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Everything posted by Coop

  1. Oh, that sounds like this is just that you are running out of VRAM, with texture quality at Maximum and only 4GB of VRAM, that is quite easy to do. Turning that down should help.
  2. Can you try charging the battery? Perhaps that is dead - that can be found in the Islander menu openable from the X-Plane menu bar or the left sidebar. If that doesn't do it, please send your log.
  3. Gizmo doesn't seem to be able to activate the aircraft. Can you check to make sure that your X-Plane folder is not set to Read Only?
  4. Is it just the CTD at quit you are talking about? That we are working on. Regarding performance, your X-Plane settings are very high compared to your specs, I would recommend trying to turn them down.
  5. In order to debug what is going on, we will need you to send us a copy of the X-Plane log.txt file. You can find a guide to get this file here: How to find the X-Plane log.txt file?
  6. In order to debug what is going on, we will need you to send us a copy of the X-Plane log.txt file. You can find a guide to get this file here: How to find the X-Plane log.txt file?
  7. Yes, the X-Plane and/or RXP GPSs can drive the S-TEC for LPV approaches
  8. Can you send a screenshot of your graphics settings in X-Plane as well as your log.txt file
  9. With 4 threads, performance will suffer. Our minimum supported is quad-core, 8 threads. Your CPU should support hyper threading which should help with performance, but it appears has been turned off. The should help performance. On low-spec computers, you can also run on the engine page instead of the map page and less will happen in the background. Someone on our beta team was running on a 2xxx series i5 4 thread CPU and was able to work with that, though I expect their X-Plane settings weren't set so high.
  10. Yes, press and hold the baro softkey (bottom button on the right side) on the PFD for ~2 seconds and it will switch units
  11. Thanks for reporting! Fix is in the works.
  12. Regarding number 2, I have the bug filed and it will also be included in the next update
  13. Thanks for the report! Regarding 1 and 3, it seems that some settings don't get properly copied over with the RXP config files due to the many modes - we will be shipping better configs with the next update, in the mean time, make sure that GNS is set to: Link Sim GPS Waypoints Auto CDI source Link Course Link OBS Link VOR Use crossfire
  14. Thanks for that! I see the issue, it didn't like the blank line that was in the file between the waypoints. I've got a fix to allow for those in future updates, in the meantime, I removed the blank line from the file and it should load now. user_fix.dat
  15. Hi, It seems that it may be crashing when loading the user fix file. Can you send me this file: X-Plane 11/Custom Data/user_fix.dat
  16. Thanks for reporting! We've found this happens due to it thinking audio panel commands are missing when the GTN configs are loaded. We've got the fix ready and it will come with the first patch.
  17. You can assume better frames if you aren't taxing all of your CPU threads. The Entegra uses CPU, but it is very threaded from main. On my MacBook Pro, I get around a 20fps boost compared to the G1000 edition (~40 -> ~60fps). If you don't have the CPU room to spar, there is the potential for the FPS to be less. It is very CPU dependent.
  18. Thanks to Graeme from Reflected Reality Simulations for making this great preview video showcasing the unique GPS and autopilot operation with the Entegra! Highly recommend everyone checks this out.
  19. Yes! It pulls the latest displayed navdata from the X-Plane 11 navigation database, from Custom Data if installed, but reverts to default data if not.
  20. Of course, these are two different product lines, nothing is being replaced
  21. The new guide can be found here: Steps to resolve plugins not loading (Error Code = 126)
  22. Hi Rolf, Regarding #1, the switch is set up as two buttons using native X-Plane manipulators, forwards and back. I don't have experience with the Reverb, but I assume it would require careful clicking to the very front or very back of the switch. Regarding #2, not currently, but I believe Avitab has a floating VR window mode that can be used, so that is also an option.
  23. I've responded to your filed support ticket
  24. This bug is caused by a bug in the Windows audio system. There are a few quick steps to fix the issue, detailed here.
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