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Everything posted by AADX
in order to get up to the FOV amount you want or need, that high. you'll need a usb hasp key from Laiminar you can do it with one computer if you want. one computer, triple-head-to-go, or multi-video-out video card. set x-plane resolution to the full desktop size resolution so it fills across them. one for the whole view and including 3d cockpit being displayed wrap around. immersive but ill for any cockpit manipulation. ideally, two. one for lets say scenery view (may include 3d cockpit shown in wrap around) one that runs the simulation, basically the flight model and better clearer panel access/controls. on just a single screen, think instrument-panel-screen the two-computer-solution is how it's ideally done in the full size simulator setups i've worked with. Laminar has some functions rigged to require the Level-# hasp key. such as you cannot go above a certain FOV without it saying 'thats too far, we know what youre trying to do, and you need to get the key for that'. similar with the cylindrical projection checkbox option, etc. It may kick in with too many external network view machine assignments. Laminar would be the only one with more specific information about yes-this, no-that.
thanks for the ref Steve. +obtw/fwiw, all my current models are current.
standard pressure at sea level 131,325 pascals also probably remedied if you delete x-plane preferences x-plane/output/preferences/
the red dot is, "3d cockpit lighting" planemaker, viewpoint, int lights. you have a lamp entered there.
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http://en.wikipedia....ling_with_power Rotorcraft Flying Handbook http://www.faa.gov/l...a-h-8083-21.pdf The severity of VRS experienced in x-plane helicopters has a lot to do with the rotor airfoils. Pilot technique will always be the a factor in onset of VRS. I recommend the Rotorcraft Flying Handbook for the best information and description about it, and flying techniques.
Ask the ebay seller. they are the only one that can specify what they are selling, exactly. personally, I would recommend against buying software on ebay. just too much potential for scams. buy x-plane from x-plane.com or x-plane.org. at http://www.x-plane.com/pg_store.html ; it's only $29 I suspect you have the demo already, but in case ; http://www.x-plane.com/pg_downloads.html
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'skoobiey doobie doooooooo! "rwher re fryring towday raggie?"
9.67 is the currently listed final version. http://x-plane.com/pg_downloads.html 9.68 is Beta I suggest using the bug report form to cite the issue about the other-aircraft as an issue that is affecting 9.68 Beta http://dev.x-plane.com/support/bugreport.html
I look forward to seeing what you've done. I assume before even seeing it, it's just what the eye doctor ordered.
Live as one chooses. No ones way is more right than another. In the end, be able to look back and have enjoyed the path you took. At least accepting of it. To be proud of it, is pride. Eat Bacon, Drink Whiskey, (and/or/otherwise) Be true to whatever you believe.
a couple emails, one to each of the relevant people, would do more than leaping to assumptions either way.
~1984-1992, Apple IIe F15 Strike Eagle Sublogic Jet Chuck Yegar's Advanced Flight Trainer(AFT) ~1992, Mac IIsi, Mac LCIII Chuck Yeager's Air Combat ~1995, PowerComputing 120 Hornet 1.0-2.x A-10 Attack! X-Plane 2.5 through 3.5 ~1999-01, PM 8600 & G3 PB X-Plane 5.2 through 6.7 Hornet Korea ~2003, PM G4 MDD X-Plane 7.... ~2002, ironically, while doing irl PPL and IFR training, used old PB 1400c/133mhz with x-plane 2.75 to practice vor'nav, adf'ndb work, and cross country pilotage. flat poly and all.. it was a fantastic tool when used alongside irl training and much past 2003.. is already known. all x-plane, 7, 8, 9. only other flight games played are Ace Combat 4, 5, X, Zero. for PS2 & PSP. thinks if there's anything else in there i'm missing.. very very limited time in the waybck with msfs fs 1.x on an apple. space flying games like wing commander but those don't count as flight sim. ohohoh.. LOL Sky Odessey, for PS2 that was just fun, non combat, just fun flying game. able to practice some slow flight, rectangular course landing pattern, and ldg gear use. was fun.
That's exactly right Tom, and Paraffin, and exactly what i've said to be the reason I wanted out of the middle. To not be the fodder for the war. There are bandwagons on both sides, and people quick to leap onto their chosen bandwagon, and pack, or gang mentality, levy shots, at the perceived opposing side. Some might attempt to deny it happens, but right here, these last two at the very least call it out. I, merely wanted to be left out of being in the crossfire, the fodder of wars as each bandwagon camp tout their own, and act opposed to the rival clan. Xpilot/XA wants to face off with ORG, great, have fun. I want to stay neutral and independent off to the side.
pfactor & torque are *left* turning tendencies. takeoff is with a fully, smartly advanced throttle. as far as the issue. delete all x-plane preferences. set weather to CAVOK, maximum clear and windless (for testing). 150's go straight and tend left. X-Plane wind, any amount, will turn just about any plane like a wind vane.
*coughs* yes, I do encourage anyone going to 'kosh to stop by and see the ICON booth.
ty max. i've had an acct here since it opened. I don't post here for a couple particular reasons. this one just needed to be said. it's common convention that a named item is called what it's named. a piper malibu is a piper malibu, duh. in citing the name doesn't elude that piper has given any official endorsement nor my citing the name doesn't mean I am or representing piper. just calling a spade a spade. that's it. example being with cessna. my 182 *is* inside Cessna now, they have it on a machine, with xplane, attached to real G1000 unit for their analog-to-glass transition trainers. however, licensing agency representing Textron, said "pay up sucker" essentially for using Textron held brands Cessna and Bell. ~looks around ninja style~ um.. okay. no. tyvm.. I won't pay $7000/3years and I think it was 40% to license the names. So.. they became CX & BX models. and the brand licensing agency can take a flying leap, no pun intended. Else i'll just take them down all together, I don't really care. Cessna is a name that was previously 'exclusively' licensed by Microsoft, for any use in any simulator (commercially). They tend to gloss over any uses of brandnames on items that sell for $0 (item is $0 as long as you pay accolades and reverence to the benevolent freeware martyr), but if you make a penny from your spade painting, calling it a spade, they come and jump on for their cut. shure fine super and dandy. is their prerogative. Licensing is a huge deal in the auto brands, and auto-sims. Likely why Austin hasn't still ever moved on X-Auto. Interestingly enough, Austin/Laminar, at last I heard doesn't hold any licenses for any of the brands included with x-plane. Graphsim does, yet Laminar vends x-plane directly, above Graphsim. Anyway. EA Sports holds official license on Porsche and Lamborghini. (I think M$ still has a stranglehold on Ferrari) yet EA Sports driving games suck. the licensing makes no difference to the outcome. I have my quotes, from bell factory instructors, from agusta engineers, from cirrus, from cessna, from velocity, from career time in type other pilots across the board... I have it where it counts. leave the licensing to the lawyers and marketing types, it's all it is. Tom's translate.google.com , hype->english worked pretty well, I think it missed the last line tho. Expect that 787 to hit an org store page for no less than $49.95, of course, marked down from $89.95 and/or with a coupon.
"officially licensed" has nothing to do with quality, has nothing to do with the branded company, and proprietary information is still subject to confidentiality. Brand licensing is only between someone who wants to vend an item with the label "officially licensed" and is between a vendor and the brand-licensing-attorneys/agency. It doesn't make the item any better. It also does not yield privilege to content not already public, part of media kits, or simply factual published public data. NDA's applicable to proprietary information would then preclude it being released as a product using the same data values in the acf. so.. officially licensed is just a marketing maneuver. the cost of which, will be passed on, plus margin for using the word... while the term is leveraged to mean more than it is...