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Everything posted by CaptCrash

  1. The aileron pcu jam can be triggered when you move the flight controls and there is some hyd pressure in the system but no pumps on. The simple fix is a power cycle of the aircraft to reset the jam sensor.
  2. This is a known issue and is currently in the list for fixes. Thank you for the report.
  3. Please disable XPRealistic and see if you still have crashes
  4. Please follow the directions here and see if you have any change:
  5. @Bulat did you see my message? We have consulted with the experts and they provided videos and photos. The synthetic vision presentation is accurate. Once again, if you can provide photos or documentation showing the correct presentation and discuss how the runway is incorrect it will be fixed. But until then it will remain as is. Hot Start has original documentation from the manufacturer describing exactly how the runway is presented and the cl650 pilots validated the runway depiction with what is in the actual aircraft. This airplane was made with the very generous donation of several hundreds of hours of video and aircraft consultation by the pilots who fly the actual aircraft, including the additional time they spent during recurrent training in the simulator checking items and answering questions. Hot Start and the beta team worked very hard to make this airplane as accurate as possible, please don’t be insult the team. Constructive criticism is always welcome but insults are not. I hope we can continue this discussion without you feeling the need to insult the team. Thanks.
  6. Thanks for the feedback, we're going to look into it and evaluate the wording and if we think it can be more clear we will change it. if the text is changed it may not make it into the 1.3 release but should be in one of the next subsequent patches..
  7. Thank you for the feedback. We have both documentation and video from our real world CL650 pilots in the aircraft which clearly show no displaced threshold being drawn on the primary flight display synthetic vision runway. If you can provide any sort of Rockwell Collins documentation or images from a CL650 with synthetic vision displaying a displaced threshold we will investigate this issue.
  8. N2 below the yellow line may not be sufficient to maintain wing temperatures suitable for anti-icing. The correct procedure for this situation is to maintain N2 in the green and use speed brakes to maintain speed.
  9. Hi! This is actually totally correct. The synoptic display pressure is not the same pressure sensor as the HYD 1(2)(3) LO PRESS trigger. The CAS is triggered by pump output pressure. In the images below the following is occurring: 1) HYD 3A pump is on and system is pressurized (NO CAS) then 2) HYD 3A pump is turned off, and system is at 3000 PSI, but the CAS has been triggered. The CAS is warning you about an impending issue, you have pressure now but not for long please take action soon. Image 1 Image 2
  10. Thanks for the update. I've marked this as closed but please post any additional findings you have here
  11. Are you able to duplicate this issue?
  12. Great could you please make sure you followed all the directions in the post: you are still loading plugins and the crash isn't due to the CL650. 22:51:02.243 E/GFX/VK: Vulkan device lost error! that will cause the sim to crash. which is confirmed by --=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: [XPLM_PLUGIN_XPLANE]}==-- so please remove all the third party plugins and addon scenery per the instructions above then see if the issue remains. Thanks
  13. Good to hear! I'll mark this one closed. Thanks!
  14. If you reenable Traffic global can you consistently get the sim to crash?
  15. There appears to be a memory allocation issue with your simulator as noted by the last lines 3:07:20.481 E/GFX/VK: Memory heap 2 has overstepped its budget! 3:07:20.481 E/GFX/VK: Heap usage is 193069056, heap budget is 31326208 3:07:20.481 E/GFX/VK: Sitting at 186 deletions, the defragmenter is running! 3:07:20.726 E/GFX/VK: Notifying user that heap 2 has overstepped its budget 3:07:20.726 E/GFX/VK: Heap usage is 193069056, heap budget is 31326208 please follow the directions at: and advise if you still get a crash
  16. Sorry to hear you had a crash. This appears to be a generic memory address error with implications towards the nvidia opengl driver. Please follow the directions at: and report back the results. try to duplicate the flight you did when the crash occurred.
  17. Hi, part of the reason we ask for a complete log is because it takes a long time and for us to try and replicate every crash on our end without a backtrace. Our system configuration is not the same as yours so some other variable may be at play. That being said, I took the time to try and duplicate your issue and was able to. Please in the future follow directions as posted in the forum to help us get the full log. Addons routinely crash xplane and windows is notorious for poor crash handling, akin to trying to use a sieve to scoop water. That is why we ask you to follow the post. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
  18. Your log does not contain a backtrace making this a very difficult issue to try and resolve. Did you remove all plugins per my post above? I see addons loading that aren't native to xplane vanilla. Please follow the directions found here:
  19. Could you please try to duplicate the flight and take screen shots of the "Desempenho" tab? click on Memoria to show the graph like this: please take multiple images from different times in flight ie. when the plane loads, after takeoff, beginning of cruise, and every hour after that until it crashes.
  20. Hi we need more information, mainly the log.txt from xplane when this crash happened. Please see:
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