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Everything posted by Jakobb

  1. there are no blue dashed bars on the PFD rose singalling the auto tune, so in this case it simply wasn't tuned and therefore did not switch
  2. absolutely but I had thee feeling that this was dismissed on the basis of being a vatsimism, so I wanted to provide a reason that is is not just a vatsimism
  3. If I understand this correctly, eastbound flights do get their OCA clearance by Canadian ACCs. The fact that this was translated 1:1 to CPDLC services might be a Vatsimism but even if it were Gander or Shanwick directly, the nature of Hoppie obviously forbids just one logon for several controllers. So if more than one OCA controller or delivery is present, the fixed logon format won't work anymore. Manually editing the station would therefore make sense in any case. Maybe this can be reconsidered? 17.8.3 Canada: https://www.icao.int/WACAF/Documents/Meetings/2019/SAT24/SAT 24 WP 17e _APP E_NAT Doc 007 (EN) - Edition V.2019-2_eff.pdf
  4. I just had the error twice as well shortly after getting airborne. No N1 setting was selectable when AI was on. I beleive climb power was selected
  5. I was just made aware that this happened already previously + my CL650 log CL650_Log.txt
  6. Today I flew NFFN NFHN (NN Q550 NEMAL Q77 NFNH) and while inbound to LINPA I proceeded dct FNHSC for the RNP 35. I entered the direct ebfore crossing the 180th and when I did cross it, the plane lost LNAV, banked right, deleted FNHSC, lost course and also VNAV obviously. Reentering the dct by reentering the WPT solved it Log.txt
  7. I still have the icing issue. Wings used to be red but got to yellow on their own: temperature was between 5-11 degrees over the past 24h, 11 now. Rain yesterday evening
  8. This is odd because you should see all the RNP approaches (we are in ICAO land, no RNAV APPs here anymore ). I and surely many others have flown them already. But you are also missing other APPs like the LOC DME West for instance. I would suggest checking that you are using an up to date airac and maybe consider reinstalling it.
  9. I had the sitaution today at CYYR where my CL60 was parked for over 12h at roughly -11 degrees. One negine was cool, the other one had an ITT a bit higher than on these screenshots (I think it was 190ish) if I recall correctly. The plane was fully shut down over night, the last thing I did during shutdown was putting all the caps on and those were synced properly. Log.txtPs the log was created after 3 flights so it's quite big - sorry
  10. but then why is that not the case with a hardware binding?
  11. I don't think it is, I beleive toto once said that it would do that but I might be wrong
  12. I agree, especially because turning with the scroll wheel gets the boost. How’s that realistic?
  13. @Tom Stian affirm, I can do that but only on Sunday unfortunately. I don’t have access till then :/
  14. I have 1.2.2 as well and can’t hear anything. No call out at all, Lua has not stopped and it is not quarantined
  15. The new WPT should be before the disco, I don‘t see why this is an issue. If it were after the disco I would understand If you look at the PFD you can clearly see that MYGF is not the first or next WPT
  16. I did not see any relevant limitation in the FCOM but I would assume that it only works with Wpts not airports
  17. I am sorry but I am not quite certain how I should do that. I currently do not have access to my copy so I can‘t send you screenshots but as I said, the option is on the bottom right corner of the Direct page on the FMS, which if my memory serves me correctly, is right above the FMS IDX button. There you should have an inbound course that you can change
  18. Go DCT with intercept, the intercept course (inbound!) can be selected on the bottom right corner of the DCT FMS page.
  19. And maybe to add to this, if refuelling is complete you get another message whether you are happy but you don’t get the density again to calculate another l amount iirc. Would be really helpful to get it again
  20. While I do not know why it switches to LOC, the reason for climbing is that you are in pitch mode so it will maintain the last pitch. Maybe it's switching because it is detecting the same ILS frequency somewhere in the vicinity?
  21. that amkes a lot of sense, thank you. It thought that it was opt in only and would be entirely avoided if not selected
  22. I just noticed something odd, if Xpilot is looses Vatsim connection, the altitude changes drastically despite this not being ticked. This happens regardless of weather injecting addon (testes with XE, ASXP and NOAA) +- 800ft
  23. Because I pressed the disconnect by mistake and apparently was not able to activate them again
  24. I had to disocnnect YD1 and 2 and can't reconnect them. any ideas? I get a yellow YD on the PFD and MFD. ANd I can't engage the AP nor any mode on the MCP
  25. just had the same issue, thanks for reporting and providing the solution, saved my flight!
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