public beta and I really like it, too! Cheers, Jan
  17. VNAV works ok for basic flights - it starts having issues when the vertical parameters are getting complicated, like many speed and/or altitude restrictions... We plan to overhaul and improve on that in the future. 1.1 will not have any fixes regarding VNAV, beyond curing whatever gizmo-soft-crashes were caused by it. Jan
  18. Not a promise, but I think we MAY get rid of the gizmo error on startup with one of the next XP11 betas...it is due to some dataref change that Laminar did. I also have some inconsistencies with the pop-out menus, I often can´t access the XP11 toolbar (on top edge), but haven´t found out what is causing it. There are some other minor items, but I think we will be able to conquer those soon after starting the port. Jan
  19. Hi Tony, I don´t think it´s an IXEG problem...many users report that sort of thing with all sorts of aircraft, I expect those problems to get ironed out in further XP11 betas... Cheers Jan
  20. The plan is to apply the new XP11 features wherever they are appropriate and warranted. It would surprise me if that would exclude the cockpit. Jan
  21. I just got something in my eye! Thanks for sharing! Jan
  22. Yes, our current asessment of the porting process is: Fairly quick (with a bit of Laminar´s assistance in getting some dataref´s straightened out) making it "work" in XP11. A little bit longer to really take advantage of XP11´s new shaders. We need to update the material´s properties, shaders, etc. Here is a quick view of how things CAN look in XP11 (varying levels of "shinyness"): Jan
  23. The VNAV SPD DES is in effect a FL CHG descent - the plane will simply descend with idle power and stay exactly at the specified speed. The difference to FL CHG is that it will level off to honour altitude restrictions (I think) , and it will also honour speed restrictions (like slowing to 240kts below 10.000 feet). So it is a bit more comfortable and less error-prone. I am not very familiar with the SPD descent, since I have never ever used it in the real aircraft. Cheers, Jan
  24. mmerelles is right - in addition there will be an INOP label on the logo lights when winglets are enabled in version 1.1. Jan
  25. No, this won´t make 1.1, sorry. Cheers, Jan
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